Unit 1 The lion and the mouse-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f0860).doc

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Unit 1 The lion and the mouse-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f0860).doc_第3页
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1、The Revision of simple past tense教学内容The Revision of simple past tense执教时间2017.04教学目标1、学会系统复习一般过去时态的方法。2、通过复习一般过去时态,知识结构化,帮助学生培养自主梳理归纳能力。3、通过多种形式,发展学生综合运用语言的能力培养,以及培养他们在情境中运用语法知识。4、培养学生细心学习,敢于接受挑战、突破难点、积极思考、相互合作的精神和情感。教学重难点1、掌握一般过去时态结构,点状、碎片性知识结构化。2、能灵活运用一般过去时态谈论过去发生的事情。教学准备PPT,图片,板书,任务袋教学环节教师活动学生活动

2、设计意图Warmingup1.Daily talkWhats your name? How are you?Whats your favorite holiday?How did you spend it last year?2. Game time.1. Enjoy and say after thecontent.2. Play a game and tell thetense.谈论今天的话题,从形式上活跃了气氛。保持好和谐、融洽的师生关系,调动起学生的情绪和热情。通过游戏导入课堂主题情境,迅速激活学生已有知识储备,师生互相熟悉,营造学习氛围。Revision1. Brainstormin

3、gWhat do you know about simplepast tense.2. Group workLet students choose a task fromthe task pocket and complete it ingroups.3. Share timeLet students share group findingsin class.Talkaboutsimplepasttense freely.Choose a task from the taskpocket and complete it ingroupsSharegroupfindingsinclass.激活了

4、学生已有的语法知识,还培养了他们学习语法的意识和探究学习的能力,发现和归纳等方式掌握语法的规律,形成有效的学习策略。提高学生的学习能力。Consolidation1. Ask and find.Present a picture of a story andlet students ask questions aboutthe story.Let students read the story ingroupsandfindtheneededinformation.2. Read and complete.Ask students to complete a shortpassagewiths

5、omewordsmissing.3. Think and create.Ask students to write an endingfor the story.1. Ask questions about thestory.Read the story in groupsandfindtheneededinformation.2. Completeashortpassage with some wordsmissing.3. Make an ending for thestory.通过多种形式,发展学生综合运用语言的能力培养,以及培养他们在情境中运用语法知识联系实际生活,用目标语言进行真实的

6、交流。设置开放性问题,让学生创编故事结尾,有利于学生创造性思维品质的培养。Summary1. Ask students to summarizewhat they have learned in class.2. Show more thinking maps forrevision made by students.1. Summarize what theyhave learned in class.2.Enjoymorethinkingmaps for revision made bystudents.培养学生自主归纳的能力。通过介绍其他的思维导图,培养学生积极思考,自主复习的能力。HomeworkAssign homework.1. Choose one thinkingmap to review simplefuture tense.2. Collect more irregularpast tense and try toremember them.从课内到课外的延伸,培养学生课外自学和拓展学习的意识和能力。板书设计


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