Unit 2 Good habits-Sound time, Song time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:f1016).zip

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译林英语六年级下册Unit 2 Good habits(Sound time & Cartoon time) Rita; my friendsAn invitationMy friends: I hope you can come to my house! You can also bring some other friends here. TinaDo you want to join me?We should take some presents.You must think hard to get presents for Tina.Lets go!You can get some beautiful flowers by reading the words correctly and well.正确地Challenge 1: Reading.Lets learn or /:/ Lets readTip: Read in four. 四人齐读。You can get some niceapples by knowing the different pronunciations of “or”. 不同的发音Challenge 2: Picking apples.Tip: Find and discuss in four. 摘下or字母组合发/:/的苹果。fortymorningcorndoctorworldactorworkornorthporkdoctorworldactorworkLets think/:/We can take nice apples and flowers to Tinas house.ornorthcornfortyporkmorningTinas houseMiss Rabbit and Mr. Duck come to Tinas house, too. They go into the house.How many rooms do they talk about? What are they?Listen and answerThree.They are a living room, Tinas bedroom and Bobbys bedroom.Tips: 1. Read in pairs. 两人齐读。 2. Underline the information. 标记所需信息。RoomA living roomTinas bedroomBobbys bedroombig and cleansmall but nicemessy and dirtyGo into the house.How is it?Watch and order( )Tinas bedroom is small,but its nice.( )Tina shows her friends around her house.( )Bobby is under the bed.( )There are a lot of books and toys in Bobbys bedroom.( )The living room is big and clean.Watch and order( )Tinas bedroom is small,but its nice.( )Tina shows her friends around her house.( )Bobby is under the bed.( )There are a lot of books and toys in Bobbys bedroom.( )The living room is big and clean.12345Tip: Imitate the pronunciation and intonation.模仿语音语调。Listen and repeatLets readTip: Choose one to read in four. 选择一种四人练习。1.Read it together.2.Each studentreads a sentence.3. Read in roles.自己分配角色。Bobby has bad habits. He often makes his bedroom messy and dirty.Tip: Give some suggestions to Bobby. 提建议。Help Bobby.Bobby, you should .Today we took some _ and _to Tinas _. Firstly, we _ _ the living room. Its _and _. Then we went into_ bedroom. Its _ but _. At last we went into _ _. Its _ and _. There were a lot of _ and _ on the floor. Tina was very _ because Bobby had _ habits. She told Bobby that he should _ everything _ _. I thought he should _ , _, and _.Write a diary.house wentintocleanbigsmallniceBobbys bedroommessydirtybookstoysangrybadputinorderTip: Write three suggestions to Bobby.Thursday, Dec.11th flowersapplesTinas Homework2. Tell the story to your parents.1.Read sound time and the story three times.Thank you!Thank you!5A Unit 8 At Christmas 第一课时 教学设计1、教学目标:1.知识目标。(1)能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:buy,next,put,look,early。(2)能听懂、会说、会读单词和短语:Christmas,present,Christmas tree,Father Christmas,pretty,thing,Christmas Eve,stocking,wait for,finally,turkey,pudding,have a good time。(3)能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型“What do you do at Christmas?”及其应答“First/Next/Then/Finally.” 。(4)整体感知语篇,能正确理解和朗读课文。2.能力目标。能在现实生活中比较自如地运用本单元的句型和日常交际用语。3.情感目标。(1)让学生通过对课文的学习,了解西方的节日文化。(2)培养学生关心他人、尊重他人的思想意识。二、教学重点: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:buy,next,put,look,early。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型“What do you do at Christmas?”及其应答“First/Next/Then/Finally.” 。三、教学难点:能在现实生活中比较自如地运用本单元的句型和日常交际用语。4、教学方法: 自主探究法,小组合作法,情境导入法,任务型教学法。5、教学过程: Step1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Enjoy a song about Christmas.T:Do you like this song? Ss:Yes. T:Whats the song about? Ss:Christmas!揭示课题 Today well learn U8 At ChristmasStep 2 Presentation and Practice.1.Having a talk about Christmas.T:What do you know about Christmas?(PPT 展示 date/food/activity 等引导学生回答,并展示圣诞老人,圣诞树图片,对学生进行知识的预设并读一读单词:Father Christmas,Christmas tree,pretty things,present)T:What else do you know about Christmas? Heres a quiz before learning. Please read these sentences loudly,and then learn Story time with these questions.2.First,lets read quietly and find the answers.(1)Are people busy at Christmas?(2)What do they do at Christmas?(生默读课文,然后划出这两个问题的答案)3.Well done! Next,lets watch and order.(观看课文动画,把 Story time 的四幅图片进行排序。)4.Good jobs,boys and girls.Then ,lets listen and match.(听课文录音,把图片与对应的句子配对。)5.Great. Finally, lets listen and imitate.(注意模仿语音语调。)Step 3 Consolidation1.Retell the dialogue(根据图片呈现,运用 First/Next/Then/Finally复述课文。小组先交流讨论,后展现。)2.Answer the quiz(回答之前呈现的检测。)Step 4 Homework1. Act out the whole play in your group after class.2. Listen, read and recite the text.3.Try to know more about Christmas from books, friends or Internet. 六、板书设计: Unit8 At Christmas buy put.on buy put.underFirstNext see wake up early put.on open. wait for. have a big lunch eat a Christmas pudding 七、教学反思: 本节课主要学习关于 Christmas 的知识,学生学习兴趣很浓。课程开始以一首歌曲导入,学生很感兴趣,也能很快地进入课堂。再通过问题“What do you know about Christmas?” ,给学生进行知识的预设,引导学生逐渐进入课堂。再布置一定的任务(a quiz before learning) ,让学生带着任务来学习课文,学生有了目标以后能更专注地学习课文。教学过程中,问题的设置能更好的锻炼学生的自主学习能力。但由于内容较多,学生掌握的并不是很好,朗读部分已很少,故而单词 present,pretty,Christmas,turkey 等发音不够准确。对于 First/Next/Then/Finally 的使用还不熟练,需要在以后的教学中反复操练巩固。Christmas ThenFinally
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