Unit 6 An interesting country-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a0522).doc

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Unit 6 An interesting country-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a0522).doc_第1页
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Unit 6 An interesting country-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a0522).doc_第2页
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1、Unit6An interesting country(Period 4 :writing skills)Teaching aims:1. Help students improve their writing skills.2. Enable students to understand how to make their writing better.3. Let students feel the happiness and achievements brought by writing.Teaching difficulties :How to make most of student

2、s improve their writing skills in this lesson.Teaching procedures:Step1.Lets discussQ:What makes a good writing?T:In my opinion, It should have a correct structure.It should have no spellingmistakes.It should be rich in content and well organized.It should have varioussentence patterns.It should hav

3、e a good handwriting.【设计意图】通过师生共同探讨一篇优秀的英语作文需要具备的条件,让学生初步感知什么才是一篇优秀的英语作文, 也为下一步让学生自己判断英语作文是否优秀埋下伏笔。Step2.Lead-inT:Look at this writing from one of the students. What do you think of this writing?Does it have any advantages and disadvantages?T:From my point of view, the writing has a correct structur

4、e and has no spelling andgrammatical mistakes. But we can make it better. So, today, Miss He will give yousome useful tips, which will help you improve your writing skills in the future study.Are you ready for our class?【设计意图】 展示一篇学生课前所写的例文, 让学生说出这篇作文的优点和缺点,同时帮助教师导入今天所要探讨的主题: 如何通过一些有用的写作技巧帮助大家完善自己的文

5、章。Step3.Presentation1)Watch and sayT:Look! This is a world map. Today, well have a wonderful trip together. First, letsfly to the fist station-Australia. Lets enjoy a video about Australia. So, try to saysomething about Australia, you can choose whatever aspect you like. But try toexpress it in a co

6、mplete sentence.Now Miss He will give you the first tip: In order to make your writing more rich andcolorful, you can write it from different aspects and use different sentence patterns .【设计意图】先让学生观看了一段有关澳大利亚这个国家的视频,在观看的过程中帮助学生重新回忆起澳大利亚的各个方面的文化知识。 在观看视频的基础上让学生根据关键词用完整的句子从气候,语言,食物,风景名胜,建筑,交通等方面来叙述澳大利

7、亚这个国家,从而引入第一个写作技巧:为了使文章更加的丰富多彩,我们可以从多个角度,运用不同的句式来描写。2)Enjoy pictures and finish tasksT:Now, we re going to the second station-the UK. Are you excited? Ok, first, letsenjoy some pictures of the UK. The pictures show us a wonderful UK from differentaspects including Harry potter -the famous film star.

8、 Now, Miss He will choosesome aspects and I want you to help me finish some tasks. Are you ready? First, letme show the animals of the UK.I want to fill in the blank with the proper adjectives.Well done, boys and girls. Now, lets look at the weather in the UK. So, when wewrite, we use more adjective

9、s , which can make our writing more vivid. Now, lets seethe sports of the UK. Can you fill in the blanks with the right conjunctive words andparenthesis? So, some proper conjunctive words and parenthesis can make yourwriting more organized. Now, look at this writing about the UK, compared with thefi

10、rst writing, it is obviously better. So, What useful tips have you learned to make yourwriting better?【设计意图】在对英国的介绍中,首先用电影式的图片放映方式让学生一边欣赏一边大声说出关于英国的各方面文化知识。在此基础上,我针对英国的动物,天气和运动分别设置了两个学习任务: 填写恰当的形容词和运用恰当的连接词及插入语。 在学生完成任务的过程中分别教授了写作的第二条技巧:为了使文章更加生动,可以恰当的运用形容词以及第三条技巧:为了使文章更富有层次感,可以适当运用一些连接词和插入语。Step 4.

11、 Writing1)Now, we will fly to the last station-China. First, Lets try to remember someinteresting things about China. Can you say something about China?2)Can you say something about China?3)Now, your task today is to write an article about China. You may have 5 minutes ,so just take your time.【设计意图】

12、在介绍澳大利亚和英国的基础上,学生已经学会了本节课可以用在这个写一篇关于有趣的国家的写作技巧。 所以最后的写作任务是写一篇关于咱们中国的英语作文。同样在写作之前,也是用了电影式的图片放映方式进行了必要的语言输入,进一步加深了孩子们对祖国各个方面文化的了解;而且写自己的国家,孩子们也更有话可说,更加有创造力。并且可以和之前学的知识更加有机的融合在一起。Step 5.Evaluationstructure1adjectives2Conjunctivewordsandparenthesis2From different aspects2handwriting2Advancedvocabularyandexpressions1【设计意图】 在每个同学写完之后, 我向他们展示了这篇作文的评价标准: 结构;形容词的运用;连词和插入语的运用;是否从多角度进行描述;有无高级词汇和句型的加入。在此基础上,选择了两篇文章向大家展示了如何评价。最后,让同桌之间根据评分标准给自己的同桌的作文打一个分数, 既帮助学生加深了这节课所学习到的写作技巧,也让学生们享受到了自我评价和提升带来的成就感。Step5.Homework


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