Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a021f).doc

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Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a021f).doc_第1页
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Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a021f).doc_第2页
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1、An interesting countryChina一、Warming-up1. T: Boys and girls, therere a lot of different countries in the world. What are they?Lets look and respond quickly.(配乐,旋转的地图上快速呈现一些国家的标志,如:日本樱花,法国埃菲尔铁塔,英国伦敦眼,美国自由女神像)2. T:Look, what country is it? (在 Australia 停下)Can you say something aboutAustralia?(课前作业反馈)二

2、、Presentation1. T: Look at the pictures, heres something different from Australian culture. Can youfind it? (呈现课前作业的几幅图, 图里藏着三个中国元素, 孩子手里的冰糖葫芦,悉尼歌剧院旁庆祝春节快乐的广告牌,动物园里欢迎熊猫的海报)2. T: Which country do you think of now? Yes, its our countryChina. China isalso an interesting country. Lets enjoy a video firs

3、t.3. T: More and more Foreigners want to know about China. What do you want to tellthem? S: I want to tell them about (此处,教师与学生自然地 Free talk,如:若说到 city, 可以追问:Which citydo you want to tell them?)4. 课件呈现 China 的发散图,T:So we can tell them these different interesting things, for example, beautifulcities,

4、 interesting places, lovely animals, yummy food, traditional festivals, excitingsports and many other things.5. Non-stop talkingT: I have an interesting game for you: Non-stop talkingRules: 1. 看图联想说单词2. 大组竞赛,20 秒不间断轮流说。6. T: Lots of words you can connect with. So fantastic! Im sure its easy for you

5、towrite. Each group has a topic about China .Take it out from your desk and discuss.Group work:1. 说一说:根据话题和图片讨论。2. 写一写: 一人一句,别忘中心句哦!3. 贴一贴: 将 4 张信息卡贴在彩纸上。6 个小组上来展示,教师根据具体情况简单批改明显错误,然后把版块贴在黑板上, 组成一幅中国地图。小组汇报之前,老师布置其他组的任务:Guess:Whatare they going to talk? 贴完后,教师板书:T: What is it? (Amap of China) Dont f

6、orget Taiwan, its also a part of China.T: What does it look like? (Arooster)T: the roosters head and tail (教师将公鸡头和尾巴贴在地图相应的位置)T: To write a whole article, we also need a “head and tail”. So look at thispassage, please find the “headand “tail”. (学生读出开头和结尾的句子后,教师在地图相应的位置板书,然后让学生发散思维,思考还可以用哪些句子进行开头和结尾?

7、What else can you write at the beginning/end of the passage?同时板书主要句型结构)7. Look at this nice writing about China again. Which sentence do you like better?(学生说完后,课件上给个小贴士:There be 句型是介绍国家的主打句型哦!先让学生找 nice words, 然后总结:形容词可以往我们的作文增色哦! )8. T: Now its your turn to write.Lets write: 1. 主题: China2. 内容:叙述 1-

8、2 个方面3字数:5-6 句话4. 要求:a. 主题突出,内容完整b. 书写认真,标点规范。c. 有头有尾,条理清晰。d. 拼写正确,语法无误。e. 好词佳句,富有情感。7. (课件上呈现互评要求) :a. 主题突出,内容完整b. 书写认真,标点规范。1 分c. 有头有尾,条理清晰。1 分d. 拼写正确,语法无误。1 分e. 好词佳句,富有情感。1 分(这个评价要求在学生写的时候就可以呈现在课件上,互评前教师会有示范,怎么打分,怎么划喜欢的句子。 )三、Homework1. Share your writings after class.2. Make a poster about China.


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