Unit 3 A healthy diet-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90458).docx

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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90458).docx_第1页
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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90458).docx_第2页
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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90458).docx_第3页
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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90458).docx_第4页
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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90458).docx_第5页
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1、译林版牛津小学英语六年级下册 第三单元A healthy diet第三课时教学设计一、教学内容本节课的教学内容为 2011年译林版牛津小学英语(三年级起点)六年级下册 Unit3 “A health diet” 的 Sound time, Culture time and Cartoon time 部分。作为本单元的第三课时,本课教学内容为单元的综合板块,由三个部分组成。Sound time板块呈现了字母组合 ou在单词中的读音。Culture time板块介绍了中西方早餐食物的差异。Cartoon time板块是一篇对话型小语篇。本版块讲述的是Sam和妈妈一起去超市购物,他们买了饮料、一条大

2、鱼和一大袋大米。回家路上,Sam 一直用手拿着鱼。当他们在桥上休息时,Sam 的手一滑,鱼直接跳进了河里。本板块再现了 much,some, too much, a lot of 等词和短语的用法。二、学情分析本课的授课对象是小学六年级学生。经过前两个课时的学习,学生已经理解了健康饮食金字塔的概念,了解哪些是健康食品,并能讨论自己的饮食习惯是否合理。学生已经学习了表示数量的目标词汇 a lot of ,some, a little 和 a few 的用法。他们以前还学过 much,many,any 等词汇和 there be 句型。本单元呈现的许多和食物相关的词汇,其中大部分学生已经学习过。三

3、、 教学目标1、知识目标(1)能听懂、会说、会读字母组合 ou在单词中的发音,发音准确。(2)能正确朗读语音儿歌。(3)能听懂、会说、会读常见的中西方早餐食物类单词。(4)能正确使用量词 a few, a little, a lot of , some。(5)能听懂、会说、会读 、会运用句型:What do/does have for breakfast /lunch/dinner? Is there / Are there ?2、能力目标(1)能理解卡通故事情节,分角色朗读或者表演故事。(2)能尝试复述 Mike 和 Yang Ling 的饮食情况。(3)能了解中西方饮食特色和差异。(4)能

4、找出学过的含有字母组合 ou且发音为 a 的单词。3、情感目标能感受和体验健康饮食的重要性,养成健康饮食习惯和意识。4.文化意识目标:了解中国传统早餐和西方传统早餐,通过对比,能自由表达自己的观点,增强对传统文化的热爱。5. 学习策略目标:(1)能通过看图捕捉语篇的主要信息,掌握文本大意(2)能提炼文本中的关键信息,并能结合关键信息体会故事。(3)通过提问、质疑、猜测等方法树立用英语思维的意识。四、教学重难点1教学重点:能正确读出字母组合 ou 在单词中的读音,掌握和区分几种发音;能讨论自己和他人的饮食习惯并给出合适的建议;2教学难点:能正确使用量词 a lot of ,some, any,

5、a little, a few。五、教学准备:多媒体,教学课件,食物图片六、教学过程Step 1. 话题导入,复习旧知猜谜游戏,复习食物类单词 Lets guess.教师设计猜谜活动导入,让学生通过老师的表述和课件呈现的关键词,猜出食物类名词。T: I have some riddles of food. Lets guess .No.1 It is often from pigs and oxen. It makes us fat or strong. Its delicious.S: Meat!NO.2. Its often for lunch and dinner. Its soft.

6、Its white.S: Rice.No.3 . Most of them are green. Theyre fresh and juicy. They grow in the soil.S: Vegetables.Lets talk师生之间开展话轮,讨论三餐饮食以及学生各自喜爱的饮食。具体对话如下:T: What other food do you know?Ss: noodles / bread / dumplings / fruit / rice dumplings /T: Do you like eating ?How much / many do you have for ?S:

7、I usually eat a lot of / some for 设计意图: 教师通过猜谜活动引出了食物这个和话题相关的核心词。老师没有采用看图说单词的方式,而是通过口头描述和文字提示的谜语方式,这虽然没有图片的形象直观,但符合小学高年级学生喜欢思考,爱挑战的学习风格。Step 2 图片提示,复习 story time板块课文Lets review Mikes and Yang Lings diets老师通过课文插图和不完整的句型结构让学生回忆单元的主文本内容。教师提出评价性问题,培养了学生的概括能力,鼓励学生独立思考,发表自己的见解和看法。T: What do you think of t

8、heir diets?Ss: I think Mike has an unhealthy diet./ Yang Lings diet is healthy.T: What should they do?Ss: Mike should / Yang Ling should 设计意图 :作为本单元的第三课时,教师需要让学生对第一课时的文本内容进行回顾,但是由于单元的内容比较细碎,重在量词的使用上,如果采用传统的表格式复述,学生是直接用表格中的量词来复述,这只是机械化的记忆,没有对量词有理解性记忆,通过课文插图的方式让学生对量词这个抽象的概念有直观的理解。教师同时给出不完整的句型结构也能帮助孩子回

9、忆文本。Step3 Learn Culture time教师呈现文化板块的西式早餐图和中式早餐图,请学生猜一猜 Mike和Yang Ling 两家人分别通常吃哪种早餐,并让学生思考为什么。T: What do their family usually have for breakfast?T: Why?S: Because Mike comes from the UK. Yang Ling comes from China.Look , listen and repeat.教师呈现图片和文字,让学生听录音跟读。Learn more about Chinese breakfast and Wes

10、tern breakfast.Show many pictures of Chinese breakfast and ask a question:What do Chinese people eat for breakfast?Ss look at the pictures read the words after T.Show many pictures of Western breakfast and ask a question:What do Western people eat for breakfast?Ss look at the pictures read the words

11、 after T.Ask and answer :Do you like western breakfast or Chinese breakfast? Why?Do you have breakfast every day?Show and let Ss read a passage .Show and learn the volumes.Breakfast likes a king. Lunch likes a prince. Dinner likes a pauper .设计意图 文化板块教学是 story 文本的一个延续,话题衔接合理,不突兀。让学生为文本人物 Mike 和 Yangl

12、ing 的家人选择早餐套系,并通过提问 Why ?让学生思考、体会出早餐中的文化特色。此外,为了提升学生的文化品格,教师通过图片和单词文字的出现,提供了更多的特色早餐类单词,丰富学生的词汇量和视野。教师还通过一个小短文,创设了学生生活中的真实问题不吃早饭,引发了学生对这个不健康现象的关注和思考。Step 4 learn Sound timeLead in the topicT asks a question: Who cooks meals for you?Ss: My mum cooks / My grandparents / T: Yang Lings aunt always cook m

13、eals for Yang Ling. But today somethingturned up in the kitchen. What happened?Show part of the picture on the sound timeLook , is she happy? How does she feel?Why does she feel scared?Ss: Maybe she Show the other part of the picture.T asks a question: What does she say/shout?Ss try to guess: Get ou

14、t! / Help! / Oh, my god!T asks a question : Why does she shout that?Try to learn: because she is afraid of the mice.Read all the words with ou and try to learn the pronunciation.Listen to the tape and try to say with the music.T: Lets help Mrs Li .Play a game: hit the mouse.When you see a word, you

15、should read it loudly .When you see a mouse ,you should say “get out”.Try to read other words with ou .cough / cousin / should / soulThey have different pronunciations.Do a judge: Do they have the same pronunciation?aboutshould()mousemountain ()设计意图 语音板块重在对发音的正确体会和朗读。字母组合 ou 的发音有多种,学生在完成了教材的学习内容之后,教

16、师一定要给出其他的发音,让学生能体验并学会区分。教师还设计了打地鼠的游戏活动,强化了文本中的 ou发音,并和语音部分的 chant 进行了有效结合。Step 5. Learn the cartoon timeLead in the topic.Sam and his mum want to cook meals together .Try to guess : Whats in their fridge?Ss ask questions with the sentences “Is there/ Are there ? “Show the picture of the fridge and s

17、ay “There is not much food in the fridge.”T asks a question: What should they do?S: They should go to the supermarket to buy food.Show the six pictures of the cartoon timeMatch the sentences with the pictures.Listen and order the pictuesLets follow the tape.Talk and choose : How much food did Sam bu

18、y?Ss try to answer: a small bottle of cola / a big bag of rice / a big fishShow the pictures to choose and understand the meaning of the phrases.Lets judge.There is not any food in the fridge.Sam likes to drink cola.Sam and his mum have a rest near the river.Sam lets the fish go because it is too he

19、avy.Lets write.T: Sam is chatting with his friends about the healthy diets.Fill in the blank.In a healty diet,there is _ fruit and vegetales. There is also _rice andbread. You can have _ meat and fish in your meals.You can also haveeggs every week.Milk is good for your body.You can have _ milk every

20、 day.Sweet food is nice,but it is not good for your teeth.Eat only _ sweet food everyday.设计意图:首先教师延续了前面环节有关 cook meals 的情境,设计了猜一猜冰箱里面有什么的提问活动。通过活动,学生将 there be 结构、量词,以及可数、不可数名词进行了整合运用。此外,卡通部分的学习有别于 story time板块的学习,它重在趣味性和情感的学习,不强调语言知识的重现和操练。本次设计教师通过图片游览、台词匹配的方式让学生整体理解文本内容,通过提问 how much food did Sam buy 和文本插图的观察比较,直观理解量词 a bag of /abottle of 。在读后环节中,教师设计了 Sam 微信聊天的环节,巩固了单元话题healthy diet。Step 6 Homework1. Try to know more about Chinese food.2. Try to read words with “ou”.3. Act out the cartoon with your partner.


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