Unit 5 Buying and Selling-Lesson 26 Cookies, Please!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(编号:41dc9).zip

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Lesson26 Cookies,Please!重难点解析1. Ill take four, please.我买四个。 take 在本句中意思是“买” ,相当于 “buy” , 在口语中很常用,也可以用“get”来 表达。例如: 我要买 4 个 2.Do you have any other things for sale?你还卖别 的东西吗? for sale 意思是“ ” 。例如: This house is 这所房子要出售。 on sale 意思是“廉价出售,上市” 。例如:This style of coats is in this shop. 这款家具没有在这家店出售。3.What is it for?它是用来做什么的? for 表示“(用途、意图、目标) 对, 供, 适用于” 。例如:These are books for chidlren.这些是儿童读物。 4.You can do your homework while you ride your bike. 你可以一边骑自行车,一边做作业。 while 为连词,引导时间状语从句,意思是 。例如: My mother was washing clothes my father was watching TV. 当我爸爸看电视的时候我妈妈 正在洗衣服。 while 还可以作名词,意思是“一会儿,一段时间”, 例如:Can I rest for a while? 我可以休息一下吗?5. Thats a very low price for such a great product! 对于这么棒的产品,这个价钱很便宜! price 为名词,表示 如果表 示“价格贵贱(高低) ”应用high/low 修饰 price, 不用 cheap/expensive。例如:这台电脑价格太 高。 The price of this computer is too =This computer is too expensive. 6.Im afraid I cant afford it. 我恐怕买不起。 在口语中“Im afraid”作插入语,意思是“恐怕”另外,Im afraid 常用来委婉地告诉对方不快的消息,或表示拒绝、提出异议。例如: A:Can you go shopping with me? B:Sorry, Im afraid not. be afraid 常用结构有:be afraid of + 名词 be afraid to do sth 注意注意:本句是一个复合句, “I cant afford it.”是“Im afraid”的宾语从句。英语中某些形容词后可跟宾语从句,常用的形容词有:sure,glad,sorry,happy,afraid 等等。例如:Im sure you will like this book.7. You tie it onto your bike.7.你可以将它固定在你的自行车上。 tie 此处为及物动词,意思是“用(带、线、 绳等) 系,捆” , 常用结构为:tie sth. to sth.例如: You can your horse that tree. tie 还可以作为名词,意思是“鞋带,领带, 领结” 等。例如: I bought this new to match my new shirt. 我买了 这条新领带搭紀我的新衬衫。8.I dont think it would be safe to do my homework on a bicycle. 我认为一边骑自行车一边做作业不安全。 I think 后边的宾语从句如果为否定句,要把 否定词 not 提到主句中,变成 I dont think. 例如:I dont think you are right. I dont think he will come here on time. 我认为他的答案是不正确的。 I think his answer is right.9.A girl comes up to Brians table. come up to 意为“(为攀谈而)走到跟前;走近”马克走到一个年轻人跟前请求帮助。Mark a young man and asked for help.10.The girl goes over to Dannys table.go over to 意为“从一处到另一处”Lesson 26 Cookies, Please!Unit5 Buying and Selling What do you do with your pocket money?In fact ,we can do something more meaningful with our pocket money!教学目标1.能掌握课表要求的四会词汇:cheap,pocket,tie,while,afford,cent.2.掌握并运用购物用语。3.初步了解如何推销产品。4.学会正确处理自己的零花钱。vocabularycheap adj. pocket n. v.tie v. afford v. cent n. while conj. 便宜的便宜的口袋,袋子口袋,袋子挣得;赢得挣得;赢得用用(绳,线绳,线)系;拴;绑系;拴;绑,捆,捆买得起;(有时间)做买得起;(有时间)做分分当当.时候;在时候;在.期间期间 listen to the tape and write true (T) or false (F).1 11. Brians cookies are expensive. ( )2. The girl pays one dollar for four cookies. ( )3. Danny is selling some wood, bags and red flags. ( )4. Dannys invention is for doing homework.( )5. The girl will buy the Danny Desk-Cycle. ( )FTFTFlisteningRead the lesson and answer the following questions.Reading1.How many cookies does the girl buy? Four.2.Does Brian sell anything else? No,he doesnt.3.What is Dannys invention? It is a Danny Desk-Cycle.4.How much is Dannys invention? Five dollars Learn the language points on the guiding book by yourself and then disscuss them in groups.make monkeycome up topay forfor salego/walk over toWhat is it for?挣钱;赚钱挣钱;赚钱(为攀谈而为攀谈而)走到跟前;走近走到跟前;走近付款;支付付款;支付待售;供出售待售;供出售从一处到另一处从一处到另一处它是干什么用的?它是干什么用的? Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.2 2coin tie while afford cheap pocket1.When David visits other countries, he likes to collect foreign _. 2. Though its _ , it is of good quality.3. He locked the door and put the key in his _. 4. Ill take care of your garden _ you are away.5.We cant _ to pay such a price. We dont have enough money.1.6.Bob _ the dog to the tree before he left.coins cheappocketwhile affordtiedIn the lesson, Danny uses some strategies to push his product. Find Dannys strategies and write them down.Dannys Strategies:Function of the product:Its a desk. You tie it onto your bike. You can do your homework while you ride your bike.Try out the product:Try it for one week. If you dont like it, I will give you your money back.Attractive price:Its only five dollars. Thats a very low price for such a great product! Pushing Time Try your best to push a product to the class.If someone buy your product,you will be successful.Come on!Homeworkmake a dialogue about shopping.preview the next lesson. 当堂测试当堂测试一把下列短语译成英语。一把下列短语译成英语。make money_ _ come up to_ _pay for_ _ for sale_ _go/walk over to_ _ What is it for?_ _二根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词:1. 这个书包的价钱太高。 The bags price is too _.2. 有只狐狸向这棵大树走过来。 There is a fox _ _ _ the big tree.3. 如果你不喜欢,我就退你钱。 If you dont like it, I will _ _ your money.4. 小玲手里拿着书,向黑板走过去。 Xiaoling _ _ _ the blackboard, with a book in hand.5. 那辆车不出售。 That car is not _ _.6. 我从不害怕一个人去那儿。 I am never _ _ go there alone.7. 上海比中国其他城市大。 Shanghai is larger than _ _ _ in China.Lesson 26 Cookies ,Please !教学设计教学设计教学目标教学目标1.掌握课标要求的四会词汇 cheap,pocket,tie,while,afford,cent. 2.掌握常用的购物用语。 3.了解如何出售产品。教学重点难点教学重点难点1.掌握与购物有关的词汇:buy,take,afford,cheap2.掌握与购物有关的句型。You can buy four for only one dollar.How much does it cost?Im afford I cant afford it. 3.学习如何向他人推销一种产品。教学过程教学过程Step 1 leadinThe teacher shows the students a 100yuan paper money and ask the students: Do you have pocket money? What do you do with your pocket money? What else can we do with our pocket money?Then ask the students to present it to the class.Step 2 Learn the new wordsLet the students try to read the new words by themselves,then listen to the tape and repeat them.Step3 listeningListen to the tape and tell the following sentences T or F1. Brians cookies are expensive. ( )2. The girl pays one dollar for four cookies. ( )3. Danny is selling some wood,bags and red flags. ( )4. Dannys invention is for doing homework. ( )5. The girl will buy the Danny Desk-Cycle. ( )Step4 ReadingRead the lesson and answer the following questions.1.How many cookies does the girl buy?2.Does Brian sell anything else?3.What is Dannys invention?4.How much is Dannys invention?Step 5 Language pointsLet the students learn the language points on the guiding paper and then discuss their answers in group.Step6 Come to “lets Do It!.Ask the students to fill in the blanks of Exercise 2 in class to check if they have mastered the important words.Step 7 ActivitiesAsk the students to read the dialogue again and find out what strategies Danny uses to push his product,then push something they have with Dannys strategies. After practicing a while,the teacher asks some students to present it to the class.Step 8 Homework1.Make a dialogue about shopping and act it out.2.Write a passage about an experience of shopping.板书设计板书设计 Lesson 26 Cookies,Please! cheap,pocket,tie,while,afford,centHow much are the cookies?You can buy four for only one dollar.宾语从句I dont think it would be safe to do homework on a bicycle.Im afraid I cant afford it.
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