Module 3 Heroes-Unit 1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:a3b51).zip

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What kind of person can be heroes?HERO be brave with super poweralways help other people in need save someones life risk their lives for others be an expert in an areaListen and choose the correct answer.1.Who are the speakers? a) A student and a teacher. b) A person on the radio and a guest. c) Two students.2. Where are the speakers? a) At a radio station. b) At home. c) In a classroom.3. What are they talking about? a) A famous person. b) A friend c) A teacher.6P191. Shes my hero because shes one of the best table tennis player in the world.2. She started playing table tennis when she was five.3. Whatever she does, she never gives up!4. Deng says that she isnt cleverer than anyone else, but she has a very strong will.Look at the information about Deng Yaping长的句子按照意思的群落(即“意群”)适当断开、稍加停顿(即“停顿”) ,断开的几部分都具有相对完整的意思。注意注意:句子需要按照意思的群落(即句子需要按照意思的群落(即“意群意群”)适当断开、稍加停顿(即适当断开、稍加停顿(即“停顿停顿”),断),断开的几部分都具有相对完整的意思。按开的几部分都具有相对完整的意思。按照一般语法结构,可划分为以下意群单照一般语法结构,可划分为以下意群单位:位:(1)短句短句 (2) 名词短语名词短语 (3) 介词介词/不定式不定式/分词短语分词短语 (4) 动词短语动词短语 (5) 主谓结构主谓结构 (6)动宾结构动宾结构 (7) 系表结构系表结构 (8) 动状结构动状结构 (9)主句主句-从句。从句。 6P19Listen and mark the pauses.1. Shes my hero because shes one of the best table tennis player in the world.2. She started playing table tennis when she was five.3. Whatever she does, she never gives up!4. Deng says that she isnt cleverer than anyone else, but she has a very strong will. She received a doctors degree from Cambridge University in 2008.She helped make the Beijing Olympics a victory for world sport.Lets enjoy a piece of video about Deng Yaping.1P18Work in pairs. Look at the picture and make a concersation.Deng YapingFebruary 5, 1973 Zhengzhou, Henana table tennis playerShe won four gold medals in the Olympics. *Listen and answer the questions . 1. Who is Damings hero? 2. Why is she Damings hero? 3. Why did she become a great player later? Deng Yaping.Because she is one of the best table tennis players in the world.Because she trained hard.When she was five,When she was twenty-four,After she stopped playing,After seven years study abroad,she_ _.she _.she began to _in Beijing.she _Facts about Deng Yaping started playing table tennisstopped playing study atTsinghua University Completed her doctors Degree at CambridgeComplete the sentences so that they are true for Deng Yaping.1. She says she is not _ _.2. She has a very _.3. She helped _ _.4.Whatever she does, she _.anyone elseOlympics a victory for world sportstrong willnever gives upcleverer thanmake the BeijingComplete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. Deng yaping is Damings hero. At first, she was a table tennis player. Later, she _ Tsinghua university and then went to study _. She says that she is not _ than anyone else, but she has a very strong _. She also helped make the Beijing Olympics a(n) _ for world sport . She is a true hero.attendedabroadclevererabroad attend clever victory willwillvictoryA: Whos your hero?B: Its Jackie Chan!A: Why?B: Because hes a great film star. I think his films are fantastic!Work in pairs. Talk about your heroes.Its Yuan Longping?Because he is great and successful.Why?Whos your hero?Its Liu Yang?Because she is brave .Why?Whos your hero?Its.Because she is Why?Whos your hero?1. Remember the new expressions in this unit.2. Write a short dialogue about your heroes. 教学设计教学设计提供教师提供教师单位单位教学对象教学对象九年级学生课时课时第二课时课题课题Moudle3 Unit1课型课型听说课教学目标:教学目标:(1) 知识目标知识目标:词汇词汇:能够在听力中听懂,在口语中灵活运用下列单词 metal, attend, abroad, will, victory, simply, including, whatever, amazing.词组词组:在口语中能够熟练使用下列短语:give up, once again, as well as.语法:语法:在教学中,通过听力和会话训练学生学会使用时间,原因和结果状语从句。(2) 技能目标:技能目标:听听:能够听懂并辨别对话中的人物关系,明确对话场所和话题; 能够听懂英雄人物的故事。说说:能够利用所学的状语从句谈论自己洗好的和敬佩的英雄人物及其事迹,并能根据意思适当的停顿,使句子的意思清晰,表达刘畅。(3) 情感态度:情感态度:通过对话学习,学生了解英雄人物不屈不挠,意志坚定,勤奋刻苦的高贵品质,激发自己争做国家栋梁,为国争光的热情。重点与难点重点与难点教学重点:通过本课的学习,学生能够听懂并谈论自己心目中的的英雄人物。教学难点:准确并灵活运用状语从句谈论英雄人物。学习者特征分析:学习者特征分析:经过初一初二的学习,九年级的学生已经有一定的词汇基础并能准确应用简单句。他们也能进行适当的口语交流。虽然本班学生英语总体水平比较薄弱,学习方面不是很积极主动,但他们对英语学习的积极性比较高,想学,乐学。因此需要老师积极启发和引导。教学方法教学方法小组合作法:小组合作法:用电子白板播放邓亚萍的简介视频,学生两人一组,谈论邓亚萍的成功。任务型教学法:任务型教学法:通过邓亚萍的学习,通过电子白板播放英雄人物图片让学生围绕英雄人物这一话题展开小组合作对话,进行口语交际训练。教学过程:教学过程:Step one: 导入新课导入新课(1)歌曲欣赏:利用电子白板播放 Charlotte Pirellis 的歌曲 hero 同时呈现英雄人物图像,这不仅能引出本模块话题英雄,也能为学生创设学习情境。(2)热身活动:听对话,让学生会通过 who, where, what 等问题预测听力内容并能准确完成听力选项。1).Who are the speakers? a) A student and a teacher. b) A person on the radio and a guest. c) Two students2). Where are the speakers? a) At a radio station. b) At home. c) In a classroom.3). What are they talking about? a) A famous person. b) A friend c) A teacher.小组合作,根据邓亚萍的视频短片在小组中谈论邓亚萍。Step two: 呈现新课呈现新课(1)教师利用电子白板播放邓亚萍的信息,学生跟读,并标记句子中的停顿。(2)学生听录音,回答教师布置的问题。培养学生听录音获取细节信息的能力并学会原因和结果状语从句的使用。1. Who is Damings hero?2. Why is she Damings Hero?3. Why did she become a great player later? (3)学生第二次听录音,获取细节信息,完成表格。利用表格信息复习时间状语从句的应用。When she was five,she_.When she was twenty-four,she _.After she stopped playing, she began to _in Beijing. After seven years study abroad,she _.(4)通过表格信息,学生在小组对话中练习条件状语从句的使用,并注意适当停顿。最后教师点名汇报。For example:When she was five, she started playing table tennis.She started playing table tennis when she was five.(5) 跟读练习,培养学生的朗读水平。播放对话录音,让学生模仿语音、语调进行跟读练习。Step three: 巩固练习巩固练习(1)归纳总结。学生从对话中寻找并归纳邓亚萍的个人信息,同时学习她积极向上,永不放弃的精神。1. She says she is not cleverer than anyone else.2. She has a very strong will.3. She helped make the Beijing Olympics a victory for world sport.4.Whatever she does, she never gives up.(2)巩固提高。用方框中给出的单词完成短文,本活动的目的是帮助学生复习巩固对话中的重点词汇和重点句型。broad attend clever victory willDeng Yaping is Damings hero. At first, she was a table tennis player. Later, she _ Tsinghua university and then went to study _. She says that she is not _ than anyone else, but she has a very strong _. She also helped make the Beijing Olympics a(n) _ for world sport . She is a true hero. (3)能力提升。本活动是语言输出活动。要求学生运用所学的状语从句谈论心目中的英雄。这既检测了学生的新知掌握情况,又培养了学生语言表达能力。A: Whos your hero?B: Its .A: Why?B: Because . Step four: 作业布置作业布置1. Remember the new words and expressions in this unit.2. Talked about your heroes and then write a short dialogue about your heroes.资源应用资源应用为改变传统的课堂教学,进一步激发学生的英语学习兴趣,我对教育资源网络中收集的视频和频频进行适当的剪辑,加工和整合,以适应本课的教学。导入环节,利用收集到的歌曲和视频引出本课话题 heroes, 同时有助于学生积极主动地参与到课堂活动中。听力训练环节,利用编辑好的音频材料对学生进行泛听,精听,跟读训练,培养学生的听说能力。巩固练习环节,利用教材资源整合各类习题,帮助学生掌握相关词汇,短语和语法。教学反思教学反思在本课的实际教学中,师生比较顺利的完成了各个教学环节的内容。根据课程标准的理念,结合本班学生的实际情况和接受水平,我对教材的活动安排进行了适当的整合重组。我利用丰富的教学资源,合理地添加了符合教学内容的学习材料,用学生熟悉的英雄人物激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性。通过活动和任务设计,尽量让每一名学生都参与到课堂学习中,使每一名学生都有收获。在操练中,及时发现问题,纠正错误。针对学生学习方面比较被动的情况,我用多媒体播放歌曲、视频来激发兴趣,在惊醒多种操练形式积极引导学生参与其中。在口语表达方面,学生虽让能完成教师所布置的任务 但在语言表达上不能灵活运用丰富的词汇,句子没有新意,未能达到预期的理想效果。针对这种情况,应该让学生多说多练,视情况为学生提供丰富的材料信息,使学生在练习环节的语言表达更加丰富。
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