Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:f1a8a).zip

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Can you say something about Australia?Revision animalssportscitiesweather If I want to learn more about the country, what can I do? Revision The students have different ways of learning before class.IllIll ask my e-friend in Australia. She can send me some photosRevision The students have different ways(方式方式) of learning before class.IllIll ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia.Revision The students have different ways(方式方式) of learning before class.IllIll read about Australia on the Internet.Revision The students have different ways(方式方式) of learning before class.IllIll go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.Grammar timeWhat do you find in common(共同共同)?Ill ask my e-friend in Australia.Ill ask Mr Green.Ill read about Australia on the Internet.Ill go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.Ill=I willGrammar timeThere are more similar(类似类似) sentences.Grammar timeWhat are the complete patterns?I willYou willWe willThey willHe will She willGrammar timeWhat is the tense(时态时态)?A.The simple present.一般现在时一般现在时B. The simple past.一般过去时一般过去时C. The simple future.一般将来时一般将来时读句子,想一想它们的构成方式。Illsendan email to my friendin Australia.Youllfindmany interesting thingsWelllearn aboutAustralianext weekTheyllfind outabout this countryHellaskMr. GreentomorrowShellgo tothe libraryGrammar timeLets make a summary.Will:将要,将会,表示将来:将要,将会,表示将来可能会发生的事情。可能会发生的事情。Will可与前面的主语缩写。可与前面的主语缩写。Will用于一般将来时,可与用于一般将来时,可与tomorrow, next week, next month, next year等时间短语连用等时间短语连用。Work in pairs 用用所所给给出出的的A、B、C三三组组词词汇汇或或短短语语, 从从每每组组中中任任意意选择一个词汇或短语,用选择一个词汇或短语,用will组成一般将来时的句子。组成一般将来时的句子。A I ,you, we ,he, she, Ben, Nancy, they, Mike and HelenBgo to the farm, sing a song, visit Australia, sweep the floorCtomorrow ,at the party, next Childrens Day, next summer holiday eg: Ben will sing a song at the party. dream? 梦想梦想Cartoon timeBillyLook and guessWhat is Billys dream?Guess: What will Billy cook?cabbage(卷心菜)carrotsfishmeateggspotatoesWatch and answerBilly will cook dinner for Bobby and Sam.He will cook fish and make a potato salad.Read and findHell learn about cooking on the Internet.Hell read newspapers, too.He wants to find something about cooking.How will Billy find out about cooking?What do you think about the kitchen?What do you think about Billy?Is Billy a good cook?Listen and repeatBilly likes eating nice food.Yummy! I want to be a cook.Ill learn about cooking on the Internet.Ill read newspapers, too.Billy wants to find out about cooking.Billy will cook dinner for Bobby and Sam.What will you cook?Will you cook fish for me?Just wait and see.Billy is very busy in the kitchen. What do you think, Sam? Is he a good cook?He is cooking fish and making a potato salad.以小组为单位,选择喜欢的方式朗读以小组为单位,选择喜欢的方式朗读。Read in roles. (分分角色读角色读)Read one by one.(接龙读接龙读)Read together.(齐读齐读)Read and actThink and sayHow can he be a good cook? Can you give him some suggestions?Think and sayHow can he be a good cook? Can you give him some suggestions?1.2.3.My dreamI want to be_.In order to make my dream come true.Ill_.Ill_.Ill_.I believe I can do.相信work hardstudy hardread more booksdo some exerciseslisten to teacherspractise every dayShow timeThe happiest thing,than fight for every dream. 世界最快乐的事,莫过于为梦想而奋斗!The realization of dreams rely on try,do not rely on empty! 梦想的实现只靠干,不靠空谈!1: Read the Cartoon time after the tape.2: Act out the Cartoon time with your partners.3: Please think over “What do you want to be in the future?” and “What will you do to make the dream come true?”六下六下 Unit 6 An interesting party 单元知识单元知识词组:词组:1. want to learn about 想要学习 2. wait and see 等等看3. find out about this country 发现这个国家 4. before the lessons 上课前5. ask my e-friend 问我的网友 6. have an e-friend in Australia有一个澳大利亚的网友7. come from Australia 来自澳大利亚 8. look for books and magazines about Australia 找关于澳大利亚的书和杂志 9. read about .on the Internet在网上阅读关于 10. send me some photos 寄给我一些照片11.many interesting things许多有趣的事 12.like animals 喜欢动物 13. sport lovers 体育运动爱好者 14. Australian Football 澳式橄榄球 15. very exciting 非常令人激动 16. a beautiful city 一个美丽城市 17. many people 许多人 18. every year 每年 19. welcome visitors 欢迎参观者 20. read books about 读有关的书 21.parks for plants and animals动植物公园 22. interesting places 有趣的地方 23. sometimes rainy 有时下雨 24. interesting cities 有趣的城市 25. in the country 在这个国家 26. for example 例如 27. Big Ben 大本钟 28. London Eye 伦敦眼 29. Tower Bridge(伦敦)塔桥 30.have fresh air 有新鲜空气 31. Yellowstone National Park(美国)黄石国家公园 32. fair view 美丽的风景 33. the Great Barrier Reef(澳大利亚)大堡礁 34. Stonehenge(英国)巨石阵 35. make a potato salad 做份土豆色拉 36. What do you think? 你觉得呢? 37. want to be a cook 想当一名厨师 38. cook fish for me 为我做鱼 39. make some sandwiches做一些三明治 40. wait to have the picnic 等着野餐41. an interesting country 一个有趣的国家 42.learn about cooking 学习烹饪 43.tell you about the UK告诉你有关英国的知识 44. love our kangaroos and koalas 喜欢我们的袋鼠和考拉45. know a woman from Australia. 认识一个来自澳大利亚的女士。46. find the Great Wall in China 找到中国长城。47.find more information about these places 找到关于这些地方的更多信息48.like eating nice food. 喜欢吃美食 49. read newspapers 读报纸50. be very busy in the kitchen在厨房里忙碌51.cant wait to have the picnic 迫不及待去野餐52.next month 下个月句型句型1. The children will learn about Australia next week.孩子们下周要学习有关澳大利亚的情况。2. Ill ask my e-friend in Australia.我要询问在澳大利亚的网友。3. Ill ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia.我要询问格林先生。他来自澳大利亚。4. Ill read about Australia on the Internet.我要在网上阅读有关澳大利亚的知识。5. Ill go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.我要去图书馆查阅有关澳大利亚的书籍杂志。6. You will find many interesting things in Australia.在澳大利亚,你会找到许多有趣的事情。7. You will love our kangaroos and koalas.你会喜欢我们的袋鼠和考拉。8. Sport lovers will like Australian Football games because they are very exciting.体育爱好者会喜欢澳式橄榄球赛因为它们实在是令人兴奋的比赛。9. You will also like Sydney.你也会喜欢悉尼。10. Ill do many things tomorrow.我明天会做许多事情。11. Youll find interesting places like Big Ben, London Eye and Tower Bridge.你会找到有趣的地方如大本钟,伦敦眼和塔桥。12. Billy likes eating nice food.比利喜欢吃美味的食物。13. Billy wants to find out about cooking.比利想要查阅如何烹饪。14. Ill read newspapers too.我也要读报纸。15. Billy will cook dinner for Sam and Bobby.比利要为萨姆和鲍比做晚饭。16. What will you cook?你要烹饪什么?17. Will you cook fish for me?你会为我做鱼吗?语法语法1. 一般将来时第二种结构: “will+动词原形”,这个结构主要表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态。从逻辑,情理,事情发展的情况上将会发生什么事情。如: Ill send an email to my friend.2. 其否定形式: will+ not+ 动词原形(will not 可以缩写为 wont)如:Ill not send an email to my friend.= I wont send an email to my friend.3. 其一般疑问句形式:Will+主语+谓语动词原形+其他?如:Will you cook fish for me?4.其特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词+will 的一般疑问句?如:What will you cook?常见时间状语:tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon, next week/month/year, in a year(一年后), this evening,in a few days, in the future 等。六年级英语教案六年级英语教案六年级下册 Unit 6 An interesting country一执教者: 李玲二教学内容:Unit 6 An interesting country (Grammar time & Cartoon time)三教学目标:1.知识目标:(1)学生能听懂、会说、会读 find out, Australia, Australian football, country, next, learn about,will 等单词及词组;(2)学生能够正确听说读写句子 Ill ask my e-friend in Australia. Ill/ Youll/ Theyll/ Well/ Hell/ Shell.等句型。2.能力目标:(1)学生能够掌握一般将来时的陈述句的构成和用法;(2)学生能够熟练运用所学日常交际用语在生活中进行交际。3.情感目标:(1)学生能够理解卡通部分的意思并从中感悟到一个道理;(2)学生能够自己谈谈自己的理想并为了实现梦想该付出的努力。四教学重难点:1.教学重点:(1)单词 country, will, learn, Australia, Australian 的听说读写;(2)动词或短语 learn, find out, look for 的熟练运用;(3)句型 Ill/ Youll/ Theyll/ Well/ Hell/ Shell. What do you think?的正确运用。2.教学难点:(1)句型 Ill/ Youll/ Theyll/ Well/ Hell/ Shell. What do you think?的正确运用及默写。(2)用将来时讨论自己的梦想及为实现梦想的措施。五教具准备:课件,光盘,词组卡片条,磁铁六教学过程:Step1: Warm upGreetingsFree talk:T: Hello, boys and girls, Childrens Day is coming. Are you happy?What will you do on Childrens Day?S1: Ill.S2: Ill.T: I want to take a trip to an interesting country. Can you guess which country is it?S3: Its Australia.T: Clever. But I know nothing about Australia. Can you tell me something about Australia?ReviewSay something about Australia;Talk about Mike and his classmates ways of learning before class.Step2. Presentation(Grammar time)课件出示 Grammar time 句子,让学生自由朗读并讨论他们共同点。Ill send an email to my friend in Australia.Youll find many interesting things in Australia.Well learn about Australia next week.Theyll find out about this country next week.Hell ask Mr Green tommorrow.Shell go to the library tomorrow.让学生读句子说出 Ill/ Youll/ Theyll/ Well/ Hell/ Shell 的完全形式。让学生讨论总结句子的结构、时态及标志词。Play a game: 让学生到黑板前抽取一张卡片并用卡片上的词组造一个将来时的句子。Step3. Presentation (Cartoon time)Look and guess:出示 Cartoon time 的第一幅图,让学生们看图猜 What does Billy like dong? Whats Billys dream?Look and discuss:出示 Cartoon time 的第三幅图,让学生们看图说话。Whats on the table? What will Billy cook for Bobby and Sam?Watch the cartoon and check the answers.Read and answer: How will Billy learn about cooking?Look and think:课件出示 Cartoon time 的最后一幅图,思考并讨论 What do you think about the kitchen? What do you think about Billy? Is Billy a good cook?Listen and repeatStep4. Concolidation and practiceWork in groups to read or act.Discuss: Billy is not a good cook. How can he be a good cook? Can you give him some advice?Show time: Talk about your dream in groups. My dream I want to be a _. In order to make my dream come true, Ill _ Ill_ Ill_ I bellieve I can do it .Step5. Homework1: Read the Cartoon time after the tape.2: Act out the Cartoon time with your partners.3: Please think over “What do you want to be in the future?” and “What will you do to make the dream come true?”七板书设计Unit 6. An interesting country(Grammar time& Cartoon time)IllYoullTheyllWellShe/Hell 八、教学反思本节课我执教的是六年级下册 Unit6 的 Grammar time 和 Cartoon time 板块,Grammar time 环节主要讲述 will 构成的将来时的结构以及对应的时间状语。本课的重点集中在对课文的复述,其次是让学生根据课文的句子归纳一般将来时的时间状语以及 will 引导的句子的结构。通过这一环节的操练,既能锻炼学生的自主学习能力,也能强化学生的合作意识。Cartoon time 板块一直是学生最感兴趣的环节,本单元的 Cartoon time 环节讲述的是 Bobby 的梦想,对将来时的复习与巩固。在学习此部分时,我主要是让学生自主学习,让他们看图说话看图回答问题,我在设计问题时也设计一些开放、拓展性的问题,尽量让每个学生都活动起来,增强他们学习的自信。
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