Unit 4 Road safety-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:103e6).zip

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You must look at the traffic lights.You can wait on the pavement.You can run or play on the road.You cant run or play on the road.You mustnt look for a zebra crossing.You must look for a zebra crossing.Green man means you can cross the road.You must first look right, then look left and then right again.You must first look left, then look right and then left again. 1-2组读,3-4组判断。 如果是正确的,请拍拍手说“Yeah,yeah, yeah ”, 如果是错误的,请摇摇手说“No, no,no ” .Red man, stopGreen man, goYellow man , slow.Cross the road, Stop, look, go!Follow the rules,Happy every day!WhatWhat dodo youyou learnlearn ? ?Is he a good driver?Is he a good driver?Why is he a good driver?Follow the rules.Give way to animals. 注意模仿语音、语调哦!Dub in roles 小组合作,选择其中一幅图,分角色配音。1324LookLook andand judgejudge Are they good drivers?15263748ThinkThink andand saysayWhat do you want to say to a driver?12LookLook andand findfind2LookLook andand saysay People drive _ of the road . on the right side People walk on the right side of the road. 1LookLook andand saysay People drive _ of the road. on the left side ListenListen andand saysayIn the UK, people drive on the left side of the road.In China, except Hong Kong and Macau ,people drive on the right side of the road. 左行制起源于英国。在中古时期的英国,骑士们决斗时因右手持武器,所以马匹必须靠左走,才能准确地刺杀对手。当骏马换成汽车时,现代英国仍然沿袭右驾左行的传统,并将这种做法带到了英国的殖民地。ListenListen andand saysayIn the UK, people drive on the left side of the road.In China, except Hong Kong and Macau ,people drive on the right side of the road. 香港与澳门分别于1997年和1999年回归中国。在此之前香港是英国的殖民地,澳门是葡萄牙的殖民地,而这两个国家都实行的是左行制。Does the driver sit on the left or right? 右驾左行 左驾右行 世界上大部分的国家实行的是右行制,而实行左行制的国家以英联邦国家居多,如:Australia , New Zealand等。Follow the rules, happy every day!2.Design some rules for the library, school,hospital and so on. (设计不同地点的规则)1.Surf the Internet and know more countries.(上网了解更多左行制和右行制的国家)Unit 4 Road safety (Period 3)Culture time &cartoon time 教学目标:1. 知晓英国和中国汽车行驶的方向不同,并有兴趣了解更多国家交通规则的异同点;2.通过 Cartoon time 的学习,增强分析和提炼信息的能力,并能进行准确的朗读和较为生动的表演;3. 进一步提升公民素养,知晓交通规则和礼让行人的重要性。教学重点:1. 通过 Cartoon time 的学习,提升学生的自主学习能力;2.了解中西方国家交通规则的异同点。教学难点:通过 Cartoon time 的学习,增强分析和提炼信息的能力,并能进行准确的朗读和较为生动的表演教具学具:PPT教学过程:Step 1 Free talk 1. T: Today, well go on learning Unit 4 Road safety .First, lets read and judge. 1-2 组读,3-4 组判断。如果是正确的,请拍拍手说“Yeah,yeah, yeah ”,如果是错误的,请摇摇手说“No, no,no ” .2. Say a chant.T: You know some traffic rules, lets say a chant. The students practice by themselves. The students say together with music.T: What do you learn?Step 2 Cartoon time 1. We learn some traffic rules. We follow some traffic rules, so we are happy every day. Our friends Bobby and Tina are happy , too. Look. where are they? Who is on the bus ,too? Who is the driver? 2. Watch and answerIs he a good driver?Check the answer.3. Read and answer Why is he a good driver?Check the answerT: How many times does the bus stop?Summary: The first time The second time From here, we know we must follow the rules and give the way to the animal.4. Listen and readIts our reading time. Please listen and read. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.5. Dob in rolesChoose one picture and dob in your group.6. Try to say:He is a good driver, is your father or mother a good driver?7. Look and judgeAre they good drivers? 8. Look and sayPlease enjoy some pictures and talk with your partner.9. Think and sayT: So when he/she is driving ,to keep safe, what do you want to say to a driver?Check the answerStep 3 Culture time 1. T: So much for this. Lets play a game, look and find the difference. Check the answerT: Follow the rules, which picture is right?P2. People walk on the right side of the road. People drive on the right side of the road.T: Look at P1, In P1 people walk on the left side of the road.people drive on the left side of the road.2. Listen and repeat:介绍“左行制”介绍香港和澳门为什么也是“左行制”3. Think and sayT: In China , people drive on the right side of the road, does the drive sit on the left or right? 介绍 右驾左行和左驾右行 世界上实行“左行制”的国家Summary: Follow the rules, happy every day!Homework:1. 1.Surf the Internet and know more countries.(上网了解更多左行制和右行制的国家)2. 2.Design some rules for the library, school,hospital and so on. (设计不同地点的规则)板书设计: Unit 4 Road safety the first time: the red light the second time: some elephants areYou must look at the traffic lights.You can wait on the pavement.You can run or play on the road.You cant run or play on the road.You mustnt look for a zebra crossing.You must look for a zebra crossing.Green man means you can cross the road.You must first look right, then look left and then right again.You must first look left, then look right and then left again.1-2组读,3-4组判断。如果是正确的,请拍拍手说“Yeah,yeah, yeah ”,如果是错误的,请摇摇 手说“No, no,no ” .Red man, stopGreen man, goYellow man , slow.Cross the road, Stop, look, go!Follow the rules,Happy every day!What do you learn ?Is he a good driver?Is he a good driver?Requirements:1. Read Page 42-43 loudly. (大声读读42-43页页内容。)2. Underline the key sentences. (划出关键键句。)Why is he a good driver?Follow the rules.Give way to animals.注意模仿语音、语调哦!Dub in roles 小组合作,选择其中一幅图,分角色配音。1324Look and judge Are they good drivers?15263748Think and sayWhat do you want to say to a driver?12Look and find2Look and say People drive _ of the road . on the right side People walk on the right side of the road. 1Look and say People drive _ of the road. on the left side Listen and sayIn the UK, people drive on the left side of the road.In China, except Hong Kong and Macau ,people drive on the right side of the road. 左行制起源于英国。在中古时期的英国,骑士们决斗时因右手持武器,所以马匹必须靠左走,才能准确地刺杀对手。当骏马换 成汽车时,现代英国仍然沿袭右驾左行的传统,并将这种做法带到了英国的殖民地。Listen and sayIn the UK, people drive on the left side of the road.In China, except Hong Kong and Macau ,people drive on the right side of the road. 香港与澳门分别于1997年和1999年回归中国。在此之前香港是英国的殖民地,澳门是葡萄牙的殖民地,而这两个国家都实行的是左行制。Does the driver sit on the left or right? 右驾左行 左驾右行 世界上大部分的国家实行的是右行制,而实行左行制的国家以英联邦国家居多,如:Australia , New Zealand等。Follow the rules, happy every day!2.Design some rules for the library, school,hospital and so on. (设计不同地点的规则)1.Surf the Internet and know more countries.(上网了解更多左行制和右行制的国家)谢谢 指导!Goodbye!Unit 4 Road safety (Period 3)Culture time &cartoon time 扬中市实验小学 田丹教学目标:1. 知晓英国和中国汽车行驶的方向不同,并有兴趣了解更多国家交通规则的异同点;2.通过 Cartoon time 的学习,增强分析和提炼信息的能力,并能进行准确的朗读和较为生动的表演;3. 进一步提升公民素养,知晓交通规则和礼让行人的重要性。教学重点:1. 通过 Cartoon time 的学习,提升学生的自主学习能力;2.了解中西方国家交通规则的异同点。教学难点:通过 Cartoon time 的学习,增强分析和提炼信息的能力,并能进行准确的朗读和较为生动的表演教具学具:PPT教学过程:Step 1 Free talk 1. T: Today, well go on learning Unit 4 Road safety .First, lets read and judge. 1-2 组读,3-4 组判断。如果是正确的,请拍拍手说“Yeah,yeah, yeah ”,如果是错误的,请摇摇手说“No, no,no ” .2. Say a chant.T: You know some traffic rules, lets say a chant. The students practice by themselves. The students say together with music.T: What do you learn?Step 2 Cartoon time 1. We learn some traffic rules. We follow some traffic rules, so we are happy every day. Our friends Bobby and Tina are happy , too. Look. where are they? Who is on the bus ,too? Who is the driver? 2. Watch and answerIs he a good driver?Check the answer.3. Read and answer Why is he a good driver?Check the answerT: How many times does the bus stop?Summary: The first time The second time From here, we know we must follow the rules and give the way to the animal.4. Listen and readIts our reading time. Please listen and read. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.5. Dob in rolesChoose one picture and dob in your group.6. Try to say:He is a good driver, is your father or mother a good driver?7. Look and judgeAre they good drivers? 8. Look and sayPlease enjoy some pictures and talk with your partner.9. Think and sayT: So when he/she is driving ,to keep safe, what do you want to say to a driver?Check the answerStep 3 Culture time 1. T: So much for this. Lets play a game, look and find the difference. Check the answerT: Follow the rules, which picture is right?P2. People walk on the right side of the road. People drive on the right side of the road.T: Look at P1, In P1 people walk on the left side of the road.people drive on the left side of the road.2. Listen and repeat:介绍“左行制”介绍香港和澳门为什么也是“左行制”3. Think and sayT: In China , people drive on the right side of the road, does the drive sit on the left or right? 介绍 右驾左行和左驾右行 世界上实行“左行制”的国家Summary: Follow the rules, happy every day!Homework:1. 1.Surf the Internet and know more countries.(上网了解更多左行制和右行制的国家)2. 2.Design some rules for the library, school,hospital and so on. (设计不同地点的规则)板书设计: Unit 4 Road safety the first time: the red light the second time: some elephants are在澳大利亚驾车兜风可能需要更严肃一点,因为车主不能将手臂或脑袋伸出窗外,否则便要接受罚款 在瑞士,法律规定戴眼镜的司机,车内一定要多准备一副眼镜(主要是指近视眼镜)。而司机不能在开车时喝水,即使是红灯等待时也不行,这是塞浦路斯的交通规定。按照西班牙法律规定,如果你购物归来驾车,那么采购的物品只能放入后备厢,而不能放置到车内后排座位上。 在美国,如果交警拦下汽车,那么司机只能一动不动,不能有任何动作,哪怕是掏驾驶证或解开安全带等都不可以。如果你不想被警察开枪击毙,你能够做的只有纹丝不动以免被警察误会。靠左行的主要有; 日本、印度、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、新加坡、斯里兰卡、泰国、澳大利亚、新西兰、南非、英国、爱尔兰、马耳他、马来西亚、太平洋岛屿等。 靠右行的主要有: 中国、美国、前苏联、加拿大、古巴、巴西、德国、希腊、墨西哥、摩洛哥等。 国际驾照:“国际驾照”由“联合国直属机构国际驾驶员联盟委员会 IADC”签发, “IADC 国际驾照上海代办中心中国企业文化研究会国际联络处为中国公民代办”。. 在德国,汽车必须粘车窗静电贴。. 在日本开车,路面积水喷溅到行人会被罚。沙特阿拉伯禁止女性开车在土耳其开车必须携带急救工具意大利的历史文化景点禁止开车在南非,汽车要给动物让路。马达加斯加天黑不要行驶
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