Unit 8 We're twins!-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:d0ec6).zip

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    • 小学英语 3B U8 Were twins! Period3 素材
      • P54Rhyme
        • rhyme.mp3
        • rhyme01.mp3
        • rhyme02.mp3
        • rhyme03.mp3
        • rhyme04.mp3
        • rhyme05.mp3
        • rhyme_12.mp3
      • P54Sound
        • sound.mp3
        • sound01.mp3
        • sound02.mp3
        • sound03.mp3
        • sound04.mp3
        • sound05.mp3
        • sound06.mp3
        • sound07.mp3
        • sound08.mp3
      • Rhyme.swf
      • Sound.swf
      • 好鼓点.wav
      • (找你妹)游戏主题音乐_yy190[1].com.mp3
    • 3B U8 Were twins!.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案d0ec6.doc--点击预览


Unit8 Were twins!(Sound & Rhyme & Checkout & Ticking time)金陵中学龙湖分校金陵中学龙湖分校 杨婧杨婧The third periodgirlgrandpamotheranutgrandmaunclefatherbrotherHappyHappy familyfamilyyour sisitermy brotherMikes uncleyour grandpaYanglings aunt大声说出你看到的单词或短语 !Woof,woof. Whos my father?123Lets findNo. ! Hes your father.2Lets help the animals find their families! Miao,miao.Whos my mother?123No. ! Shes your mother.2Help,help.Whos my father?123No. ! Hes your father.3Sam,Sam.Whos your father?123No. ! Hes my father.2cat猫猫mouse老鼠老鼠Lets introduce friendslittle mouse friendlittle cat friendhas 有master? Can you help them introduce friends? Listen and chooseWhos that ?His names . Whos the cat and the mouses master? 谁是它们的主人?boylittleboytoy罗比罗比 罗伊罗伊A.Lolli Loy Robbie RoyB. Is Robbie Roy tall?Robbie Roy isnt very tall. His cat and mouse are also small.罗比罗伊不是罗比罗伊不是很很高高。他的猫和老鼠他的猫和老鼠也也很很小小。smWhat about his cat and mouse?Watch and answertball=small tooWhos that little boy?Whos that little boy?His names Robbie Roy.Robbie Roy isnt very tall.His cat and mouse are also small.Read and say跟老师读跟老师读跟录音读跟录音读小组内读小组内读你可以选择以下方式:你可以选择以下方式:1.1.四人齐读四人齐读2.2.一人一句读一人一句读3.3.一人带读,他人跟读一人带读,他人跟读4.4.两人对读两人对读提示:边读边加入动作可以加分哦!提示:边读边加入动作可以加分哦!Whos that little cat?His names Sam White.山姆怀特山姆怀特Sam White isnt very tall.His friend mouse is also small.Whos that little mouse?His names Bobby House.波比豪斯波比豪斯Bobby House isnt very tall.His friend cat is also small.Read moreWhos that little .?Do you have any questions about them?四人一组讨论:四人一组讨论:你们会问哪些有关这两个小孩的你们会问哪些有关这两个小孩的问题呢?问题呢?比一比哪组提出的问题最多哦!比一比哪组提出的问题最多哦! Who is the boy?How old is he?Is he /she tall(高)(高)?Is he Mikes brother/sister?Sound time Robbie Roy 有两位好朋友有两位好朋友今天也来到了这里,今天也来到了这里,同学们想知道他们是谁吗?同学们想知道他们是谁吗?What do they have? 他们有什么?他们有什么?Lets askAge:Name:Listen and say Nick is nine, Nancy is ten. Nick has a book. Nancy has a pen.What do they have? 他们有什么?他们有什么?Look and sayNick is nine. Nancy is ten.Nick has a book. Nancy has a pen.Read and find 你发现了共同的字母及其发音了吗?你发现了共同的字母及其发音了吗?N /n/watch and find more小组内练一练小组内练一练,看谁说得又快又好!看谁说得又快又好!man new nine twin womanN /n/你能准确地读出下面的单词吗?你能准确地读出下面的单词吗?Read more 三(1)班: man now in listen on dinner under lunch no not nice noon chicken name crayon stand unit cousin pencil open want down can aunt one run 三(2)班补充:你能想到更多含有你能想到更多含有/n/的的单词吗?单词吗?Find more The green _ s tougue(舌头) under the _ is good at _ nose night snake close right wake snakenosenight.这条绿蛇的鼻子下的舌头在夜晚嗅觉好。这条绿蛇的鼻子下的舌头在夜晚嗅觉好。 (蛇)(蛇)你认识我的你认识我的新朋友吗?新朋友吗?(夜晚)(夜晚)(鼻子鼻子)Know more N /n/我知道字母我知道字母“ n ”在单词中的读音。在单词中的读音。自评标准自评标准 知道字母知道字母“n”的正确读音。的正确读音。知道字母知道字母“n”的正确读音,并能举出一些例子。的正确读音,并能举出一些例子。掌握字母掌握字母“n”的正确读音,能举出一些例子并能跟着的正确读音,能举出一些例子并能跟着韵律熟练说歌谣。韵律熟练说歌谣。自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准自评标准WhoWho willwill comecome toto partyparty too?too? 谁可能会来参加谁可能会来参加MikeMike的生日派对呢?的生日派对呢?Guess!Checkout time Water partyWhos this man?Whos this woman?Whos this girl?MikeWater partyLiu TaoAsk and answer两人一组,先说说这幅图片,然后完成书上55页练习。注意书写工整、美观哦!unclegirlauntsisterLets check Whos this/ that man/ woman/ baby?Is he/she your?My family pictureLearning tip:(书书P59) Find a picture of your family and talk about it. 找一张全家福照片并作介绍。找一张全家福照片并作介绍。(用所学英语介绍自己的家人。大胆开口讲英语是学好英语的有用所学英语介绍自己的家人。大胆开口讲英语是学好英语的有效方法之一。效方法之一。)Play a game Take out your family photos and guess your partners family members. 你会谈论你家人吗?四人一组,拿出照片,猜猜同学的家人吧!你会谈论你家人吗?四人一组,拿出照片,猜猜同学的家人吧! A: Who is he / she / this / that.? B: Hes/ Shes . A: Is he / she your ? B: Yes, hes / shes No, Hes / Shes my 你可以任选上面的一个句子来谈论哦!你可以任选上面的一个句子来谈论哦! 采用一问一答的形式谈家庭人物。每人都要开口说哦采用一问一答的形式谈家庭人物。每人都要开口说哦!我能正确运用我能正确运用“ who ”来提出问题。来提出问题。自评标准自评标准能用能用Whos he/she?提问。提问。能根据不同的人提问能根据不同的人提问Whos the man/ woman/ boy/ girl ? 会用会用Whos this/ that?进行提问。进行提问。Show time 我会谈论我的家人和亲戚我会谈论我的家人和亲戚自评标准自评标准能用能用Hes/Shes介绍家人。介绍家人。会用会用This is/Hes/Shes介绍家人和亲戚。介绍家人和亲戚。会用英语自由介绍或讨论家人和亲戚。会用英语自由介绍或讨论家人和亲戚。1.Read the Sound time and Rhyme time after tape for more than 5 times.2.Talk about your family and relatives with your classmates.3.Review and recite Unit8 and finish some exercises.Homework 3B U8 Were twins! Period 3Sound &Rhyme &Checkout &Ticking timeTeaching aims :1.Ss can know the sound of the letter “n”.2.Ss can use”who” to ask questions.3.Ss can talk about my family and relatives.Teaching main and difficult points:1.Ss can know the sound of the letter “n”.2.Ss can use”who” to ask questions.3.Ss can talk about my family and relatives.Teaching Steps: Step1: Warm up1.GreetingT: Good morning afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning afternoon, Miss Yang.Step 2:Lead-in1.Warming game Say out the learned words and sentences to review some family members.2.Ss help the animals find their families! Baby dog:Woof,woof. Whos my father? Ss: No. ! Hes your father. Baby cat: Miao,miao.Whos my mother? Ss:No. ! Shes your mother. Tadpole: Help,help.Whos my father? Ss:No. ! Hes your father. Bobby: Sam,Sam.Whos your father? Sam:No. ! Hes my father.3. Sam introduces his family well.Can you help Sam and Bobby to introduce their friends? Sam is a . Bobby is a .Sam has a little cat friend. Look! Bobby has a little mouse friend.Look!(The teacher teaches the words: little; cat; mouse)But whos their master? Step3:Rhyme time1.Look and say: Whos their master? A little boy.2.Listen and choose: Whos that little boy ? His names . A. Lolli Loy B.Robbie Roy (Teach and read: Robbie Roy boy/toy)3.Watch and answer Is Robbie Roy tall? What about his cat and mouse? Robbie Roy isnt very tall. His cat and mouse are also small.(=small too) (Teach and read: tall/smallball & very/also)4.Read and say the whole rhyme Read after the teacher; Read after the tape; Read in groups. (Ss can choose one of the 4 ways: Read together;Read one by one;One reads,the others follow;Read in pairs)5.Read more rhymes about the cat and the mouse Whos that little cat? His names Sam White. Sam White isnt very tall. His friend mouse is also small. Whos that little mouse? His names Bobby House. Bobby House isnt very tall. His friend cat is also small.Step4:Sound time1.Robbie Roy has two friends here.Do you want to know who are they? Ask some questions about them. Ss:.(Who is the boy/girl? / How old is he/she? / What do they have?)2.Listen and say Name: Nick Nancy Age: 9 10 What:book pen3.Look and say What do they have? Nick has a book. Nancy has a pen.4.Read and find Drill the sound time Do you find the same sound of the red words? Nn /n/5.Watch and read more words with /n/:man new nine twin woman6.Find more Ss say more words with /n/7.Know more Try to read the new words:nose,night,snake. (refer to some learned words:close,right,wake) Try to complete a sentence with the new words:The green snakes tougue under the nose is good at night.8.Ticking time I can know the sound of the letter “n”. Step5:Checkout time1.Robbie Roy,Nick,Nancy will come to Mikes water party,guess who will come to the party too? Mikes family.2.Ask and answer Whos this man/woman/girl?3.Complete the text.4.Lets check Step 6:Talk about family pictures1.The teacher and students talk about the teachers picture first.(Whos.? Is this.?)2.Play a game. Take out your family photos and guess your partners family members. A: Who is he / she / this / that.? B: Hes/ Shes . A: Is he / she your ? B: Yes, hes / shes No, Hes / Shes my 3.Ticking time I can use”who” to ask questions. 4.Show time5.Ticking time I can talk about my family and relatives. Homework:1.Read the Sound time and Rhyme time after tape for more than 5 times.2.Talk about your family and relatives with your classmates.3.Review and recite Unit8 and finish some exercises.Blackboard writing:3B U8 Were twins! Period 3Nick nine book Whos he/she/this/that.? little boy Roy (toy) Nancy ten pen Is he/she/this/that.? also tall small (ball)
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