Unit 2 Good habits-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:c0ac5).zip

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6B Unit 2 Good habits Sound time & Grammar time & Writing time6Grade1.I know the sound of “or”.我知道字母组合“or”在单词中的读音。2.I can use the simple present tense well.我能熟练掌握一般现在时的知识。3.I can write a composition with the simple present tense.我能用“一般现在时”正确地写作文。Learning aims:Lets singmorningSound time morningforsporthorseshortfortymoreforknorthTry to readTry to read(体育运动)Four short horses,Running through the grass.Four short horses,Running very fast!Sound timeforhorse shortsportFour short horses,Running through the grass.Four short horses,Running very fast!Our sound time:/:/orcornpork/:/Know moredoctoractorvisitorwordworkworldDiscuss in four. Pick the apple words with /:/ .小组讨论合作:摘下“or”字母组合发/:/的单词苹果。fortymorningcorndoctorworldactorworkornorthpork合作探究一:能力检测一:语音能力题:A.在句中找出与所给单词含有相同音素的单词。The short boys father is a worker. He makes forty toy horses every day. His mother is a doctor.For B.判断下列每组单词读音是否相同。用T/F表示。( )1.or word morning fork( )2.more sport doctor forty( )3.horse short for cornshortfortyhorsesTFFTip:想一想”or”的发发音规规律,思考再答题题。 Listening to the teacher carefully in class is a good habit.(认真听讲是好习惯。)Lets reviewGood habitsLets reviewHe gets up early in the morning and never goes to bed late. He brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.At home, Wang Bing always puts his things in order. He usually finishes his homework before dinner.What habits does Wang Bing have?He often does his homework late at night and does not go to bed early.He keeps his room clean and tidy. He also helps his parents.He sometimes feels sleepy in the morning .Lets review10:0010:30He listens to his teachers at school. He also does well at home.Lets reviewDid you go to bed late last night, Liu Tao?Yes, but Im not sleepy. I can walk fast.You shouldnt go to bed late, Liu Tao.Wang Bing and Liu Tao are friends.Wang Bing knows Liu Tao well.Ouch!He gets up early in the morning and never goes to bed late. At home, Wang Bing always puts his things in order. He usually finishes his homework before dinner.He often does his homework late at night and does not go to bed early.He sometimes feels sleepy in the morning .频频率副词词:always usually often sometimes never合作探究二:Look for adverbs of frequency in the sentences. 和同伴找找句子中表示频率的副词。IWeTheyHealwaysusuallyoftensometimeshave my mealfinish our homeworkdo their homeworkfeels sleepyon time.before dinner.in the evening.in the morning.Shenevergoes to bedlate.She always goes to bed early. 人称代词频度副词 动词时间/地点IWeTheyHealwaysusuallyoftensometimeshave my mealfinish our homeworkdo their homeworkfeels sleepyon time.before dinner.in the evening.in the morning.Shenevergoes to bedlate.I walkfastin the street.Wedowellat home.TheyHegets upearlyin the morning.goes to schoolShegoes to bedlateat night.如果主语是第三人称单数,与之搭配的动词也要变成动词第三人称单数形式噢! 1. sits, reads, plays, works, makes, says2. passes ,foxes , watches, brushes, goes3. studystudies, carrycarries4. have has 直接加s以s, x, ch, sh,o结尾的单词,后加es不规则变化辅音字母y结尾的单词,去y再加ies说说动词改三单的规则1.study - 2. do-3. play- 4.have-5.catch- 6. need- studiesdoescatchesneedshasplaysLets change!将下列动词改为第三人称单数形式。能力检测二:定义义:表示经常性、习惯性发生的动作或存在的状态。在表示客观事实和普遍真理时,也要用一般现在时。关键词键词:always, usually, often, sometimes, never, on Sundays, every day动词动词 的变变化:一般现现在时时记忆小窍门: 一般现现在时时, 三“S”而后行! (“三”指第三人称单单数) 只有主语为第三人称单数时动词要变成动三形式(s/es/ies),其它人称后的动词均用原形。合作探究三:能力检测三:词汇词汇 运用:A.用所给单词给单词 的正确形式填空。1.Mike never (brush) his teeth before bedtime.2.Wang Bing sometimes (feel) sleepy in the morning.3.My sister often (help) her parents at home.4.He always (read) books when he was five .5.Liu Tao usually (go) to school early last week . B.按要求改写句子。He always finishes his homework early.(改为为同义义句)He finishes his homework .brushesfeelshelpsreadwentneverlateTip:学会圈出解题题的关键词键词 ,思考再答题题。 Thinking hard in class is a good habit. (认真思考是好习惯。) Life(生活习惯) Study(学习习惯) get up early,never go to bed late have breakfast every daykeep my bedrooms clean and tidykeep my desk clean and tidy wash my hands before eatingbrush myteeth twice a dayput my things in ordergo to school earlyhelp our classmatesfinish our homework on timelisten to our teachers carefully in classnever waste time 合作探究四: What good habits should we have? 作为一个好孩子,我们应该有哪些好习惯?My habitsLearn to integrate similar habits in your writing. (学会整合作文中的类类似习惯习惯 ) I always help my parentsI usually sweep the floor at school. and I also sweep the floor at school. I always help my parents.Tip:使用连接词,如:and, but, also,too,表达更流畅。 I eat a lot of ricea little (很少) fruit every day. butevery day. I eat I never waste time. I often finish my homework on time. And I never go to bed late at night. I do sports and drink a lot of water every day. I always wash my hands before eating. I have my meals on time, too. I always help my parents. I also sweep the floor at school.The first modification 初步修改: Lets thinkWhich one is better?Why? 哪一篇更好?为为什么? I never waste time. I often finish my homework on time. And I never go to bed late at night. I do sports and drink a lot of water every day. It makes me strong and healthy. I always wash my hands before eating. It is important to keep clean. I have my meals on time, too. I always help my parents. They work so hard every day. I also sweep the floor at school. I am a good student. I never waste time. I often finish my homework on time. And I never go to bed late at night. I do sports and drink a lot of water every day. I always wash my hands before eating. I have my meals on time, too. I always help my parents. I also sweep the floor at school.Because they work hard every day.It makes me strong. 使用不同句型,可以令文章表述更丰富。It makes It keeps It helps me I want toWrite a composition about your friends habits. 写一篇关于“你朋友习惯习惯 ”的作文。能力检测四:Introduce(介绍) your friend s habits. For example: My friends habits I have a friend. Her/His name is _在介绍别绍别 人习惯时习惯时 ,要注意第三人称单单数的形式.Homework:1.复习习今天所学的一般现现在时态时态 ,完成练习练习 。2.同桌互换换修改课课堂上写的作文,注意运用下列修改符号。关于习惯的名言:1. Habit is second nature. 习惯成自然。2. Habits form character,decided the fate of character. 习惯 形成性格,性格决定命运。3. Children education from good habits started. 孩子教育从好习惯 培养开始。 Unit2Unit2 GoodGood habitshabits 综合版块综合版块教学内容:教学内容:GrammerGrammer timetime & & SoundSound timetime & & WritingWriting timetime教学目标:教学目标:1.能够在句子中正确应用程度副词修饰动词。2.能够应用本课所学的句型“Do you .”/”Yes, I do./No, I dont.”进行问答。3.培养学生养成良好的学习习惯和生活习惯。4.能理解并体会字母组合 or 在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。教学重、难点:教学重、难点:1.能够在句子中正确应用程度副词修饰动词。2.能够应用本课所学的句型“Do you .”/”Yes, I do./No, I dont.”进行问答。3.能理解并体会字母组合 or 在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。教学准备:教学准备: 纸盒,单词字条、展板、调查表教学过程:教学过程:StepStep 1 1 FreeFree talktalkT:Hey ,I am your new teacher today, my name is Tracy.T:Hello,whats your name? S:.T:Do you get up early in the morning? S:.T:Thats a good/bad habit!T:I have some habits too,can you ask me?(出示动作图片)S:Do you have your meals in the morning?T:Yes, I do. I always . S:Do you read books?T:Yes, I do. I usually. S:Do you clean the room T:Yes, I do. I sometimes .T: I have some good habits but I have bad habits too. Look at my panda eyes, i always go to bed late at night, it is a bad habit, you should go to bed early.StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation1. Sound time:Challenge1: Reading.Rule: You can get my flowers by reading the words correctly and well.Lets enjoy a rhyme about my favourite animal horses.Lets read some words in the rhyme and think the pronunciation of “or”.Make a conclusion: or /:/Lets read the rhyme and words in four. ( Flowers)Challenge2: Picking apples.Rule: You can get my apples by knowing the different pronunciations of “or”.Find and discuss in 4. 摘下 or 字母组合发/:/的苹果。Apples: forty, morning, or, corn, pork, north,work, world, actor, doctor. Make a conclusion: “or” can not only be pronounced /:/, it can also be pronounced / and /:/.T: As good students ,we should have good habits,lets make a good habits proposal step by step.2. Step 1 is how to ask others. You know my habits,how about you? lets play a game. Who want to be my partner?FunFun timetime-(1) T: Pick one.(2)S: pick one.(3)pair workT: Now ,its yourturn,pick one picture from the envelope and practice in pairs!Magic box-T: good job,boys and girls, you can ask other about theirs habits.lets have a rest.3. Step 1 is how to make. First, Pick 4 different color papers from the box.Second,discuss in groups and make them into a sentence,then stick it to the long paper.Third, read in group and show us in your own way.评价:its interesting/funny.Here are some sentences for you, can you read them?Look, these words are subjects/adverb of frequency/verb/adverbial modifier. Do you understand?StepStep 3 3 ConsolidationConsolidation1. Step 3 do a survey T:Great,lets move to step 3 do a survey. First, lets make a survey form.Here is an example,fill one word int the blank and make it a good habit.S:early.T: Can you read itS:Go to bed early at night.T:here is another form, can you fill this line with your group memberLets check together. The first one is early,please read it.The first one is well,please read itThe first one is early,please read itThey are all good habits. Now ,lets do a survey.Do you go to school early in the morning?(随机问一名学生)S: Yes, i do.(将该学生姓名填入表格)Do a survey in your groups with this form.提示句型: Do you . ? Yes, i do./no, i dont.T: Ok , times up, i am going to be the first one.(教师示范).Its time for you, who want to tell us about your group members S:.2. Step 4 make a good habits proposalT: Lets make a good habits proposal according to your group survey.Here is my good habit proposal.work in group to finish your good habits proposal. Here are some tips for you.评价:If everyone in your group say one sentence ,you will get 3 stars.If all the members in your group say together, you will 2 get stars.If only group leader say, you will get 1 star. StepStep 4 4 HomeworkHomework1.Think of some more good habits and share with your classmates.2.Put up your good habit proposal in the classroom or at home.教学反思:教学反思:本节课是一节知识巩固课,同时要对学生之前所学的内容进行自我检测。为了能上好自己的复习课,提高学生运用英语的能力与技巧,我有以下几点看法:一、在教学过程中教师要摆正自己的位置,明确学生才是学习的主角,教师应放手让学生主动回忆、巩固所学过的知识。整个过程中教师只需起到引导和检查的作用,教师提出一个知识点后让学生快速地去回忆,这样一来教师就会感到很轻松,学生的积极性也就调动起来了,要在课堂教学中真正做到让学引思。二、教师要明确综合课的主要目标是:引导学生对所学知识进行查缺补漏,疏理归类,便于学生记忆和融会贯通,提高掌握和综合语言运用的能力。针对六年级学生所具有的强烈的竞争和进取意识的年龄特点,教师要在英语课堂上适当创设情境,有意识地增添一些趣味性和竞争性的活动,激活英语课堂,增强学生的自信心。三、在自我评价过程中,如何使学生建立学习英语的自信心是极其重要的。自信心就像人的能力催化剂,将人的一切潜能都调动起来,将各部分的功能推动到最佳状态。因此在评价过程中,教师要注意帮助学生端正评价态度,启发和鼓励学生树立自信心,排除不良思想和自卑感,并努力为他们创设一个拥有最佳心理状态的环境,学生心情愉快,愿意上英语课,就容易记住所学知识。本节课,在阅读教学过程中结合了任务教学法进行教学,学生在完成任务的过程中实现了对知识的构架,同时也培养了学生的自主学习能力。进行任务教学首先要为学生创设真实语言情境,要培养学生在真实生活中运用语言的能力,就应让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的生活任务,因此教师设计任务时要提供给学生明确、真实的语言信息,使学生在一种自然真实或模拟真实的情景中体会和学习语言,这样就可以使学生直接感受语言的交际用途,把语言的学习和运用自然而有机地结合起来。其次,结合本课的教学内容,培养学生在对话中的交际能力应是本课的教学重点,语言的交际功能是在一定的情境中体现出来的,教师设计活动,完成任务时,应尽力创设真实的语境,注意设计具有信息差的活动内容,让学生在具体的语境中体会语言的交际过程。同时又因为六年级的学生喜欢新鲜事物,乐于接受挑战,如果教学过程中教师所设计的任务只是浅层次的交际活动,缺乏一定的创造性,则会影响学生自主学习能力的培养,甚至还会使学生丧失学习的动力。因此,任务的设计应由浅人深,由表及里,注重培养学生的思维能力和创造能力。任务型教学能给英语课堂教学带来活力,强化学生的语言运用能力,注重发展学生的学习策略,促进学生创新精神和实践能力的提高。本节课还有很多不足的地方,需要在以后的教学过程中不断学习、磨练!
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