Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b0be9).doc

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Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b0be9).doc_第1页
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Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b0be9).doc_第4页
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1、UnitUnit 6 6 AnAn interestinginteresting countrycountry( (GrammarGrammar timetime & & checkoutcheckout time)time)教学内容:教学内容:Grammar time&Checkout time教学目标:教学目标:知识目标:知识目标:学生能知道一般将来时态 will 的用法和句型结构。技能目标:技能目标:1. 学生能介绍澳大利亚的情况。2. 学生能在日常生活中运用一般将来时。情感目标:情感目标:1. 树立正确的学习生活态度。2. 培养问题意识,养成爱思考的习惯。教学重难点:教学重难点:教学重

2、点:教学重点:学生能用 will 进行说与写。教学难点:教学难点:学生能在日常生活中运用“will” 。教学准备:教学准备:多媒体课件 教学卡片 导学案。教学过程:教学过程:Step1Step1 RevisionRevision1. Show a map and guess.Little teacher: Guess,Australia,an interesting country andtry to ask about Australia.S1:Whats the weather like in Australia?S2:What animals do they have?S3: Littl

3、e teacher: Who has any questions?Miss Wei comes and go on this lesson.(设计意图:利用小老师帮助学生复习,此处其他学生提问,一个学生为介绍人,生生互动,培养了学生的问题意识,又很好地完成了复习工作。同时一句“Who has any questions?” Miss Wei 上场了,比较吸引孩子们。 )2. Lets enjoy pictures about Australia.(设计意图:此处欣赏师在澳大利亚的图片,再次激发学生对澳大利亚的兴趣。 )3. Ask&answer.T:What will Mike do?S1:H

4、ellT:How will LiuTao learn about Australia?S2:Hell(设计意图:此处仍是以问题为先导,师问生答,不同的形式训练学生口语表达能力。 )Step2Step2 Presentation(GrammarPresentation(Grammar time)time)1. Show the aims of the lesson:I can talk with will.I can write with will.I can use with will.2. “I can talk with will”(1)Lets read and choose.Q: Wh

5、at is the tense?A.The simple presentB.The simple pastC.The simple futureRead:Ill, Youll, Well, theyll, hell, shellTeach: Ill=I will, youll= you will, well= we will,theyll=they will, hell=he will, shell= she will(2)Quick response.T: IllSs: I willT: I willSs: Ill(设计意图:简单的游戏形式及时检测了学生的发音情况。 )(3)Say a ch

6、ant:I will, I will, Ill go to the park.You will, you will, youll ride a bike.She will, she will, shell read a book.He will, he will, hell be a cook.( 设 计 意 图 : 歌 谣 的 形 式 再 次 操 练 巩 固 了 Ill,youll,shell,hell 的发音,深受学生喜欢。 )(4)Look and do exercise:a.My sister will_(goes, go) to the library tomorrow.b.Shel

7、l _(be, is) a dancer in the future(未来).c.What will your parents_(bought, buy) this afternoon?d.Will Tom _(learning, learn) English next week?e.They will visit the Bund _(last week, next week).(5)Play a game(Yeah,yeah,yeah/No,no,no)(设计意图:通过判断哪些时间是将来时,进一步加深了学生对将来时态的理解,游戏形式使得课堂活起来。 )(6)Lets read.(7)Let

8、s talk with will.A:When will you go home tomorrow?B:I will go home at five oclock tomorrow.(设计意图:给出关键词 when,who,where,what,让学生通过问答形式用 will 造句,再次突出了问学课堂的特点。 )(8)Lets change.Ill send an email to my friend in Australia.=Im going to send an email to my friend in Australia.(设计意图:本部分调动学生已有的知识储备 be going t

9、o。 )3.“I can write with will”(Checkout time)(1)Read and write(P66 a&b).(2)Check the answers.(设计意图:校对答案采用了两种方式:同桌校对,集体校对。体现了以生为主。 )4.“I can use with will”(1) Write down “My summer holiday”(2) Do a survey.(3) Give a report.(4) Share: Study hard, play hard.(设计意图:兼顾了学生的说,写能力。小组调查培养了学生的合作意识。汇报部分鼓励学生采用问答方

10、式凸现了核心问题“Whatwill you do?”)Step3Step3 Summary.Summary.(1)Say the structure of the simple future.(2)Say the time of future.(3)Say the abbreviation.Step4Step4 Homework:Homework:For everyone:Oral work:Exchange your plans for the summer holiday withfriends.Writing work: Finish P72-P73(伴你学).For someone:Send an email about your plans for the National Day holidayto .(设计意图:分层布置作业体现了对弱势群体的照顾。 )BlackboardBlackboard designdesign 板书设计:板书设计:Unit 6 An interesting countryGrammar time & Checkout timetheyllhellyoullIllwellshellV 原型


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