Unit 4 Road safety-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:703bc).zip

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Unit 4Story timeHowHow cancan wewe keepkeep safesafe onon thethe road?road?安全的安全的LetsLets thinkthinkThis is a policeman.He works in the police station(警察局警察局).He is busy every day.Today he is at our school.He is going to tell us how to keep safe on the road.There are many busy roads in the city.穿过穿过cross the road safely 安全地过马路安全地过马路crossroadHow can we cross the road safely?roadThe cartoon is going to tell us about:A. Road safety for the pedestrians(行人)B. Road safety for the driversWatchWatch andand choosechooseWatchWatch andand choosechoose道路安全The cartoon tells us about:A. Road safety for the pedestrians(行人)B. Road safety for the driversRoad safetyWatchWatch andand choosechoosesafe 安全的(形容词)safely 安全地(副词)safety 安全 (名词)To keep safe,we must follow some rules.规则规则遵守遵守Tips:CompareCompare andand saysaya zebra crossingno zebra crossingHowHow cancan youyou crosscross thethe roadroad safely?safely? traffic lights At the zebra crossingFirstThenYou must look at theYou must wait for the .green manListenListen andand fillfillWhenWhen youyou cancan seesee a a zebrazebra crossing,crossing,firstfirst youyou mustmust,then,then youyou 1When you see the ,youmustnt cross the road.red manWeWe cancan go.go.redred manmangreengreen manman LearningLearning tips:tips: 情态动词情态动词can的意思是的意思是“可以可以”。should的意思是的意思是“应该应该”。 must的语气最强,意思是的语气最强,意思是“必须必须”,mustnt的意思是的意思是“禁止禁止”通常用于法律法通常用于法律法规的要求。规的要求。WeWe mustmust stop.stop.WeWe mustntmustnt go.go.mustnt=mustmustnt=must notnotB.不能不能A.禁止禁止yellowyellow manmanWeWe shouldshould wait.wait. traffic lights At the zebra crossingFirstThenYou must look at theYou must wait for the .green manTryTry toto saysayWhenWhen youyou cancan seesee a a zebrazebra crossing,crossing,firstfirst youyou mustmust,then,then youyou 1When you see the ,youmustnt cross the road.red manno zebra crossing No zebra crossing You can wait on the and look out for . You must first look , then and then again. You can cross the road with .pavementcars and bikesleftrightleftother peopleReadRead andand finishfinishSometimes,Sometimes, youyou cantcant findfind a a zebrazebra crossingcrossing nearnear youyou .To.To keepkeep safesafe2( 自读第三段,找出答案)自读第三段,找出答案)人行道人行道A. Be careful of the cars and bikes! B. Look at the cars and bikes. WhatWhat mustntmustnt youyou dodo onon thethe road?road?快速阅读最后一段,了解大意,找出问题快速阅读最后一段,了解大意,找出问题的答案并划线!的答案并划线!Some children run or play football on the road. This is not safe. You must not play on the road because there are many cars and bikes.What mustnt you do on the road?Why?ReadRead it it together.together.小组一起读。小组一起读。 ReadRead inin paragraphs.paragraphs. 组内分段读。组内分段读。ReadRead it it together.together.小组一起读。小组一起读。ReadRead inin paragraphs.paragraphs. 组内分段读。组内分段读。 RetellRetell inin groups.groups. 合作来复述。合作来复述。Sometimes,we must. On the road,We mustntToTo crosscross thethe roadroad safely,safely, wewe mustmust Summary timeRetellRetell inin groupgroupRule1Rule3Rule2Now, you must know the traffic rules well.To keep safe, you must / mustntYou mustnt climb over the rail.YouYou mustmust looklook atat thethe traffictraffic lights.lights.To keep safe, you must / mustnt.You mustnt look out of the car.To keep safe, you must / mustntYou mustnt drive after drinking.To keep safe, you must / mustnt.You mustnt run on the road.To keep safe, you must / mustntYou mustnt skate or listen to the music on the road.To keep safe, you must / mustntYou mustnt ride a bike on the road.To keep safe, you must / mustntYou mustnt make a call.To keep safe, you must / mustntYou must follow the signs.To keep safe, you must / mustntAlways be careful.Never forget about safety. 决不要忘记安全。永远小心 永远小心。Follow the traffic rules. 遵守交通规则。 Lets remember 1 Read the text and know moreabout road safety. 2 Tell your friends about moregood rules in different places and try to write.1六下 Unit 4 Road safety Story time (第一课时)教学目标:1.在情景中整体理解 Story time 的内容。2.在 Storytime 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,体会情态动词 must 及其否定 must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词 safe,名词 safety 及副词 safely 的不同。3.能用正确的语音语调朗读 Story time。4.能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。5.能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。教学重点:1.能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。2.在 Storytime 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,must,safety,safely。教学难点:1. 体会情态动词 must 及其否定 must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词 safe,名词 safety 及副词 safely 的不同。2.能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。教学过程:Step 1 Pre-readingTeach: road , safe, safely, cross, cross the road safely1.Free talk: T: What day is it today?/Whats the weather like today?/How do you go to school? How does your motherfather go to work? S: On foot or by bikebuscar2. Watch a vedio. 3.T: Is that safe? Ss: No.T: How can we keep safe on the road?4.出示 policeman This is a policeman.He works in the police station(警察局).He is busy every day. Today he is at our school.He is going to tell us how to keep safe on the road. (新授 safe, road, cross the road, cross the road safely)Step 2 While-reading (Story time)一、 学习课文第一部分T: How can we cross the roads safely ?Lets watch the cartoon.(看卡通选择文章是主要讲了行人安全还是司机安全)The cartoon is going to tell us about:A. Road safety for the pedestrians(行人)B. Road safety for the drivers1.T:We choose “A” 学习 tips: safe, safely, safety揭题:Today we are going to talk about “Road safety”.There are many busy roads in the cities. How can we cross the roads safely?To keep safe, we must follow some rules. (读 follow some rules)2.Lets compareT: How can you cross the road safely? There are two conditions. Lets look at the pictures and talk about it: (1)A zebra crossing (2)No zebra crossing3.Lets listen and finish the form.2T: When we can see a zebra crossing. What can we do? Lets listen and finish the form.At the zebra crossingFirstYou must look at the ThenYou must wait for the .When you see the , you mustnt cross the road4.Lets learn.学习 green manWe can go.red manWe must stop. We mustnt go. (学习 mustnt 的意思和完整形式)yellow manWe should wait.Learning tips: 情态动词 can 的意思是“可以” 。should 的意思是“应该” 。 must 的语气最强,意思是“必须” ,mustnt 的意思是“禁止”通常用于法律法规的要求。二、自读课文,学习课文第二部分T:But sometimes you cannot find a zebra crossing near you. How can we cross the road safely?完成表格信息。No zebra crossingWait on the pavement.Look out for cars and bikes.Look left first, then right and then left againCross the road with other people.(期间新授 pavement 和 look out for)三、看图讨论,学习课文第三部分呈现课文第三部分的两张插图T: What are the boys doing in the pictures?Ss: They are playing football. The boy is skating.T:Where are they?S:They are on the road.T: Are they safe?Why?Ss: Because there are many cars and bikes on the road. T: We must follow the rules and stay safe on the road!四、整理理解,巩固1) Reading the text after the tape.2) Reading time: 1.Read it together. 2. Read in paragraphs. 3. Retell in group.3) Think and write.( 书上 P 38)Step 3 Post-readingT: Now you must know the traffic rules very well. Look at the pictures, what do you want to say?看图请学生说 Ss: You must not skate on the road.You must not play football on the road.Step 4 Homework1) Read the story time three times( Read well ).2) Preview Funtime and Grammar time3板书设计: Unit 4 Road SafetyRule1:We must look for a and look at the .Rule 2:We can wait on the and look out for cars and bikes.We can also cross the road with .Rule 3:We must not or on the road.Unit4 Road safety (Story time)Step one: Warming up1. Free talk Here are some pictures. Can you say something about your new English teacher? 2. Lead in the title Show the way to work and learn the new words of the text ,then lead in the title.Step two: Presentation1. Show the tasks To be a volunteer, youll finish three tasks.(I knowI doI call on)2. Magic eyesLook and judge (pictures about road safety rules)3. Watch and answer A policeman will give you a lesson about road safety today. Hell give you two questions.Watch the video and try to understand the questions.Compare two pictures.How can you cross the road safely?Listen and fillRead and fillRead for details of the text.Have students read the text by themselves and fill in the blanks after reading without looking at the text.Watch , read and answerWhat mustnt you do on the road?Step three: Practice1. Listen and read2. Read and judgeJudge the rules about road safety.3. Work in groups and say rules.Step four: Consolidation and extensionYou can finish two tasks well, how about the third one? Make a video of road safety and help people know more about traffic rules.Ask students to discuss with group members: Are there any other rules on the road?Make a video with the teacher and dub for it.Step five: SummaryStep six: Homework1 Read the text and know more about road safety. 2 Tell your friends about more good rules in different places and try to write.
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