Unit 3 A healthy diet-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b2f10).doc

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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b2f10).doc_第1页
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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b2f10).doc_第2页
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Unit 3 A healthy diet-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b2f10).doc_第3页
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1、My diet教教学学分析:分析:本课的主题为“diet”,是一节基于学生前三课时对健康饮食学习完之后的一节写作课。学生对于饮食这一话题比较感兴趣,同时也很熟悉,因此他们有话可说。不过在各课时的教学观察中,我发现学生只会平铺直叙地描述他人饮食习惯,从而使得表达内容呈现出意义单一,句式表达单一的现象。所以,在写作指导过程中,教师要帮助学生梳理表达方式,关注饮食习惯更多的科学文化内涵的探讨,同时, 引导学生关注细节描写,帮助学生在口头表达和书面表达中养成细致描述和有条理表达的能力,提高语言的丰富性和逻辑性。教学目标:1.围绕话题“My diet ”,教师能引导学生循序渐进地使用多样化的句型分层次展

2、开讨论,进行有关“My diet”的个性化写作。2.学生在听说读写等语言实践活动中能进行多样化的提问,锻炼批判性思维能力,丰富表达句式及内容,优化写作方法,彰显个性化的语言表达。3.完善写作评价表并对作品开展客观、公正的自评和互评。教学重点:1.围绕话题“My diet ”,教师能引导学生循序渐进地使用多样化的句型分层次展开讨论,进行有关“My diet”的个性化写作。教学难点:1.学生在听说读写等语言实践活动中能进行多样化的提问,锻炼批判性思维能力,丰富表达句式及内容,优化写作方法,彰显个性化的语言表达。2.完善写作评价表并对作品开展客观、公正的自评和互评。教学准备:学生习作初稿“My di

3、et”教学过程:Step1. Warming up1.Greetings. 进行自我介绍并与学生自由谈论2.揭题 diet:If you want to be healthy and strong,care about our diet.3.Talk about dietLook at the food pyramid,what do yo know?Ss:学生自由谈论 diet (正确使用数量词)T:板书句型:板书句型:.give(s) us energyis good for our healthmake us strong 补充词汇:dietary fiber 膳食纤维 vitamin

4、维他命 protein 蛋白质 nutrition 营养T:板书板书Diet cures more than doctors. Lets talk about the three meals first.Step2.Pre-writing1.T&Ss Breakfast.T:What do you have for breakfast?Ss: I have(2 名学生)T:Do you often have ?引导学生使用频率副词 alwaysusuallyoftensometimesChinese people often have porridge and steamed buns for

5、 breakfast,but sometimes wealso have拓展早餐词汇:pickles 酱菜 soya bean milk 豆浆 deep fried dough 油条 sesameseed bun 烧饼 steamed stuffed bun 馒头Ss: I often havesometimes we have(2 名学生)T:Does have a healthy breakfast? Why?Ss:I thinks.because.(使用之前板书的句型来描述)拓展句子:T:Breakfast gives us energy to start the new day .2.

6、S&S LunchT:What about lunch? Where do you have lunch?What do you have for lunch?Ss:I have.补充词汇:meat: pork 猪肉 beef 牛肉 lamb 羊肉 chicken 鸡肉 duck 鸭肉vegetables: green vegetable 青菜 cabbage 卷心菜 carrot 胡萝卜T:How about your deskmate?Please do a survey!引导学生根据表格提问:What do you have for lunch?Do you have.Ask and t

7、ick:Name :soupvegetablesmeatfishriceothermuchmanya lot ofsomea fewlittleTell us your deskmates lunch. Healthy or unhealthy?and why?根据调查表格进行交流Summary:Heshe hasI think heshe has( a healthy an unhealthy) lunch,becauseHeShe should拓展句子:Some soup before dinner, healthy body forever.3.Ss: My familys dinner

8、T:Finally ,we have dinner at home ,please share us your familys dinner:We haveeatOur dinner is healthyunhealthy becauseWe should拓展句子: Leave off with an appetite.4.DrinksT: In the diet,we eat three meals every day. We also should.Ss: We should drink a lot of water every day.T:When and how should we d

9、rink water?Know more about water:拓展句子:Eight glasses of water every day.Aglass of warm water in the early morning is good for our body.Do not drink water until you feel thirsty.T:板书板书Health is wealth. Teach: wealth 财富财富When we write about our diet,we can use these rich sentences.(板书呈现)Step3 While-wri

10、ting1.The sample: My diet.T:Look at my students diet.Read it together.Is is good?Make the standard together.学生从其他各个维度对作品进行评价:*书写规范 a good handwriting20*主题鲜明 a clear-cut theme20*语句通顺 fluent sentences20*句式丰富 rich sentences20*详略得当 a proper arrangement20These words and sentences can help you to modify y

11、our composition.(PPT 呈现所有的谚语及补充词汇)2.Modify their “diet”根据提供的词句给学生进行修改。Step4 Post-writing1. Evaluate one of studentswritings as a model.(1 篇)教师从五个维度进行示范性评价(提供评价表)2. Evaluate their writings with each other.学生根据评价表对他人作品进行客观评价, 能够使用批判性思维正确看待他人作品并提高自身写作水平3. Share some studentswritings and correct it in class.(2 篇)Step 4 SummaryBefore writing,we should look for more words and sentences about diet.While writing,we should make a good arrangement.Post writing,we should modify our passage carefully with these aspects.Step 5 HomeworkModify their passages better after class.


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