Unit 8 Our dreams-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:013ec).zip

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六下 Unit8 Our dreams(Period 2)Day and night, day by day, Remember you have your own way.Erase your pain, no time to play,And when the sun shines, make the hay, May you have a future of ray!DREAMDREAMMy name is Noby. I am a student now. Everybody says “Noby, Noby, nobody, Noby is a nobody”. But I dont think so. I still have many dream jobs.SneechBig GSueSneechBig GSueI want to be a Make a dream job cardName: _Can/Like/Be good at: _What dream job: _Do what: _Where: _ Dream Job CardHomeworkABCDEFGH1413181519201217My name is Im a student now. I can/like/am good at So I want to be a/an in the future. I want to . (do) (where).Noby, what do you want to be in the future?I have many dream jobs.For exampleI can dance. be a dancer in the future.I want to stretch my arms, so I want toIts my dream job. How cool! Noby, what do you want to be in the future ?Look and answerListen and readTask 1: Act out the dialogueand spin around on the stage. showing me to everyone.Dream job is like a stage,Noby,what else do you want to be in the future?wants to be a in the future. Maybe heBrainstormNoby likes reading books.1.( ) Noby likes reading mangas. 2.( ) Noby wants to be a flower shop assistant.3.( ) Noby wants to buy mangas and read them in the shop.Noby likes reading mangas. So he wants to be a book shop assistant in the future. He wants to sell mangas to people. And he wants to read them in the book shop. How happy! They tell him to find everything, from the sea to the sky, from the earth to the moon. Task 2: Read and judgeaTmangaJapanese cartoonFbookFsellB日本漫画A1.( ) Noby likes reading mangas. 2.( ) Noby wants to be a book shop assistant.3.( ) Noby wants to sell mangas and read them in the shop.Noby likes reading mangas. So he wants to be a book shop assistant in the future. He wants to sell mangas to people. And he wants to read them in the book shop. How happy! They tell him to find everything, from the sea to the sky, from the earth to the moon. Task 2: Read and judgeTFFNoby, what else do you want to be in the future?I like So I want to be a I want to Its my dream job.How ! Dream job is like a ,telling me to find everything.book,shopassistantWhy is the man so angry?Q1:Q1:Q1:Q1:Why is the man so angry? Im not good at numbers.So ! sadI want to be a book shop assistant. But Im not good at numbers. So sad!Noby, Noby, dont be sad. Dont be sad. What are you good at?Let me see. What do you want to be in the future then?Oh, Im good at flying. Task 3: Discuss and saydfa1. Im good at?2. I want to be?3. I want to do?4. Where?5. How?Noby, what do you want to be in the future?pilotIm good at flying, so I want to be a pilot. I want to fly an aeroplane here and there, up and down in the sky. How super! Dream job is like _,flying with me everywhere.wings,Oh, Im too weak. I cant fly for a long time. Wuwuwu Oh, I need to Think and saybe strongand healthy.do sports and work hard. I willThen my dreams can come true. DubbingNoby, what do you want to be in the future?Im good at flying, so I want to be a pilot. I want to fly an aeroplane up and down, here and there in the sky. Its my dream job. How super!Oh, dream job is like wings, flying with me everywhere.But Im too weak.I cant fly for a long time.I need to be strong and healthy.I need to do sports and work hard. Then my dreams can come true.Oh, dream job is like a bell, waking me up every time.Dubbing showNoby, what do you want to be in the future?Im good at flying, so I want to be a pilot. I want to fly an aeroplane up and down, here and there in the sky. Its my dream job. How super!Oh, dream job is like wings, flying with me everywhere.But Im too weak.I cant fly for a long time.I need to be strong and healthy.I need to do sports and work hard. Then my dreams can come true.Noby can be a somebody in the future! work harddo sportsread booksWhat do you want to be in the future?I want to be a dancer, dancer.What do you want to be in the future?I want to be a book shop assistant.What do you want to be in the future?I want to be a pilot, pilot.What do you want to be in the future?I want to be a somebody, somebody.Oh, dream job is like a bell, waking me up every time.Noby, what do you want to be in the future?I like reading mangas, so I want to be a book shop assistant. I want to sell mangas to people and read them in the book shop. How happy! Dream job is like a book, telling me to find everything. But Im not good at numbers. So sad!Im good at flying, so I want to be a pilot. I want to fly an aeroplane here and there, up and down in the sky. How super! Dream job is like wings, flying with me everywhere. But Im too weak. I cant fly for a long time. I need to be strong and healthy. I need to do sports and work hard. Oh, dream job is like a bell, waking me up every time. I can dance, so I want to be a dancer in the future. I want to stretch my arms and spin around on the stage. How cool! Dream job is like a stage, showing me to everyone. Choose and retell-Noby, what do you want to be in the future?Dream job is like wings, flying with me everywhere. Dream job is like a stage, showing me to everyone. Dream job is like a book, telling me to find everything. Dream job is like a bell, waking me up every time. Write down your dream job.My name is I am a student now.I can/like/am good atSo I want to be a/an in the future.Its my dream job.My name is I am a student now.I can/like/am good atSo I want to be a/an in the future.Its my dream job.I want to I want to How !I willThen my dream can come true.1Talk about your dream job.2My name is I am a student now.I can/like/am good atSo I want to be a/an in the future.Its my dream job.I want to I willHow !3Read Nobys dream jobs.译林版小学英语六年级下册译林版小学英语六年级下册Unit 8 Our dreams (Period 2) Nobys dream jobs Teaching Plan【一、教学目标一、教学目标】1. 在 Noby 探寻自己梦想职业的语篇语境中,学生通过朗读、阅读、讨论、角色扮演等方式,理解并熟练运用本单元的核心词汇:shop assistant, pilot 等职业类词汇,理解并熟练运用 sell things to people,fly an aeroplane 等描述相关职业行为的短语,学生能熟练运用本单元的核心句型:What do you want to be in the future? 来询问 Noby 的梦想职业。能运用本单元的核心职业类词汇和句型 I want to be a/an I want to (do)等,以第一人称或第三人称描述、复述 Noby 的梦想职业及其理由。2. 在语境中,学生感知、理解、正确朗读运用下列词汇:dancer,manga 以及词组:stretch my arms, spin around on the stage;能简单利用句型:I will 来表达完成梦想所需要的努力。3. 通过语篇学习,让学生体会梦想的可贵,憧憬梦想的职业,了解需要为之付出的努力。【二、重点难点二、重点难点】1. 重点:在语境中,让学生了解 Noby 不同的梦想职业,并能运用本单元的核心句型来询问 Noby 未来想做什么工作,运用本单元的核心职业类词汇、词组及句型,以第一人称或第三人称来描述 Noby 梦想职业及其理由。2. 难点:学生能以第一人称或第三人称描述、复述 Noby 的梦想职业及其理由。【三、教学技术与学习资源应用三、教学技术与学习资源应用】PPT,黑板,视频支持【四、教学过程四、教学过程】ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesI. Pre-task preparation1. A poem 2. Revision: Dream jobs of Nobys friends3. Homework check1-1 Read a poem2-1 Watch and answer3-1 Show and say通过吟唱、朗诵,营造氛围,为话题引入作铺垫。回顾前课时内容,再现单元语境。展示学生互相评选出来的优秀家作,呈现学生家作点赞结果,并交流反馈。II. While-task procedure1. Nobys first dream job: dancer2. Nobys second dream job: book shop assistant3. Nobys third dream job: pilot1-1 Look and answer1-2 Listen and read1-3 Act out2-1 Brainstorm2-2 Read and judge2-3 Look and say2-4 Watch and answer3-1 Discuss and say3-2 Watch and answer3-3 Think and say3-4 Dubbing通过模仿、朗读、表演等形式,在语篇环境中,强调升降调、重音,培养学生的朗读技能与习惯。通过头脑风暴、阅读理解、观看视频等形式,巩固并运用核心内容,锻炼学生提取信息的能力。 通过小组讨论、配音等方式,在语篇环境中,巩固并运用核心词汇和句型,并体会实现梦想所需付出的努力。III. Post-task Activities1. The whole story: Nobys dream jobs2. A poem:What is dream job like? 1-1 Read the whole story1-2 Choose and retell2-1 Read a poem在复述文本的过程中,进一步巩固故事内容。通过吟诵小诗,再次感受本课主题,进一步提升学生情感。IV.Homework1. Read Nobys dream jobs. 2. Talk about your dream job.3. Write down your dream job.学生能结合已有的旧知,根据自身的能力、爱好、特长,用 4-6 句话,口头或书面描述自己的梦想职业及理由。Blackboard Design: Unit8 Our dreams(Period2) I want to beI want to doWhereHowdancerstretch my armsspin aroundon the stagecoolbook shop assistantsell mangas to peopleread themin the bookshophappypilotfly an aeroplane in the skysuper【教学设计说明教学设计说明】英语课程是老师和学生共同探求新知、形成能力、体验情感、感受文化的过程。语境是语言赖以生存和发展的环境,也是语言交际所依赖的环境;而语言活动则是学生实践、体验、习得语言的主要途径。我们不仅要帮助学生在语言学习的过程中,掌握语音、词汇、语法、功能、话题等基础语言知识,并形成听、说、读、写等基本语言技能。还要引导学生从语言学习到语言应用的过程中,通过体验和感悟,逐步形成英语思维意识、思维习惯、认知策略和交际策略,并逐步学会有效运用英语学习的基本策略和思维方式。更要使学生在积累学习经验、形成学习能力的过程中,树立正确的学习态度,养成积极的科学情感,增强文化理解,初步具有全球视野,并认同语言文化差异,提升语言自觉。要帮助学生达成上述目标,教师就要思考如何有效进行课堂教学,若要对单课进行有效实施,就要对教材整体把握、单元统整、内容整合、语境带动教学,并进行合理的教学评价,最终达成语用的输出。一、基于课标,解读教材,统整单元一、基于课标,解读教材,统整单元在课程标准(2011 年版) 理念的指导下,教师应对教材中各单元栏目进行改编、整合,使单元教学内容更符合学生认知的规律与语言学习的规律。本课教学 Nobys dream jobs 是译林版小学英语六年级下册最后一个单元谈论梦想的第二课时,实质为语法教学。本课主要引导学生用核心词句正确询问并描述梦想职业,如单词:worker, pilot, shop assistant 等,短语:fly an aeroplane, help sick people, sell things to people 等,句型:What do you want to be in the future? I want to be a/an 等。通过全面解读教材,我结合学生的实际和教学的主题,将单元进行了重组和再构,借助 Noby(大雄)这一学生熟知的卡通人物,设计了以 Noby 为中心的单元故事。故事伊始,人人都嘲笑 Noby 是个 nobody,但他仍心怀梦想,并且开始了寻找梦想职业的历程。通过文本推进,他认识到梦想职业可以从自身的能力、爱好、特长出发,然而在他有了初步构想,并借助哆啦 A 梦的神奇道具实现梦想后,是一帆风顺呢?还是出现反转呢?由此产生了 Period 4: Nobys dream jobs,这样的故事情境,我希望能由此引发学生的思考,体会到实现梦想需要付出的努力,达到语言的运用和情感的升华。我将教材中单元各板块进行了重要整合,如第一课时涵盖了 Look and learn, Think and write, Learn the sounds,第二课时包含了 Look and say, Say and act, Do a survey。而在 Noby 寻找自身梦想职业的单元语境中,要求学生最终能通过对话、调查等方式学会用 4-6 句话,口头和书面介绍自己的梦想职业和理由,要求内容完整、表达流利,拼写及语法基本正确。二、基于学情,丰富学法,提升语用二、基于学情,丰富学法,提升语用兴趣是学生学好英语不可缺少的内在动力。 英语课程标准把“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心”放在了课程任务的首要位置。在教学中,我基于五年级学生的年龄特点,把教学任务转化成学生感兴趣的卡通故事,引导学生在语言学习中获得情感体验,消除语言学习中的单调感、枯燥感、疲劳感,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的兴趣。同时,运用对话形式增强师生、生生间的互动;运用句式结构一致的形式对梦想职业进行描述,降低学生学习的难度;运用多种操练形式对单元核心内容进行复现巩固,增强学生对知识运用的熟练度;语言的学习遵循循序渐进,螺旋式上升的原则,为学生语言的输出夯实基础。三、基于语境,任务驱动,凸显育人三、基于语境,任务驱动,凸显育人纵观整堂课,我以 Noby 的三个梦想职业:dancer, book shop assistant, pilot为话题,创设故事情景,语境带动整课的学习,增强学生语篇的阅读和理解能力。课堂中,我让学生带着任务有目的地去学习英语,配以任务单和学习支架的辅助,真正做到用中学,学中用,最终达到学习效果,完成最后的任务,达成教学目的。不仅如此,在整堂课的学习后,学生能了解梦想职业可以基于自身的能力、爱好、特长出发,更重要的是,学生体验到,在实现梦想的过程中,是需要为之付出辛勤的汗水和努力的,凸显了本课的育人价值,学生在语用知识和人文情感发面都得到感受和体验,真正做到了在英语课堂中“愉悦地学习” 。四基于评价,关注多维,体验成功四基于评价,关注多维,体验成功根据课程标准中表达的理念,评价不应过分强调甄别与选拔的功能,而应发挥评价促进学生发展、教师提高和改进教学实践的功能。因此要建立促进学生全面发展的评价体系。应通过学生活动、作业、测验等方面的表现,评价学生的学习兴趣、学习习惯、学业成果等。因此我将学生的自我评价、学生间的互相评价以及师生之间的评价整合起来,形成了以表现性评价为主的多元化评价方式,并将之纳入我校校本文化中的学生成长综合评价系统中去。我关注学生的学习状态,以激励为主,希望能让学生能在课堂上获成功的喜悦,提高学生学习的自信心,激发学生的求知欲。Unit 8 Our dreams (Period 2)任务单任务单设计设计:Task 1: Act out the dialogueTask 2: Read and judgeNoby likes reading mangas. They tell him to find everything, from the sea to the sky, from the earth to the moon. So he wants to be a book shop assistant in the future. He wants to sell mangas to people. And he wants to read them in the book shop. How happy! 1. ( ) Noby likes reading mangas. 2. ( ) Noby wants to be a flower shop assistant.3. ( ) Noby wants to buy mangas and read them in the shop.Noby, what do you want to be in the future?1. Im good at?2. I want to be?3. I want to do?4. Where?5. How?Task 3: Discuss and say
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