Unit 3 A healthy diet-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:906b5).doc

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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:906b5).doc_第1页
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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:906b5).doc_第2页
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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:906b5).doc_第3页
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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:906b5).doc_第4页
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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:906b5).doc_第5页
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1、1译林小学英语(译林小学英语(2011 版版)六六下下 Unit3Ahealthy diet(story time)教学设计)教学设计姓姓名:名:单单位:位:地地址:址:邮邮编:编:电电话:话:译林小学英语译林小学英语 六六下下 Unit3AHealthy Diet一一 课题课题译林小学英语六下 Unit3 Ahealthy diet(story time)二二 教材简解教材简解本单元的主要教学内容是谈论 Mike 和 Yang Ling 的饮食习惯。第一课时要求学生能正确使用 a lot of, some, a little, a few,同时复习一般现在时以及主语是三单时动词的适当行式。涉

2、及句型 For lunch and dinner, he/she has a lot of rice,some fish and some meat. Does Mike have a healthy diet? What do you have forbreakfast? 为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的句型和词汇,教师在教学过程中应启发学生联系实际多运用,帮助学生明白健康饮食的重要性,并根据自身情况设计健康的饮食表。三三 目标预设目标预设1. 能理解关于健康饮食的课文内容,熟读并根据重要词句复述课文。2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词汇:2healthy, diet, need, a

3、little, a few, at a time。3.能听懂、会说、会读词汇 meat, vegetables。4. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型:I/We eat a lot of noodles/meat.You/They have some vegetables/bread. He eats a few eggs.He/ She likes eating/drinking.He/ She doesnt like eating.5. 能够运用句型谈论饮食,并给出改善的建议。四四 重、难点重、难点关于饮食的句型表达。五五 设计思路设计思路本课所要学习的内容围绕健康饮食展开, 其中食

4、物类的词汇都是学生们平时生活中比较常见的词汇。所以我以食物图片(游戏的形式)直接引入新课学习,复习食物词汇为后面开展的教学做好铺垫, 然后通过小讨论和听力任务的设置呈现健康饮食这个概念,在这过程中学生通过的我的饮食介绍,理解新单词如:sweet food, healthy, diet, a few, a little 等, 通过最后的问题引入本课课题: Ahealthydiet。然后通过问题“Whose diet is healthy?”让学生观看动画回答,同时将课文的文本处理成两个部分,先是 Yang Lings diet, 然后是 Mikes diet。学生通过泛读课文先完成三餐的表格设计

5、,让学生达到所学知识的理解和运用。在此基础上判断句子, 通篇理解, 最后朗读课文, 完成写的训练复述课文。 最后教学环节,呈现健康饮食金字塔,并让学生模拟这个金字塔,自己画出 Mike 和 Yang Ling的金字塔,并结合所学对不健康的饮食习惯提出改进建议,通过这个设计活动,运用所学,能够激发学生的学习兴趣,并且在表达中达到知识巩固和内化运用的作用。 最后让学生写一写自己的饮食习惯并相互提出建议, 教师提出自己的感悟,并分享给大家。七七 教学过程教学过程活动1【导入】T: Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls.3S: Good morning,

6、 Miss Zhu.T: Today, Im very happy to have a new lesson with you.In this class, we need to learn three points. ( 展 示 本 节 课 的 学 习 目 标 )T: Are you clear?S: Yes.T: Good, first, lets play a game. Ill ask a student to read the game rule for us. Okayyou please.S: read aloud: “如果看到食物的图片,请大声说出食物的名字。如果看到是苹果,请

7、大声说”Yummy”。T: Ok, boys and girls, are you ready?S: Yes.T: lets go!S: say the words after seeing the pictures: rice, noodles, dumplings, yummy,hamburger .T: Great! I think you do a very good job. Just now, we enjoyed a lot of picture aboutfood, so can you tell me, what food do you like?S: lollipops,

8、cakes, soft drinks, ice cream.T:So we can see different people like different food, and some of you like cakes, icecream, lollipops very much. They are very sweet, so we call them sweet food. Readafter me, sweet food. (领读)S: read after the teacher.T: Okay, boys and girls, I know your favorite food w

9、ell. Do you want to know myfavorite food?S: Yes.活动 2【讲授】Listen and knowT: This time, I will tell you about the food I have for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Thefood I have for three meals means diet. (教授 diet) So please listen carefully about mydiet, then answer my question: “Is my diet healthy or un

10、healthy?”Ss listen carefully.T: Can you answer my question? Is my diet healthy or unhealthy?4S: Unhealthy.T: Why do I have an unhealthy diet? Can you find the sentences?S: You say, “I usually have a lot of noodles for breakfast, but sometimes I get up lateand I have no time for my breakfast.”T: Good

11、. I have no time for my breakfast and I am very hungry. It is not good for myhealth. (板书health) Or we can say, its not healthy ( 板书healthy,带读,教授读音)S: You say,“I only drink a little water every day.”T: Yes. I always feel thirsty, because I dont drink much water, so that means a littlewater. (领读, 并板书

12、a little)S: You say, “I usually eat a few vegetables for lunch.”T: Good. As you know I usually have lunch at school from Monday to Friday, and Ihave lunch quickly because I have a lot of things to do. Thats why I have a fewvegetables for lunch, understand?S: Yes.T: teach “a few”(领读 a few, 并板书)。T: Ok

13、. Boys and girls, you know I my diet. What about our friends, Mike and YangLing? Please watch the cartoon then answer my question: Whose diet is healthy?活动 3【呈现】Watch and answerT: Whose diet is healthy?S: Yang Lings diet.T: Great, youve got the answer. Now please open your books and read the passage

14、carefully to find out sentences about Yang Lings diet, and finish the table.Yang lings dietMealFoodbreakfastlunch& dinnerT: OK. This is Yang Lings diet. What about Mikes diet? Can you tell me why he hasan unhealthy diet? Please find the sentences to fill in the table.Mikes dietMealFoodbreakfastlunch

15、& dinner5活动4【阅读】Read and judgeT: Boys and girls, I think you do a very good job. Now we know Yang Lings diet andMikes diet well. Please read the whole text quickly then judge the sentences. If it isfalse, please correct it.活动5【朗读】 Lets read aloud!T: Now lets read after the tape. Pay attention to you

16、r intonation and pronunciation.活动6【复述】 Read and writeT: Now, can you retell the story? Lets do it according to your memory. So, this isMikes diet. For breakfast, he eatsHe also likes sweet food.活动7【讲授】Lets knowT: At the end of the text, the girl asks: Do you have a healthy diet? So, first I want toa

17、sk you what the healthy diet is.T introduces the healthy diet pyramid to students: Look at the picture please. Mostof the people think it is a healthy diet. (在呈现金字塔的同时,把 a lot of, some, afew, a little 写在相对应的位置)T:Ok, this time, lets draw the pyramid for Mike and Yang Ling.Mikes dietYang lings diet6活动

18、8【讨论】Lets discuss.T: So look at Mikes pyramid, what should he do? Please discuss in groups, thenshare your ideas.S gives ideas. (老师利用金字塔图,在上面做修改)活动9【讨论】Lets discuss.T: Now, boys and girls, lets finish our diet. Please do a survey about your diet andfinish the table.My dietMealFoodBreakfastLunchdinne

19、rS: discuss with desk mate and finish the table.T: invite two students to show their diets to the class. Then let others to give the advice if theythink he/she has an unhealthy diet.活动10【感悟】T shares a piece of advice with students:healthy diet + healthy lifestyle + happy everyday= healthy you!活动11 h

20、omework:1. Introduce the Food Pyramid to your family.(向你的家人介绍食物金字塔)2. Write 1-2 suggestions on healthy diet for your family.(请给你的家人写 1-2 条健康饮食的建议)3. Read and try to retell Story time and finish exercise.(复述课文并完成练习)7教后反思与教研组建议:教后反思与教研组建议:本节课围绕健康饮食,先通过本节课围绕健康饮食,先通过游戏的形式引入新课学习,在复习食物词汇游戏的形式引入新课学习,在复习食物词

21、汇同时,为后面开展的教学做好铺垫,然后通过听力任务的设置呈现三餐,同时,为后面开展的教学做好铺垫,然后通过听力任务的设置呈现三餐,学生学生通过教师的饮食介绍,通过教师的饮食介绍,理解新单词如理解新单词如: sweet food, healthy, diet, a few, a little 等等,通过最后的问题引入本课课题:通过最后的问题引入本课课题:A healthy diet。然后通过问题。然后通过问题“Whose diet ishealthy?”让学生观看动画回答谁的饮食比较健康,接着自然的让学生观看动画回答谁的饮食比较健康,接着自然的将课文的文本处将课文的文本处理成两个部分理成两个部分

22、, 先是先是 Yang Lings diet, 然后是然后是 Mikes diet。 学生通过泛读课文先学生通过泛读课文先完成三餐的表格设计,完成三餐的表格设计,让学生达到所学知识的理解和运用。在此基础上判断句让学生达到所学知识的理解和运用。在此基础上判断句子,通篇理解,最后朗读课文,完成写的训练复述课文。最后教学环节,呈现子,通篇理解,最后朗读课文,完成写的训练复述课文。最后教学环节,呈现健康饮食金字塔健康饮食金字塔,并让学生模拟这个金字塔并让学生模拟这个金字塔,自己画出自己画出 Mike 和和 Yang Ling 的金的金字塔,并结合金字塔提出改进建议,字塔,并结合金字塔提出改进建议,通过通过这个设计活动,这个设计活动,运用所学,能够激发运用所学,能够激发学生的学习兴趣,并且在表达中达到知识巩固和内化运用的作用。最后让学生学生的学习兴趣,并且在表达中达到知识巩固和内化运用的作用。最后让学生写一写自己的饮食习惯并相互提出建议写一写自己的饮食习惯并相互提出建议,教师提出自己的感悟教师提出自己的感悟,并分享给大家并分享给大家。教研组建议:听说读写四个方面的训练结合的很好,金字塔的设计结合课教研组建议:听说读写四个方面的训练结合的很好,金字塔的设计结合课本能够让学生在运用中体会,在综合活动设计上形式可以更多样一些。本能够让学生在运用中体会,在综合活动设计上形式可以更多样一些。


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