Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us-Lesson 19 How Do You Use the Internet -ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(编号:c14f0).zip

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Unit 4The Internet Connects UsLesson 19How do you use the Internet?desktoplaptoptabletdesktop n.台式电脑台式电脑keyboard n.键盘键盘tablet n.平板电脑平板电脑technology n.技术技术industry n.工业工业invitation n.邀请邀请I used to have the _ computer with a black_.desktopkeyboardPresentationBut now I have a _. I can use it to learn some knowledge about science and _.tablettechnologyI can use it to collect information about the _.industryI can also use it to send the _if we want to have a party for Christmas . invitationListen to the text Read and answer.1. What does Jenny like to use the Internet to do? 2. What does Danny like doing? 3.What does Brain like doing on the Internet?She likes to use the Internet to read about sports and technology.He likes chatting with his friends online.He likes doing research for his homework.4. What can Danny and his friends do if they want to have a meeting?5. How many people are following Dannys blog?6. How will Brain send his research to his Grandpa? They can send the invitation online.By e-mail.500 people. Read the lesson. Tick the things that Jenny and her classmates like to do on the Internet.watch moviesshopwrite blogschat onlineplay gamesreadsend or receive e-mailslisten to musicdo research for homeworkmake friends 1. I used to have a desktop computer, but now I have a tablet. 我我过去过去有一台台式电有一台台式电脑,但现在我有一台笔记本电脑。脑,但现在我有一台笔记本电脑。used to do sth. 过去常常过去常常/过去惯常做某事过去惯常做某事He used to go shopping every morning.他他以前以前每天上午都去商店买东西。每天上午都去商店买东西。LanguageLanguage pointspoints2. I like chatting with my friends online.我喜欢和我的朋友们在网上我喜欢和我的朋友们在网上聊天聊天。chat with 和和聊天聊天How do you make friendly chat with yourcolleagues?你如何和同事进行友好的你如何和同事进行友好的聊天聊天呢?呢? 3. I use the Internet to blog about donuts.我使用互联网来我使用互联网来写写关于甜甜圈的关于甜甜圈的日志日志。blog n. 博客;网络日志博客;网络日志I like to write blog on the Internet.vi. 写日志;写博客写日志;写博客I use the internet to blog about trip. 4. If we want to have a meeting, I can send the invitation online.如果我们想聚会,我如果我们想聚会,我可以在网上发出邀请。可以在网上发出邀请。此句是由此句是由if 引导的条件状语从句,主句是引导的条件状语从句,主句是含有情态动词含有情态动词(can)的一般现在时,根据需的一般现在时,根据需要从句多用一般现在时要从句多用一般现在时(want)。You should be quiet if you are in the reading room.在阅览室应保持安静。在阅览室应保持安静。 5. If I work hard this evening, I will complete my research.如果我今晚努力工作如果我今晚努力工作,我将完成研究。,我将完成研究。此句是由此句是由if 引导的条件状语从句,如果主句引导的条件状语从句,如果主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。If it doesnt rain , we will play outside. 6. Coffee grows in more than 70 countries!咖啡生长在咖啡生长在70多个国家多个国家!more than 多于;超出;多于;超出;I have known David for more than 20 years. 我认识大卫二十我认识大卫二十多多年。年。 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given verbs. If you work hard, youll _(get) there in the end. If you dont stop him, he will _ (play) games the whole day. If it _ (rain) tomorrow, Danny will not go to the supermarket to buy donuts. If you _ (go) to bed now, Ill read you a bedtime story.getplayrainsgo Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases. I _ _(过去常常过去常常) swim in the lake near my village when I was young.2. _ _ (和和聊天聊天) your friends, play a game, sing some carols. 3. Do you have a _ _(关于关于的博客的博客) running? 4.I have lived here _ _ (超过)超过) ten years. used toChat withblog aboutmore than5. In fact, we already have the _(技术技术) to do so. 6. Hundreds of _(请帖请帖) are being sent out this week. 7. This could be bad for US _ (工业工业). 8. He types very fast; he knows the _(键盘键盘) well. 9. Every second of our lives we _ (发送发送) and receive information. technologyinvitationsindustrykeyboardsend please complete the passage with the following words and phrases useful convenient 方便的方便的 wildly 广泛地广泛地 watch movies play games send or receive e-mails do research for homework chat with friends listen to music Write about: The use of the internet. I In nt te er rn ne et t i is s u us se ef fu ul l f fo or r u us s,i in n o ou ur r d da ai il ly y l li if fe e w we e c ca an n u us se e i it t to go shopping ,watch movies ,write blogs,send or receive e-mails,do research for homework,chat with friends,read newspapers and books,listen to music,make friends all over the world. in a word,the internet has changed our life.it is important and popular.so l love internet technology.Words: technology, desktop, keyboard, invitation, industry, tabletPhrases:used to doblog about.chat withmore thanIf+从句,主句从句,主句SummaryHomework:1.Write a passage about how do you use the Internet. 1. Learn the words and expressions in Lesson 20.2. Underline the sentences you dont understand on page 52. 1 / 5Lesson19 教学设计教学设计一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1. New words: technology, desktop, tablet, keyboard, invitation, industry, used to2. Understand the meaning of text.3. Grammar: Adverbial Clause with “if”.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Master the new words and phrases, and understand the meaning of text.2. Talk about how to use the Internet in our daily life in English.三、Key points:(重点)The purpose of the internet. 四、Difficult points:(难点)Talk about how to use the Internet in our daily life in English.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) PPT六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1. Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.Review: Last week, we learned about the animals, and we knew that we should protect the animals, because the animals are important to the environment, there are not animals, there is not human.Then ask some Ss to describe the animals:Dogs are friendly and loyal; they are humans best friends.Cats are quiet and cute, and they like to eat fish.Tigers and lions are fierce and strong.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)This week, we will learn to talk about the Internet. And ask some Ss to introduce what is the Internet? How to use it in our daily life?Come to “Think About It!”What can you do on a computer? 2 / 5How do you use the Internet?Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 Prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words and phrases. Make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No. 2. Text: Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary.At last, the teacher explains the text in Chinese. Make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No. 3 Important sentences:1. I used to have a desktop computer.2. It is easy to carry.3. I use the Internet to blog about donuts.4. I can begin to write report.No. 4 The Grammar: .1. I used to have a desktop computer, but now I have a tablet. 我过去有一台台式电脑,但现在我有一台笔记本电脑。used to do sth. 过去常常/过去惯常做某事He used to go shopping every morning.他以前每天上午都去商店买东西。2. I like chatting with my friends online.我喜欢和我的朋友们在网上聊天。chat with 和聊天How do you make friendly chat with yourcolleagues?你如何和同事进行友好的聊天呢?3. I use the Internet to blog about donuts.我使用互联网来写关于甜甜圈的日志。 3 / 5blog n. 博客;网络日志I like to write blog on the Internet.vi. 写日志;写博客I use the internet to blog about trip. 4. If we want to have a meeting, I can send the invitation online.如果我们想聚会,我可以在网上发出邀请。此句是由 if 引导的条件状语从句,主句是含有情态动词(can)的一般现在时,根据需要从句多用一般现在时(want)。You should be quiet if you are in the reading room.在阅览室应保持安静。5 . If I work hard this evening, I will complete my research.如果我今晚努力工作,我将完成研究。此句是由 if 引导的条件状语从句,如果主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。If it doesnt rain , we will play outside. 6. Coffee grows in more than 70 countries!咖啡生长在 70 多个国家!more than 多于;超出;I have known David for more than 20 years. 我认识大卫二十多年。 If you work hard, youll _(get) there in the end. If you dont stop him, he will _ (play) games the whole day. If it _ (rain) tomorrow, Danny will not go to the supermarket to buy donuts. If you _ (go) to bed now, Ill read you a bedtime story. 4 / 5I _ _(过去常常) swim in the lake near my village when I was young.2. _ _ (和聊天) your friends, play a game, sing some carols. 3. Do you have a _ _(关于的博客) running? 4.I have lived here _ _ (超过) ten years. 5. In fact, we already have the _(技术) to do so. 6. Hundreds of _(请帖) are being sent out this week. 7. This could be bad for US _ (工业). 8. He types very fast; he knows the _(键盘) well. 9. Every second of our lives we _ (发送) and receive information. Step 4. please complete the passage with the following words and phrases useful convenient 方便的 wildly 广泛地 watch movies play games send or receive e-mails do research for homework chat with friends listen to music Write about: The purpose of the internet. Internet is useful for us,in our daily life we can use it to go shopping ,watch movies ,write blogs,send or receive e-mails,do research for homework,chat with friends,read newspapers and books,listen to music,make friends all over the world. in a word,the internet has changed our life.it is important and popular.so l love internet technology.Make the Ss listen to the text, and then let them read follow the material. 5 / 5Step5. Summary. (小结)Sum up the text what we learned, the new words, phrases, and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Writing a composition:The purpose of the internet.
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