Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends-Lesson 18 Friendship Between Animals-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(编号:702f1).zip

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Lesson18 Friendship Between Animals 1.Learn and master new words. friendship rhino skin warn insect relationship survive hippo tortoise boundary truly 2.Understand and use the phrases flexibly. used to do sth. warn sb about sth. not just but also touch ones heart3.Care about animals, cherish the friendship.friendshiprhinoskinwarninsectrelationshipn.n. 友情,友谊友情,友谊n.n. 犀牛犀牛n.n. 皮,皮肤皮,皮肤v.v. 警告,提醒警告,提醒n.n. 昆虫昆虫n.n. 关系,关联关系,关联Words and expressionssurvivehippotortoisetrulyboundaryv.v. 生存,存活生存,存活n.n. 河马河马n.n. 龟龟adv.adv. 真正,正确真正,正确地地n.n. 分界线,边界分界线,边界I. Listen and fill in the blanks.This week Danny learned about _. He learned about the relationship between the egret and the rhino. The rhino is big and _. But it lets a small bird called an egret sit on its _. They help each other. The egret helps to _ the rhinos skin. It also makes noise to _ the rhino about coming danger. The rhino helps the egret get food more _.animalsstrongbackcleanwarn easily1.Who is Owen? Who is Mzee? Owen is a baby hippo. Mzee is a 130-year-old tortoise. 2.How did people feel when they heard the story between Owen and Mzee? They felt moved.3.Do good friends need to say something to show they care? No, they dont. Read and answer.Find out the phrases1.I used to think only the same animals live together used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事”,只能用于一般过去式。eg.eg. HeHe usedused toto bebe latelate forfor class.class.bebe usedused toto doingdoing sth.sth. 习惯于做某事习惯于做某事, ,可用于现可用于现在、过去等时态在、过去等时态eg.eg. I I usedused toto getget upup late,late, butbut I Iamam usedused toto gettinggetting upup earlyearly now.now. 2. warn (v.) 提醒 warn sb about sth.=warn sb. of sth. 提醒/警告某人注意/当心某事 eg.eg. My sister warns me of dogs. warn sb. not to do sth.警告某人不要做某事 eg.eg. The teacher warned us not to play on the road.3.Sometimes3.Sometimes differentdifferent animalsanimals getget togethertogether notnot justjust toto survive,survive, butbut alsoalso forfor friendship.friendship.4.touch ones heart打动某人的心eg.eg. The song touched his heart.eg.eg. HeHe isis notnot justjust a a singer,singer,butbut alsoalso a a doctordoctor. .Make up dialoguesHomeworkComplete the Activity books of lesson 18.LessonLesson 1818:FriendshipFriendship BetweenBetween AnimalsAnimalsTeaching aims1.Learn and master new words.friendshipfriendship rhinorhino skinskin warnwarn insectinsect relationshiprelationship survivesurvive hippohippo tortoisetortoise boundaryboundary trulytruly 2.Understand and use the phrases flexibly.usedused toto dodo sth.sth. warnwarn sbsb aboutabout sth.sth. notnot justjust butbut alsoalso touchtouch onesones heart.heart.3.Care about animals, cherish the friendship. Teaching importances New words and phrases.Teaching difficulties The uses of phrasesTeaching Resources Book,Tape,Slide showTeaching processStep Leading-inWatch the video.Step Present the Learning aims. .Step Self-Study1.Learn the new words .2.Listen and complete the exercises on the screen.3.Read the second part of lesson and complete the exercises on the screen.4.Check the answers as a class.Step Language Notesused to do sth. warn sb about sth. not just but also touch ones heartStep practise Ask the students to performance the dialogue.Step Sum Up and HomeworkComplete the Activity books of lesson 18. Teaching Reflection
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