Unit 2 Good habits-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:3033b).zip

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He usually gets up early in the morning.He often does his homework late at night.She always does well at home.He never looks after his things carefully.earlylatewellcarefullygets updoes his homework doeslooks after his thingsusuallyoftenalwaysnever(倡议书)Step4:Makeagoodhabitproposal according to your survey formStep 3:DoasurveyStep 2:How to makeStep1 :How to askFun timePick and sayPickone!OK.Doyougotobedearly?Yes,Ido.Thankyou!Thatsagoodhabit.PairworkTip:Pickonepicturefromtheenvelopeandpracticeinpairs.(请从信封里挑出一张图片,同桌练习。)Playagame从盒子中请选出四张不同颜色的纸条。小组内讨论,将纸条上的内容拼成一句话先在小组内读一读,再以自己小组的方式展示。人称代词频度副词动词时间/地点IWeTheyHealwaysusuallyoftensometimeshavemymealfinishourhomeworkdotheirhomeworkfeelssleepyontime.beforedinner.intheevening.inthemorning.ReviewHenevergoestobedlate.NameActivitiesHowWhen/WheregotoschoolinthemorningdoathomegotobedatnightNameActivitiesHowWhen/WheregotobedatnightGrammar timeearlyearlywellearly请在表格里填入单词让这个句子变成一个好习惯!Lets make a survey formDoasurveyWorkingroups.What good habits do your group members and you have?NameActivitiesHowWhen/WheregotoschoolearlyinthemorningdowellathomegotobedearlyatnightNameActivitiesHowWhen/WheregotobedearlyatnightTip: 如果是第三人称,不要忘记动词的变化哦!1.listensto2.Hekeepshisroom3.Hehelps4.Heoftendoes.5.Hesometimesfeels.1.getsup2.Hebrusheshisteeth3.healwaysputs.4.Hefinishes.Tasks:1、一组选择一个人物来描述。2、可以依次说,每1-2人一句;或者可以齐说。3、可借助板书句型,注意语音语调,做到语言精准。WangBingandLiuTaoaregoodboys.3个好习惯,2个坏习惯!大家帮我想想怎么改进吧!Letsopentheenvelope!一起打开信封吧!ShowtimeShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabitsTask:1、打开信封,组内讨论好习惯!(可以借鉴板书)2、写下并组内分享好习惯!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabits early!Tip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabitsKeep your roomTip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabitsearly in the morning!Getup!Getup!Tip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabits 请遵守学校秩序:Tip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabitsat home!Tip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabitsat night!Tip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeOurvideoisready!我们的视频制作成功!Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。Lets make !What good habits should we have?同学们,让我们一起来做一张好习惯倡议书吧!Dear classmates: Good habits are very important in our life. But Problem问题 We should Advice建议Slogan口号 Good habits make us better! Sign:_ Class2,Grade6Good habit proposalTips:1.选择合适的频度副词。2.把信封里的图片装饰在倡议书上。3.还可以把小组获得的贴画装饰在倡议书上哟!如果你觉得always做某件事很困难,可以选择usually/often/sometimesIneverstayuplate.Ialwayskeeproomclean.Ioftensavemoney(省钱)onTaobao.Dear classmates: Good habits are very important in our life. But Problem问题 We should Advice建议Slogan口号 Good habits make us better! Sign:_ Class2,Grade61.Think of some more good habits and share with your classmates.2.Put up your good habit proposal in the classroom or at home.He usually gets up early in the morning.He often does his homework late at night.She always does well at home.He never looks after his things carefully.earlylatewellcarefullygets updoes his homework doeslooks after his thingsusuallyoftenalwaysneverHe usually gets up early in the morning.He often does his homework late at night.She always does well at home.He never looks after his things carefully.earlylatewellcarefullygets updoes his homework doeslooks after his thingsusuallyoftenalwaysneverLetsopentheenvelope!一起打开信封吧!ShowtimeShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabitsTask:1、打开信封,组内讨论好习惯!(可以借鉴板书)2、写下并组内分享好习惯!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabits early!homeworkTip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabitsKeep your roomcleanandkidyTip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabitsearly in the morning!Getup!Getup!GetupTip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabits 请遵守学校秩序:late!Tip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabitsat home!parentsTip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeMakeavideoofgoodhabitsat night!GotobedearlyTip:择优录取好作品放入我们的视频中!ShowtimeOurvideoisready!我们的视频制作成功!Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。(倡议书)Step4:Makeagoodhabitproposal according to your survey formStep 3:DoasurveyStep 2:How to makeStep 1:How to askFun timePick and sayPickone!OK.Doyougotobedearly?Yes,Ido.Thankyou!Thatsagoodhabit.PairworkTip:Pickonepicturefromtheenvelopeandpracticeinpairs.(请从信封里挑出一张图片,同桌练习。)Playagame从盒子中请选出四张不同颜色的纸条。小组内讨论,将纸条上的内容拼成一句话先在小组内读一读,再以自己小组的方式展示。人称代词频度副词动词时间/地点IWeTheyHealwaysusuallyoftensometimeshavemymealfinishourhomeworkdotheirhomeworkfeelssleepyontime.beforedinner.intheevening.inthemorning.ReviewHenevergoestobedlate.NameActivitiesHowWhen/WheregotoschoolinthemorningdoathomegotobedatnightNameActivitiesHowWhen/WheregotobedatnightGrammar timeearlyearlywellearly请在表格里填入单词让这个句子变成一个好习惯!Lets make a survey formDoasurveyWorkingroups.What good habits do your group members and you have?NameActivitiesHowWhen/WheregotoschoolearlyinthemorningdowellathomegotobedearlyatnightNameActivitiesHowWhen/WheregotobedearlyatnightTip: 如果是第三人称,不要忘记动词的变化哦!Lets make !What good habits should we have?同学们,让我们一起来做一张好习惯倡议书吧!Dear classmates: Good habits are very important in our life. But we Problem问题 We should Advice建议Slogan口号 Good habits make us better! Sign:_ Class2,Grade6Good habit proposalTips:1.选择合适的频度副词。2.把信封里的图片装饰在倡议书上。如果你觉得always做某件事很困难,可以选择usually/often/sometimesIneverstayuplate.Ialwayskeeproomclean.Ioftensavemoney(省钱)onTaobao.Dear classmates: Good habits are very important in our life. But we Problem问题 We should Advice建议Slogan口号 Good habits make us better! Sign:_ Class2,Grade61.Think of some more good habits and share with your classmates.2.Put up your good habit proposal in the classroom or at home.英语(六年级下册)英语(六年级下册)Unit 2 Good habitsTeaching contents 教学内容教学内容WritingTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1.可以根据提示复述课文内容。2.能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。3. 能够在句子中正确应用程度副词修饰动词。4. 能分清好坏习惯,并知道以好的习惯来要求自己,让自己拥有更多好的习惯。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点1. 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。2. 能够在句子中正确应用程度副词修饰动词。3. 能分清好坏习惯,并知道以好的习惯来要求自己,让自己拥有更多好的习惯。Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Free talkT: I get up early in the morning. What about you?S: T: But I go to bed late at night. How about you?S: T: I usually keep my office clean and tidy. Do you usually keep your study clean and tidy?S: 【设计意图:通过师生对话,活跃课堂气氛。 】Step 2 Review 1.T: Do you remember Wang Bing ,Liu Tao,Tina and Bobby? What habits do they have?Lets review first. (PPT 呈现)呈现句型,教授副词。观看泰微课视频副词的两大家族2.Make a video of good habitsT: You say a lot of things about good habits. Now lets make a video to let all of us have more good habits.First, lets open your envelope.Then, write the good habits on the card. At last, share your cards in class.Enjoy the video.【设计意图:通过观看泰微课视频,突破本课的重难点,让学生能正确运用方式副词和频度副词。 】Step 3 PresentationT: As a good students ,we should have good habits,lets make a good habits proposal step by step.Step 1:How to askStep 2:How to makeStep 3:Do a surveyStep 4:Make a good habit proposal according to your survey form 1. Play a game!T: First, pick four pieces of paper of different colours. Second, discuss in groups and make them into a sentence, and then stick it to the long paper. Third, read in groups and show us in your own way. (教师对学生的句子给出评价 Its interesting )T: Here are some sentences. Can you read them? (呈现 Grammar time 第 2 部分,并归纳总结) 2.Do a survey T: Great, lets do a survey. First, lets make a survey form. Here is an example. Put one word into the blank and make it a good habit.S: early.T: Can you read it?T: Go to bed early at night.T: Here is another form. Can you fill this line with your group members?Lets check together. The first one is early. Please read it.The second one is well. Please read it. The third one is early. Please read it.T: They are all good habits. Now, lets do a survey. Do you go to school early in the morning? (随机问一名学生)S: Yes, I do. T: (将该学生姓名填入表格) Do a survey in your groups with this form.(提示句型:Do you ? Yes, I do./No, I dont.)T: OK, times up. Im going to be the first one. (教师示范)Now who wants to tell us about your group members? 【设计意图:通过游戏和调查活动活用 Grammar time 中的语言点,既可以增加语法学习的趣味性也可以培养学生的语用能力。 】Step 4 ConsolidationT: Lets make a good habit proposal according to your group survey. Here is my good habit proposal. Work in groups to finish your good habit proposal. Here are some tips for you.Step 5 Homework1.Think of some more good habits and share with your classmates.2.Read your good habit proposal in the classroom or at home.
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