Unit 5 Buying and Selling-Lesson 26 Cookies, Please!-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(编号:81334).zip

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What do you do with your pocket money?Can you think of an invention that would make your life easier?What is it?Think about Lesson 26 Learning Aims知识目知识目标:标:学会本课单词及词汇。学会本课单词及词汇。能力目标能力目标:学会用英语推销产品学会用英语推销产品。情感目标情感目标:能够自信地用英文与他人交流。能够自信地用英文与他人交流。知识知识目目标标 知识目标:单词,短语知识目标:单词,短语 cheap, pocket, tie, while, afford, cent, pay for, come up to (向(向.走来走来) go /walk over to,(走过去)(走过去)for sale(待(待售)售) give back (归归还)还) other things (别的东(别的东西西) 句子:句子: what is it for?(它是干什么用的?)(它是干什么用的?) Im afraid I cant afford it.(我(我恐怕恐怕买不起)买不起) I dont think it would be safe to do my homework on a bicycle.(我认为乘自行车(我认为乘自行车写作写作 业业将不安全)将不安全) 教学难点教学难点: 1学会学会pay 的用法及与的用法及与 take, spend, cost 的区别的区别 2How to use the expressions about “shopping” 自主学习自主学习A .New words : 1.便宜的便宜的 2、口袋、口袋_ 3系系,绑,绑 4.当当.时候时候 5.分分 6.买得起买得起B 英汉互译英汉互译: 1 on sale_2 for sale _3走过去走过去_ e up to_5.把把.捆捆到到_ 6.a one-dollar bill_ 7. Im afraid_ 8. 归归 还还_ 9Im afraid I cant afford it. 10 I dont think it would be safe to do my homework on a bicycle. cheappockettiewhileaffordcent廉价卖廉价卖待售待售go/walk over to 向向 走来走来tie. to一张一美元的支票一张一美元的支票我恐怕我恐怕give back我恐怕买不起我恐怕买不起我认为乘自行车写作业将不安全我认为乘自行车写作业将不安全listeningcookiesdesk-cycleOn ThursdayA girlNo, they dontA Danny Desk-CycleListen and answer1. What did Brian sell at school?2. What did his poster tell everyone?3. How much are the cookies4. How to use Dannys product?5. Did the girl buy Dannys product ? Why or why not?Read and answerCookiesHelp our teamBuy Brains Cookies So good!So cheap!Four for one dollarYou tie it onto the bike, then you can do your homework while you ride you bike No , Because she didnt think it would be safe to do the homework, And thats too expensive , she cant afford it.Brian said: You can buy four for only one dollar.They are cheap!Danny said: Try it for one week!If you dont like it, I will give back your money.Its only five dollars.Thats a very low price for such a great product! The girl said: I dont think it would be safe to do my homework on a bicycle. Thats too expensive. Im afraid I cant afford it.How to refuse hard sell?Language points1.A classmate comes up to Brians table.What does come up to mean here?向向走过来走过来他向我走来,并问了我时间。他向我走来,并问了我时间。He came up to me and asked the time.看,一匹狼正向羊群走来。看,一匹狼正向羊群走来。Look, a wolf is coming up to the sheep. pay for 为为付钱付钱 1. Right, Ill pay for the food and you pay for the drinks. 好吧,我付饭菜钱,你付酒水。好吧,我付饭菜钱,你付酒水。 2. pay three dollars for a hamburger。 花三美元买了一个汉堡包;花三美元买了一个汉堡包;2.The girl takes a one-dollar coin from her pocket and pays for her cookies.3.Do you have any other things for sale?for sale 表示表示“出售,待售出售,待售”展览会中所有的图片都供出售。展览会中所有的图片都供出售。All the pictures in this exhibition are for sale.此车待售。此车待售。This car is for sale.你有书要卖吗?你有书要卖吗?Have you got any books for sale?4.I dont think it would be safe to do my homework on a bicycle.这是一个否定这是一个否定_的句型。从形式上看主句是否定句,的句型。从形式上看主句是否定句,从句是肯定句,其实是否定从句的意思。从句是肯定句,其实是否定从句的意思。译成中文是:译成中文是:在从句中,在从句中,It 是是_,真正的主语是真正的主语是_。我觉得你不会在考试不及格。我觉得你不会在考试不及格。I dont think youll fail the exam.【拓拓展展】与与think 类类似似的的词词还还有有:believe, guess, suppose 等等。转移转移我认为骑自行车写作业会很不安全。我认为骑自行车写作业会很不安全。形式主语形式主语to do my homework 5.Im afraid I cant afford it. afford 意意为为“支支付付得得起起,担担付付得得起起”,使使用用时时常常与与can或或be able to 连连用用,接接名名词词、代代词词或或动动词词不不定定式式作作宾宾语语。如:如:他供不起那间公寓。他供不起那间公寓。He cant afford the apartment.他们因为坐不起出租车而步行。他们因为坐不起出租车而步行。They walked because they couldnt afford a taxi.They walked because they couldnt afford to take a taxi.I. 单项选择单项选择1.【2014广西南宁广西南宁】 The bell rang the teacher was explaining the experiment to the students.A. until B. before C. while D. after2.【2014四川南允四川南允】I want to know_ the machine.Its easy. Let me show you. A. What I can use B. How I can use C. What can I use it D. How can I use it 3.【2014贵州安顺贵州安顺】I dont think she will agree with us, ? A. will she B. wont she C. dont you D. do you4.【2014江苏扬州江苏扬州】一一Some children cant afford_ necessary stationary. 一一Lets donate our pocket money to them. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. be boughtII. 根据汉语完成英语句子根据汉语完成英语句子1.我妈妈付了两美元买了这本词典。我妈妈付了两美元买了这本词典。 My mother _ two dollars _ _ the dictionary.2 It _my mother two dollars3 It _ my mother two minutes to do the housework.Work in pairs and make up a dialogue using the information。1)Can I help you?/What can I do for you?2) Im looking for ./ I would like .3)How much.?4) How about this one?5) Its cheap!6) Thats fine. Ill take., please7)What is it for? 9) Thats too expensive. Im afraid I cant afford it. BuySellHomework write down the dialogue after classL esson 26: Cookies, Please!Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: cheap, pocket, tie, while, afford, cent, go/walk over to, for sale, tie.to., come up to, What is it for? Im afraid I cant afford it.Teaching Aims:1.Learn and review some words and expressions in interesting information about real and attempted products. 2.Talk about shopping.Teaching Important Points:1.The adverbial clause 2.How to introduce your products to the customers.Teaching Difficult Points:Talk about shopping.Teaching Aid: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1 show the study goals (让学生整体了解本课所学重点让学生整体了解本课所学重点)Step 2. Lead in -Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Tell the students in lesson 25 , We have known Danny, Jenny, and Brian will raise some money for their basketball team, If you are one of them, 1)What do you do with the pocket money?2) Can you think of an invention that would make your life easier? What is it?Talk about the questions, Then let one of the students reports to the class. When the students give their reports, the others can ask questions if they like or if they have any questions.(设计思路:拓宽思路, 让学生发展想像力和英语口语表达力)Step 2 listen practice Listen to the tape and answer the question1) What products do Danny and Brian make? (设计思路: 初步练习听力)2) Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions (设计思路: 训练学生有目的地倾听的能力, 对听力材料进行进一步了解)Step3 Task-based Reading and discussion1) Let the students read through the text, then find out the main information to grasp the meaning of the text.1. What did Brian sell at school?2. What did his poster tell everyone?3. How much are the cookies 4. How to use Dannys product?5. Did the girl buy Dannys product ? Why or why not? (设计思路: 训练学生有目的地阅读, 获取信息的能力.从而掌握教材内容)2) Discuss the topic “ Who will be a best seller, Danny or Brian?” (设计思路; 使学生能在学习过程中逐渐掌握语言。)Step 4Further explaining the text The teacher explain the language points, make sure the Students can understand the meaning of text.(设计思路; 本课的重点难点集中展示,即学即炼, 使学生能在学习过程中真正掌握语言)Step 6Act outGo to Exercise 4 on Page 69. Ask students to make up a new dialogue and act out.(设计思路: 学生以小组的形式讨论,加工, 整理 形成自己的想法,并尝试使用语言, 从而达到提升自己口语表达的能力和写作能力)Step7.Homework1) Finish off the rest exercises on Page 69. 2)write down the dialogue about the shoppingSummary:Spoken English is an important part in English learning. Role-play is a good way to practise English in class or out of class. Give them more chances. When they make mistakes in speaking, the teacher doesnt need to correct them immediately. Give them more time to speak. In order to increase their speaking ability, encourage them to talk about their real opinions.
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