Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:b0f20).zip

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Unit 6 An interesting country(grammar time, fun time)1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用 for example, Oxford, London, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge.2. 能掌握一般将来时 will 的陈述句结构和用法并且能够辨析过去时和将来时。3. 能了解中国、澳大利亚、英国等国的特色。4. 能够制作和展示、分享交流不同国家信息。Step 1: GreetingsT: Class begins, good afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Jin.T: Thank you, sit down, please.Ss: Thank you, Miss Jin.T: Today, well continue to learn Unit 6 An interesting country.Step 2: Warming Up1. Lets guessT: Youll find pandas in this country. What country is it?S: China.T:You will find sakura(配图即可)in this country. What country is it?S: Japan.T: You will find Sydney Opera House in this country.What country is it?S:Australia.T: You will find polarbears and maple leaves in this country. What country is it?S: Canada.T: You will see bald eagles and sport-lovers will love basketball match there. What country is it?S: the US.T: You will see a big clock in this country. What country is it?S: The UK.2.Free TalkT: There are many countries in the world. The world is so big. Lets have a look.Lets start from China. What will you find in China? Which city will you find in China?S: Ill find Shanghai/Beijing.(3 人)T: What food will you find in China?S: Ill find dumplings and noodles in China.(3 人)T: What animal will you find in China?S: Ill find pandas in China.(2 人)T: What sport will you find in China?(3 人)S: Ill find table tennis/volleyball in China.T:What place will you find in China?S: Ill find the Great Wall and the Summer Palace in China.(3 人)T: Where are they?S: In Beijing.T: China is so big and interesting. Ill visit Beijing this summer holiday, because Ill eat a lot of yummy food in Beijing.Which city will you visit in China?S:Ill visit.T:Why will you visit there?S: Because Ill.(2 人)T:Talk in pairs and share the cities you want to go. T:Who can share with us?Step 3 Review1.Review storyT: We can visit many cities. Is China big?S:Yes,T: Lets see another big country. What country is it?Ss: Australia.T:Well find out about Australia with Mike, Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Yang Ling. Theyll learn about Australia next week. How will they get information? What do they say?Ss: Ill .T:Each sentence has ill. Ill equals to I will. Liu Tao reads about Australia on the Internet. What does he find?S: Youll find.(思维导图)T: Can you fill in the blanks?S: 学生复述文本(先一个一个说,再集体说)T: Here you will equals to youll. (缩略完成形式变换)出来等于号后等待学生说youll处理 Hell/Shell/Theyll .2.Grammar time展现 Grammar time 句型学生齐读句子T:Lets read these sentences together.读完后框成表格形式。T: Look at these sentences. What can you find? Discuss in pairs.(PPT 出示中文: 同桌讨论,找出句子规律)S: will +动原T:Yes. Will adds base verb. We use this sentence pattern(Subject, will, base verb, time, for example, next week and tomorrow) to express simple future tense. Future tense shows the things and actions happen in the future. Follow me, future.Ss: future.T: Future,future future tense.Ss:Future,future future tense.T: Now, lets practice. past or future? S: Past.T: What do you fill in the blank?S: Visited. T: Yes, last year shows past. (last year 放在 past 一边)What about this sentence?Past or Future?S: FutureT: What can we put in the blank?S: will visit.T: Good! next year shows future. Now, lets judge quickly. yesterday.S:past.T: Ago.S:past.T:Soon.S: Future.T: Tomorrow morning.S: Future.T: This afternoon.S:Future./past.T: Look at this sentence. How to fill?S: I had/will have a party this afternoon.T: If I add a sentence after it, how to fill?S: I had a party this afternoon, I had a good time.T: In this sentence, this afternoon belongs to past. If I change the sentence like this. How do you fill?S: I am dressing up, I will have a party this afternoon.T: will have. This afternoon here indicates future tense. (师生一起说 Future)So, it depends on the context.T: Can you say more future time?S: Next week/month/ tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening/.T: Great job. Step 3 Fun time1.Learn about the UKT: Weve known well about Australia. Lets fly to another country. It is an island country. What country is it?出示 BigBen.(与课文开头保持一致) S; the UK.T: Today, Ill tell you about the UK.T: This place is very famous in the UK. What is it?S: Big Ben (pen 迁移)T: Where is the Big Ben? In which city? Teach London.T: You will find many interesting places in London. For example, Teach Tower Bridge(flower, fridge), London EyeT: Oxford is another interesting city in the UK. Teach OxfordT: Oxford has some famous places like Oxford University 拓展2. Talk about the UKT: Now, talk in pairs about the UK you know.Ss: Well find/see/watch/take.(配图)3.思维导图补全信息T: Here is an article about the UK.Read it and find out what aspects are mentioned about the UK. (PPT 呈现)S: weather, sport, city, place.(贴上思维导图)T:Whats the weather like in the UK? S: rainyT: Which sentence tells you?S: Its sometimes rainy. PPT 划线(老师完成二级思维导图填写 rainy)T:What sport will the people there love?S: football gamesT: Which sentence tells you?S: the people there will love football games there. PPT 划线(老师完成二级思维导图填写 football games)T: So here we write football games.T: Now who can come to the BLb and write down the information about cities and places in the UK.S1 完成后全班一起核对,PPT 划线4.输出语篇T: Now, lets introduce the UK according to the mind map together?S:Today, Ill tell you about . There are .for example. Youll find.for example. There are some.like. The people there .边复述教师边在思维导图相应位置写上新句型,如 for example, like, People there will. Step 4 ConsolidationYou can introduce the UK very well. Now, lets try to introduce more countries. Take out your envelop. Open it. Youll see four pieces of a map. Take them out. Step1: Work in 4. Match the 4 pieces into a whole map. (PPT 展示) and stick the map on your task sheet.Step2: Complete the mind map on your map.(教师手指板书 Like this)Step3: Discuss in 4 and try to introduce the country. The key sentences can help you.(PPT 呈现:四人合作完成对国家的介绍,一人一句)学生上台展示(开头一起说,一人一句,一起说)面向大家介绍。T: The world is so big. There are many interesting countries in the world. Go far, see more, learn more. To be an interesting guy. Homework1.Watch a micro-course on E+ and finish the exercise2.Write down your map3.Introduce your country to other groups. Unit 6 An interesting country (Grammar time & Fun time)ChinaChinaJapanJapanAustraliaAustraliaCanadaCanadathethe USUSthethe UKUK LetsLets guessguessThe world is so big. Lets have a look. LetsLets seesee LetsLets saysayIll find.Chinacityfoodanimalsportplace. LetsLets talktalkTalk in pairs and share the cities you want to go.和你的同桌说一说你所要去的中国城市。和你的同桌说一说你所要去的中国城市。Ill visit .(city) in China.Because Ill . LetsLets seesee What country is it? LetsLets saysayI ll ask my e-friend in Australia. I ll ask Mr Green. I ll read about Australia on the Internet.I ll go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia. LetsLets learnlearnIll = I will LetsLets saysay Youll . You will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love _ and _. Sport-lovers will like _ _ _ because they are very _. You will also like _. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year. People in Australia _ visitors. Come and visit Australia today! FillFill in in thethe blanksblanks kangarooskoalasAustralian footballgamesexcitingSydneywelcomeI will Ill=they will=theyllshell=he will= hellshe willyou will=well= we willyoull LetsLets learnlearn learn about Australia next week. ask my e-friend in Australia.ask Mr Green.go to the library. find many interesting things in Australia.Theyll find out about this country.The children will IllWang Bing willYang Ling willYou willWellHellShellYoull LetsLets learnlearn LetsLets learnlearnWellTheyllIllMr GreenHellgo toShellmany interesting thingsYoulllearn about Australia next week find out about this country ask my e-friend in Australiaask the libraryfindin Australiawill+动词原形动词原形主语主语+next week+tomorrow .Simple future tense (一般将来时一般将来时)tomorrow.Discuss in pairs and find the rules.(同桌讨论,找出句子规律)同桌讨论,找出句子规律)pastfuturenow LetsLets partisepartiseI _ (visit)Australia . last yearvisitedtomorrowyesterdaysoonmorningago.this afternoonI _(have) a party this afternoon.I had a good time.hadI am dressing up.will haveI _ (visit)Australia . will visitnextyearthis afternoon LetsLets learnlearn What country is it? LetsLets seeseeBig Benpen CitiesCities in in thethe UKUK London / London Eye Tower BridgePlacesPlaces in in LondonLondonThere are many places in London, like(像像)flower fridge CitiesCities in in thethe UKUK for example(例如例如) Oxford UniversityPlacesPlaces in in OxfordOxford / LetsLets talktalk Well have/watch/take/enjoy.the UK ReadRead andand ticktickweatherAbout the UKanimalsportcityfoodplace Today, Ill tell you about the UK. The weather is sometimes rainy in the UK, and the people there love football. There are some interesting cities in the country, for example, London and Oxford. Youll find interesting places like Big Ben, the London Eye and Tower Bridge. LetsLets saysay Today, Ill tell you about. The .is. The people there . There are . for example. Youll find.like. . GroupGroup WorkWork1. Match 4 pieces into a whole map and stick your map on the card.2. Complete your mind map on the map.3. Discuss and introduce your country.ChinaChinaAustraliaAustraliaCanadaCanadathethe USUSThe world is so big. Go far, see more and learn more.2.Write down your map. 3.Introduce your country to other groups.1.Watch a micro-course on E+ and do grammar exercise.Homework
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