Unit 6 An interesting country-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:704a5).zip

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Unit6 An interesting countrySydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 Harbour National Park 海港国家公园Bondi Beach 邦迪海滩Harbour Bridge 悉尼海港大桥Sydney Tower 悉尼塔SydneyThe city has fresh air. Its view is fair.新鲜的空气新鲜的空气景色很漂亮景色很漂亮/ e /Game 大声读你看到的单词大声读你看到的单词: 红色字母组合含有红色字母组合含有/ e /的发音的发音,说说“Yes” 红色字母组合不含有红色字母组合不含有/ e /的发音的发音,说说“No”chairwherebearcarehairpairnearwearyearhearfairyairplaneSydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 Harbour National Park 海港国家公园Bondi Beach 邦迪海滩Harbour Bridge 悉尼海港大桥Sydney Tower 悉尼塔SydneyThe city has fresh air. Its view is fair.新鲜的空气新鲜的空气景色很漂亮景色很漂亮Try to sayanimalsweathercitiessportfoodpeopleLanguage (语言)places Can you say something about Australia?Uluru 乌卢鲁巨石乌卢鲁巨石艾尔斯岩石,又名乌卢鲁巨石艾尔斯岩石,又名乌卢鲁巨石,位于澳大,位于澳大利亚中北部,是世界最大的整体岩石利亚中北部,是世界最大的整体岩石,被誉被誉为为澳大利亚的澳大利亚的“心脏心脏”。它气势雄峻,犹如它气势雄峻,犹如一座超越时空的自然纪念碑,突兀于茫茫一座超越时空的自然纪念碑,突兀于茫茫荒原之上,在耀眼的阳光下散发出迷人的荒原之上,在耀眼的阳光下散发出迷人的光辉。光辉。The Great Barrier Reef大堡礁大堡礁大堡礁,大堡礁,是世界最大最长的珊瑚礁群是世界最大最长的珊瑚礁群,位,位于南半球,纵贯蜿蜒于澳大利亚东海岸,于南半球,纵贯蜿蜒于澳大利亚东海岸,全长全长2011公里。这里有鱼类公里。这里有鱼类1500种,软种,软体动物达体动物达4000余种,聚集的鸟类余种,聚集的鸟类242种,种,并有着得天独厚的科学研究条件。并有着得天独厚的科学研究条件。Every country has its own features(特点特点).Try to talkIf you want to know more about these countries, what will you do? Do you have any questions?wscapTry to askRead and learnThe weather in the UKIt is often rainy. People like to bring umbrellas with them.wThe sport in the UKPeople in the UK like many sports like golf(高尔夫高尔夫), tennis(网球网球),horse races(赛马赛马) and football. They like football best. The UK is the home of football.sRead and learnThe places in the UKThere are many interesting places like the Big Ben(大本钟大本钟), London Eye(伦敦眼伦敦眼) and Tower Bridge(塔桥塔桥) in the UK.Big BenLondon EyeTower BridgeThe places in the UKYoull also see Stonehenge(巨石阵)(巨石阵) and Buckingham Palace (白金汉宫)(白金汉宫)in the UK.Read and learnp白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)是英国君主位于伦敦的主要寝宫及办公处。宫殿坐落在威斯敏斯特,是国家庆典和王室欢迎礼举行场地之一,也是一处重要的旅游景点。Stonehenge,斯通亨奇环状列石,俗称巨石阵。属于巨石建筑中的环状列石类型,代表着巨石建筑的最高水平。在石圈中心通向出入口标石的连线上,每年夏至日可观测到太阳恰好在标石上方升起,表明整组建筑与太阳崇拜和天文观测有关。The animals in the UKYoull see robins(知更鸟)(知更鸟) and squirrels (松鼠)(松鼠)in the UK.aRead and learnThe cities in the UKThere are some interesting cities in the UK, for example(例如例如), London and Oxford(牛津)(牛津). London is the capital city(首都首都) of the UK.cRead and learnMake and sayComplete the notes and say something about the UK.rainythe UKfootballLondon and Oxfordthe Big Ben, London Eye and Tower BridgeStonehenge and Buckingham Palace The weather is sometimes rainy in the UK, and the people there love football. There are some interesting cities in the country, for example, London and Oxford. Youll find interesting places like Big Ben, the London Eye and Tower Bridge.Share and makeShare more information in groups of four about these countries.(四人一小组分享并汇总收集到的信息)四人一小组分享并汇总收集到的信息)Tips: 1.First read (小组中读一读你的句子) 2.Then make(小组合作完成练习纸上的笔记) 3.Finally say(小组合作说一说这个国家的情况)黄石国家公园,于1978年被列入世界自然遗产名录。这是世界上第一个最大的国家公园。该公园是世界上最大的火山口之一,它拥有世界上面积最大的森林之一,有超过10,000温泉和300多个间歇泉,拥有290多个瀑布。美国大峡谷,联合国教科文组织选为受保护的天然遗产之一。由于科罗拉多河穿流其中,又名科罗拉多大峡谷,它是共446公里,最深处大约1.6公里,大约有500层楼那么高。谷底的岩石大约经历了二十亿年的岁月变迁,是地球年龄的一半。Yellowstone National Park 黄石国家公园黄石国家公园The Grand Canyon美国大峡谷美国大峡谷尼亚加拉瀑布Niagara Falls位于加拿大安大略省和美国纽约州的交界处,瀑布源头为尼亚加拉河,主瀑布位于加拿大境内,是瀑布的最佳观赏地。该瀑布是世界第一大跨国瀑布。冰球冰球Hockey,亦称“冰上曲棍球”。是以冰刀和冰球杆为工具,在冰上进行的一种相互对抗的集体性比赛项目。比赛时每队上场六人,运动员用冰杆将球击入对方球门,以多者为胜。冰球在欧洲、美国和加拿大十分盛行,这项疯狂的运动集技术、平衡能力和体力于一身,是一种高速而充满冲撞的项目。the Grand CanyonNiagara FallsUluru BuckinghamYoull find _ in the Great WallYellowstone National ParkStonehenge the Great Barrier Reefthe Grand CanyonNiagara FallsUluru BuckinghamYoull find _ in the Great WallYellowstone National ParkStonehenge the Great Barrier Reefthe Grand CanyonNiagara FallsUluru BuckinghamYoull find _ in the Great WallYellowstone National ParkStonehenge the Great Barrier Reefthe Grand CanyonNiagara FallsUluru BuckinghamYoull find _ in the Great WallYellowstone National ParkStonehenge the Great Barrier ReefRead and writeA pamphlet(宣传册宣传册) about Australia. Come to Australia! Youll see lovely animals here.They are kangaroos and koalas. There are some beautiful cities like Melbourne and Sydney. People there like Australian football. Its interesting.Its often warm and sunny. Youll find 516 parks for plants and animals. Youll enjoy the seas and beaches(海滩海滩) here.Welcome to Australia! Youll find many interesting places in this country,for example,the Great Barrier Reef and Uluru.Read and writeA pamphlet(宣传册宣传册) about Come to this year! Welcome to ! To attract(吸引吸引) more visitors, can you make a pamphlet(宣传册宣传册) for ?Homework1.Find out more about other countries you like.2. Try to tell your friends about the countries.Come to this year! Welcome to ! A pamphlet about mair更多的pair一双wair陶器airplane飞机小学英语六年级下册 Unit 6 An interesting country一、一、Teaching contents 教学内容:教学内容:Fun time, Sound time & Culture time二、二、Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标:教学目标:1. 学生能听懂,会读,会说单词和短语 for example, like, Oxford, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge2. 学生能知道 will 的用法和句型结构。3. 学生能了解其他国家的一些情况。4. 学生能正确朗读和辨别音素 / e /三、三、Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重教学重难点:难点:教学重点:1. 学生能听懂,会读,会说单词和短语 for example, like, Oxford, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge2. 学生能知道 will 的用法和句型结构。3. 学生能正确朗读和辨别音素 / e /教学难点:1. 学生能了解其他国家的一些特色。2. 学生能仿照例子介绍其他国家的情况。四、四、Preparation 教学准备:教学准备:多媒体课件五、五、Teaching procedures 教学过程:教学过程:Step1 Sound time1. Look at the picture. Its the Sydney Opera House. Where is it? 2. What do you think of Sydney?Yes,I like Sydney,because the city has fresh air,its view is fair.3. Play a game:If theres / e / in the word,please say” yes”. If theres no / e / in the word,please say” No”. Step 2 Fun time & Culture time1. Sydney is in Australia.Can you say sth. about Australia?Try to write:sport,animals,cities,places2. We know a lot about Australia. What countries are they?Every country has its own features.If you want to know more about these countries, what will you do?3. My sons group wants to know about the UK. He asked me for help.He also read about the UK on the Internet.Welcome them!a. Do you have any questions to ask them?Teach: for example, like, Oxford, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge, robins , squirrels, Stonehenge ,Buckingham Palaceb. Complete the notes and say something about the UK.c. Read the passage about the UK.4. Share more information in groups of four about these countries.Tips: First read Then make Finally sayTeach:Yellowstone National Park,The Grand Canyon,Niagara Falls,HockeyStep3 Game1. Show some places and try to say them out2. Try to find:Youll find in Step4 Writing1. You know I like Australia. To attract(吸引) more visitors, I made a pamphlet for Australia.Can you read for me?2. Whats your favourite country? To attract(吸引) more visitors, can you make a pamphlet for your favourite country? Step5 Homework1.Find out more about other countries you like.2.Try to tell your friends about the countries.UluruBuckingham the Great Wall Niagara Falls Stonehenge the Great Barrier ReefYellowstone National Park The Grand Canyon the London Eye Tower Bridge OxfordLondon Big BenOttawa TorontoWashington New York SydenyCanberra Melbourne RobinsWhite Housepolar bears bald eagles
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