Unit 4 Road safety-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:611f6).zip

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Bore a Hole on the Wall to Get Some Light 凿壁偷光Watch and compare . ( 仔细看图,对比自己的学习条件提出问题。)仔细看图,对比自己的学习条件提出问题。)Listen and answer: 1.Could he go to school? Why? 2. How did he learn? Ask and answer in groups.Listen and answer: Where & when did he read?He could only read for a while during the break at noon. A. destroy(破坏) B. a little time for a rest 他只能在中午休息期间读一他只能在中午休息期间读一会会.Think: Did he have enough time to read? Why?no candlessee a crackwalk upmakelarger read until midnight knowledgeableListen and underline the key words.Check out and report in groups.no candlessee a crackwalk upmakelargerread until midlight knowledgeableBore a hole on the wall to get some light! 1.Why did he study so hard? 2.What do you learn from him and how will you do? 3.Do you know the other idioms about hard studying?Think:闻鸡起舞 囊萤映雪牛角挂书头悬梁,锥刺股.No pain no gain.No sweat no sweet.一分耕耘,一分收获。一分耕耘,一分收获。Where theres a will,theres a way.有志者事竟成。有志者事竟成。 Read the story. (读故事)读故事)Retell the story.(复复述故事述故事)Act/read in roles. (小组分角(小组分角色,根据故色,根据故事编对话)事编对话)Homework:1.Retell the story. 2.Read other English idom stories. (课后找英文的成语故事读(课后找英文的成语故事读一读)一读)BoreBore a a holehole onon thethe wallwall toto getget somesome lightlight一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1 1、知识目标:学生能读懂凿壁偷光的故事,能根据上下文、知识目标:学生能读懂凿壁偷光的故事,能根据上下文理解文中生词的含义,并能自己的语言简单复述故事。理解文中生词的含义,并能自己的语言简单复述故事。 2 2、能力目标:学生通过本篇故事的学习,培养学生根据上、能力目标:学生通过本篇故事的学习,培养学生根据上下文猜词的能力,思维能力,和获取文本关键信息的能力。下文猜词的能力,思维能力,和获取文本关键信息的能力。 3 3、情感目标:通过凿壁偷光的学习,学生能够体会到自己、情感目标:通过凿壁偷光的学习,学生能够体会到自己的幸福,珍惜现有的学习条件,树立努力学习的决心。的幸福,珍惜现有的学习条件,树立努力学习的决心。二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点: 1.1.学生根据上下文能判断出生词学生根据上下文能判断出生词relativerelative,expensiveexpensive,affordafford,breakbreak 等的含义,从而能等的含义,从而能读懂整篇故事。读懂整篇故事。 2.2.学生能够根据关键词和思维导图复述课文。学生能够根据关键词和思维导图复述课文。 3.3.通过引导学生和匡衡作对比,让学生自己得出结论,体通过引导学生和匡衡作对比,让学生自己得出结论,体会和珍惜自己的生活,从而下定决心努力学习,实现理想。会和珍惜自己的生活,从而下定决心努力学习,实现理想。三、教学过程:三、教学过程: ( (一一)free)free talktalk1.1. dodo youyou likelike reading?reading?2.2. WhereWhere dodo youyou read?read?3.3. WhenWhen dodo youyou oftenoften read?read?4.4. HowHow dodo youyou getget youryour books?books?5.5. WhatsWhats youryour readingreading conditions?conditions?生活话题导入,为后面与匡衡的对比与拓展作铺垫。同生活话题导入,为后面与匡衡的对比与拓展作铺垫。同时思维导图呈现。时思维导图呈现。(二)(二)LeadLead inin T T:YouYou havehave enoughenough booksbooks toto read,read, andand youyou learnlearn allallthethe day.day. ButBut somesome ofof youyou dontdont thinkthink youyou areare lucky.lucky. YouYou feelfeel tiredtired andand bored.bored. ButBut inin thethe WesternWestern HanHan DynastyDynasty,therethere waswas a a poorpoor boy.boy. ToTo readread books,books, hehe hadhad toto borebore a a holehole onon thethe wallwall toto getget somesome light.(light.(点题点题) )Q1:Q1: DoDo youyou knowknow thethe ChineseChinese idiom?(idiom?(凿壁偷光凿壁偷光) )Q2Q2:DoDo youyou knowknow thethe boysboys name?name? (匡衡)(匡衡)(三)(三) PresentationPresentation 1 1、引出成语故事和人物。注意处理题目。(教新单词引出成语故事和人物。注意处理题目。(教新单词borebore,WesternWestern HanHan DynastyDynasty )2 2、整体感知故事和句型。对比自己的读书情况,根据整体感知故事和句型。对比自己的读书情况,根据故事提出相关问题。同时思维导图展现学生问题的故事提出相关问题。同时思维导图展现学生问题的关键词。(关键词。(wherewhere whenwhen howhow whatwhat )3 3、分段解决问题。分段解决问题。(1 1)picture1-2picture1-2 : :学生听录音,说出得到的信息学生听录音,说出得到的信息并齐读。教师注意添加思维导图上问题的并齐读。教师注意添加思维导图上问题的答案。引导学生发现:答案。引导学生发现:nono schoolschoollearnedlearned fromfrom thethe relativerelative(2 2)picture3-5picture3-5:学生自读,小组讨论,一进行:学生自读,小组讨论,一进行问答,解决问题。跟读课文。引导学生总问答,解决问题。跟读课文。引导学生总结:结:nono booksbooks -borrowed-borrowed fromfrom thethe richrich(3 3)picture6-8.picture6-8.较简单,听录音后整体朗读。回较简单,听录音后整体朗读。回答问题答问题 wherewhere andand when,when,解决生词解决生词 break.break.学生总结:学生总结: nono timetime - wantedwanted toto makemake fullfull useuse ofof thethe timetime atat nightnight(4 4)最后一部分,听录音,自主朗读,画出关键最后一部分,听录音,自主朗读,画出关键词并讨论。根据关键词复述本部分。学生词并讨论。根据关键词复述本部分。学生总结:总结:nono candles-borecandles-bore a a holehole onon thethe wallwall toto getget lightlight(5 5)SumSum up:up: KuangKuang HengHeng triedtried allall thethe wayswaystoto studystudy hard.hard. SoSo hehe becamebecame knowledgeable.knowledgeable.四、四、ConsolidationConsolidation andand promotionpromotion1 1、看思维导图总结文章,回答下面三个问题。、看思维导图总结文章,回答下面三个问题。1).1). WhyWhy diddid hehe studystudy soso hard?hard? 2).2). WhatWhat dodo youyou learnlearn fromfrom himhim andand howhow willwill youyou do?do?3).3). DoDo youyou knowknow thethe otherother idiomsidioms aboutabout hardhard studying?studying? 2 2、通过学习,引导学生总结道理:、通过学习,引导学生总结道理:NoNo painpain nono gain.gain.NoNo sweatsweat nono sweet.sweet. WhereWhere therestheres a a will,will,therestheres a a way.way.五、作业五、作业1.Retell1.Retell thethe story.story. 2.Read2.Read otherother EnglishEnglish idiomidiom story.story. (课后找英(课后找英文的成语故事读一读)文的成语故事读一读)
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