Project 2 A travel book-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e2c48).doc

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Project 2 A travel book-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e2c48).doc_第1页
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Project 2 A travel book-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e2c48).doc_第2页
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Project 2 A travel book-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e2c48).doc_第3页
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Project 2 A travel book-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e2c48).doc_第4页
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Project 2 A travel book-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e2c48).doc_第5页
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1、译林版六译林版六年级下册年级下册Project 2 第第 1 课时课时 教学设计教学设计一一、Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标:教学目标:(一)Knowledge aims 知识目标:1. 能运用 How is the weather in ? What interesting places will we see in thecity? What food will we eat in the city? 对某个城市的信息进行询问以及回答。2. 通过复习能巩固著名景点所在国家、城市的信息。(二)Skill aims 能力目标1. 能运用 w

2、ill 进行一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的提问。2. 能明确旅行前可以通过哪些途径进行信息了解,以及对某地进行哪些方面的提问。3. 能小组合作介绍最喜爱城市的信息。(三)Moral aims 情感目标:1. 通过话题讨论,深入了解旅行的意义。2. 通过制作 travel book, 深化小组合作意识,学会彼此分享感受。二二、Teaching important and difficult points 教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:(一) Teaching important points 教学重点:1. 通过复习,能熟练掌握句型 Will you?以及 will 引导的特殊疑问句,及其答句。2.

3、 能运用 How is the weather in ? What interesting places will we see in thecity? What food will we eat in the city? 对某个城市的信息进行询问以及回答。3. 能小组合作介绍最喜爱城市的信息。(二) Teaching difficult points 教学难点:1. 能运用 will 进行一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的提问。2. 能小组合作介绍最喜爱城市的信息。三三、Teaching preparation教学准备:教学准备:1.教师准备:各组 Travel book 封面,PPt,板书。2.学生

4、准备:完成自己最喜爱城市信息卡片。四四、Teaching procedures教学过程:教学过程:Step1 Free talkT:Boys and girls, the summer holiday is coming .Do you have a plan for thesummer holiday?Where will go for the summer holiday?When will go there?Will go there by ?How long will stay there?(逐一展示问题,问 2 名学生,为了提高学生注意力,可反问其他听众该生的暑假计划。 )【设计意图

5、:通过对暑假计划的交流导入到本课的教学,同时复习将来时 will的用法。】Step 2 Presentation1.Today we learn Project 2:Atravel book.(板书)T:Whats in a travel book? You can discuss in groups.S:Maybe there is a country / .T:Yes, there are many countries/ cities/ interesting places in the book.2. Look and sayT: I think your ideas are great

6、. Now Ill read a travel book. And this is an e-book.Lets open it, OK? The first page, oh, therere so many interesting places, do youknow them?S: The Grand Canyon and Niagara FallsT: Where are they?S: The Grand Canyon is in the US and Niagara Falls is in Canada.T: So can you introduce these places li

7、ke this: Youll find in ?Ss: Youll find the Grand Canyon in the US. 3. (show the map of the world) Look at the map of the world. Do you know anycountries in the map?S:.T: Lets play the game “Brain storm”. When you see the picture, speak out thename of the country loudly【设计意图:1.通过欣赏图片的方式帮助学生回顾两个单元 Cul

8、ture time 的主要景点,并进行国家的匹配。2.再次巩固 Youll find in 句子。】4.The students show the information they have found.T: Now we know so many countries and places in the world, can you show theinformation that you have found yesterday. Please come to the front and introduceyour picture .【设计意图:1.通过学生介绍自绘的思维导图再次巩固各国主要

9、景点,加深印象。】Step 3 Pracice1.Introduce your favourite city .T: There are so many beautiful places and cities. But whats your favourite city?S: My favourite city is .T: Why do you like it best?S:.(鼓励学生用自己的语言回答)2.The teacher show her favourite city.T: Just now, you showed your favourite city. Do you want

10、to know my favouritecity? Listen and guessS:Your favourite city is Yangzhou.T: Yes , its Yangzhou. How do you know it? Read the passage and answer thequestion.This is my favourite city. In spring, its very warm and sunny. You can enjoyspring with your family outside. Its very hot in summer. Sometime

11、s, theresheavy rain. Autumn is the most beautiful season of a year. Its cool. But its tooshort. Winter is coming very soon. It is not so cold in winter. Sometimes we cansee white snow.There are many interesting places there. Like the Slender West park(瘦西(瘦西湖湖), the Geyuan Garden(个园个园),the Ho Park an

12、d so on. Every year, there aremany visitors . People can enjoy very delicious food there like SteamedDumpilngs.The most famous food is Yangzhou Fried Rice.Now, do you know what my favourite city is?3. Answer the questionsHow is the weather in.?What interesting places will we see in the city?What foo

13、d will we eat in the city?(板书 About Yangzhou)T: Yangzhou is my hometown and I love it best. Look my card, can you writedown your favourite city like this.【设计意图:通过阅读教师最喜欢的城市短文寻找答案,训练学生的阅读理解能力。】3. Open the book and fill the blank on page88.T: Which is your favourite city? Choose one and fill it. These

14、 words will helpyou.汤包汤包 Steamed Dumpilngs青团青团 Green Rice Balls烤鸭烤鸭 Roast Duck扬州炒饭扬州炒饭 Yangzhou Fried Rice4.Ask and answer question about ones favourite cityT: If we want to ask about ones favourite city, how can we ask according tothese aspects?S: How is the weather in.?What interesting places will

15、 we see in the city?What food will we eat in the city?How can you get there from Nanjing?Do you have any more suggestions?引导学生总结归纳从哪几个方面介绍自己喜爱的城市,多多益善。T: Great! So before we visit one place, we can ask questions about the weather,interesting places, food, the traffic, culture difference, event sched

16、ule, hotel and so on.【设计意图:1.通过讨论明晰旅行前应该了解的信息,并进行简单归类。2.巩固操练 will 的特殊疑问句,并进行提问技能的训练。】Step 4 Cinsolidation1. Lets talk about our favourite city. You can ask and answer together.The students talk about these questions in their groups.2. Introduce your favourite city.T: Let me do it first.Yangzhou is m

17、y favourite city. Its in Jiangsu China. The weather is sunny andcloudy. Youll see the Slender West park, the Geyuan Garden and the Ho Park. Youlleat Yangzhou Fried Rice and Steamed Dumpilngsthere. Its my show-and-tell. What about yours?S:.【设计意图:通过模仿教师的示范,学生根据表格用英语描述出自己最喜欢的城市,锻炼学生口语表达能力。】3. Write dow

18、n your favourite city.T: Just now, you talked about your favourite city well, now I think you can writea short passage about your favourite city.【设计意图:学生尝试把最喜欢的城市写出来,先说后写,降低书写难度,锻炼学生书写能力。】4. The students make a class travel bookT: Can you come to the front and show your paper .(挑选四-五个介绍不同城市的同学上台介绍,并

19、用投影展示学生的写作,将纸片收齐添加一个封面装订成册。)S: My favourite city isT: Look, its our travel book.四四、 Homework 家庭作业家庭作业:1. Write a short passage about your favourite city.2. Show your favourite city to your parents.五五、 Blackboard writing 板书设计板书设计:教后记教后记本课是复习单 Project2 元的第一课时,重点复习了 5 至 8 单元的学习内容。本课时的主线是在阅读 A travel bo

20、ok 的过程中谈论孩子们的暑期计划。 旅行是学生喜欢的话题, 本课时教师从 Free talk 入手, 再打开 travel book 阅读 travel book导入第二环节谈论国家、城市、和标志性景点的话题。猜测国家名称的过程其实不是简单巩固国家名称,重点在于培养学生跨文化意识,了解相关国家植物、动物、食物、运动等知识,鼓励学生通过各种途径探索自己感兴趣的国家、城市,开阔学生眼界。学生通过自绘思维导图梳理所学知识,建构知识体系。学生在与他人分享所获取的信息的过程中,让他人学到知识、帮助他人也有助于激发学生学习的成就感。第三环节解决了如何把一个城市的信息介绍给别人, 教师介绍自己最喜欢的城市

21、扬州,为学生填写城市信息表提供了很好的范例,学生也有机会把平时学习中所积累的以及课前通过各种途径获取的信息充分用起来。 此过程中教师引导学生拓宽思维,不简单重复运用书上的句型,使语言运用更自然、娴熟。第四环节是小组合作进而进行全班交流的过程,这是个非常愉悦的分享过程。 最后教师鼓励全班学生读万卷书, 行万里路, 在旅行的过程中不断丰富自己,并把知识和快乐分享给他人。第五环节是要求学生写下“My favourite city”,在学生能熟练介绍 Myfavourite city 的基础上再写作大大降低了写作的难度,有效降低学生对写作的害怕,让学生有话可写。最后,教师挑选部分学生展示作文,并做介绍,教师将学生们的材料收集后装订成册,就制作成我们自己的 travel book。


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