Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:f09a1).doc

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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:f09a1).doc_第1页
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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:f09a1).doc_第2页
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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:f09a1).doc_第3页
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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:f09a1).doc_第4页
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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:f09a1).doc_第5页
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1、Module 8 Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.一、教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)学习词汇:country ,speak, capital, maybe.(2)学习句型:He lives in the east of the US.New York is in the east of the US.Washington D.C. is in the east of the US.LosAngeles is in the east of the US.2、能力目标:能运用 in the east/west of 谈论方位。3、情感目标乐于接触外国文化

2、,增强祖国意识。二、教学重点1、学习新词汇:country ,speak, capital.2、句型结构:He lives in the east of the US.三、教学难点通过 in the east/west of 能够熟练谈论方位。四、辅助资源单词卡片、图片、PPT.Step1: Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Ms Xu.T: Nice to see you.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T: Im ready.Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Lets sing an English

3、 song.America America .(学生跟着课件,边唱边拍手,把学生带入欢乐的学习英语的氛围.学生唱第一段和最后一段,中间跟着节奏拍手就行。 )Step2:1、T: Do you know which country is in the song?Ss:AmericaT:America is a country.(ppt呈现country和汉语) 新授country c-ou-ntrycountry(Once, twice, silent)T: Boys, girls, altogether Who can say? 提问三个学生.造句 China is a country. Ca

4、n you tell me another country.Ss: England is a country. (三个为止)2、T: Do you know the other name ofAmerica?Ss: The US.T: Yes. The full name of the US is the United States. The US is short for it.(ppt 呈现 the United States = the US. ).T: Today lets go into this beautiful country. (PPT 呈现一串图片)T: Where?Ss:

5、 The US.(贴单词卡片 The US 在题目末尾)3、T: What do you know about the US.Ss: The NBA, the Statue of Liberty, Disney, Obama, New York(PPT 呈现三张地图,美国 中国 澳大利亚,让学生选)T:You know so many things about the US. Can you tell me which map isthe US?多提问几个同学, 不能一个人说完就完事。 提问三个同学回答,碰到学生回答错误就可以提一下 T: Maybe is C/B. Whats youropi

6、nion ? T:Quite right. Lets see the map of the US.(贴美国地图) Oh,its so big.T: Whats this?(指着 location sign) What it can tell us? (新授 east westnorth south 单词卡片贴黑板四面)T:(1) On the map,N stands for north(帖单词卡片到和黑板的上面)n-or-th. North, up is north, north. T: Boys, girls, altogether Who can say?提问三个学生.(2)On the

7、 map, S stands for south. (帖单词卡片到和黑板的下面)s-ou-th. South, down is south, south. T: Boys, girls, altogether Who cansay? 提问三个学生.(3)On the map, W stands for west. (帖单词卡片到和黑板的左面)w-e-s-t. west, left is west, west. T: Boys, girls, altogether Who can say?提问三个学生.(4) On the map, E stands for east. (帖单词卡片到和黑板的左

8、面)ea-s-t. east, right is east, east. T: Boys, girls, altogether Who can say? 提问三个学生.T: Follow me. (慢速拍手,说 north north south south west west east east)T: Lets do it quickly. (快速拍手,说 north north south south west westeast east)T: I clap you say. I say you clap.Step 2:Practice听第一遍:听第一遍: T: OK. Well done

9、! Sam and Daming are talking about the US. Letslisten what cities are they talking about. Please watch, listen and findout.T: What cities are they talking about.Ss: New York Washington D.C. Los Angeles.(把三个城市板块贴黑板上的任意地方带名称的)听第二遍:听第二遍:Now, open your books, lets watch again to find out where are they?

10、Listen, repeat, and underline the locations of the cities.T: Who can tell me where is New York? You please. Can you find it onthe map?(提问一个学生说-谁说对了谁就到黑板上面贴-同时 PPT呈现这句话, 贴完问全班学生)T: Perfect! Thank you. Where is New York? (让全班回答)Ss: New York is in the east of the US.句子操练方式:接句子:T: New York is in the eas

11、t of_.(做想听你们回答的手势)New York is in the_of_.New York is_.提问两个同学 Where is New York?2. T: New York is the east. How about Washington D.C? Where isWashington D.C.? Who knows? You please. Can you find it on themap?(提问一个学生说-谁说对了谁就到黑板上面贴-同时 PPT 呈现这句话, 贴完问全班学生)T: Wonderful! Thank you. Where is Washington D.C.

12、? (让全班回答)Ss: Washington D.C. is in the east of the US.句子操练方式:接句子 T: Washington D.C. is in the east of_.(做想听回答的手势)Washington D.C. is in the_of_.Washington D.C. is_.T: Washington D.C. is in the east of the US. And Washington D.C. is thecapital of the US. (新授 capital,ppt 呈现 capital 和汉语) 新授 capitalc-a-p

13、-i-tal capital(Once, twice, silent)T: Boys, girls, altogether Who can say? 提问三个学生.造句 (PPT 呈现带空的句子让学生造句) Washington D.C. is the capitalof the US. _is the capital of China? _is the capital ofEngland?Ss: Beijing is the capital of the US. London is the capital of England.(三个为止)回到主题 T: Which city is the

14、capital of the US.Ss: Washington D.C. is the capital of the US.T:And Washington D.C. is in the east of the US.3. Where is Los Angeles?Who can tell me? You please. Can you find iton the map?(提问一个学生说-谁说对了谁就到黑板上面贴-同时PPT 呈现这句话, 贴完问全班学生)T: Perfect! Thank you. Where is LosAngeles? (让全班回答)Ss: LosAngeles is

15、 in the west of the US.句子操练方式:接句子 T: LosAngeles is in the west of_.(做想听你们回答的手势)LosAngeles is in the_of_.LosAngeles is_.Chant:East east, in the east. New York is in the east.West west, in the west. LosAngeles is in the west.1.师说 2.Follow me. 3.Can you say?听第三遍:听第三遍:Now I have more questions about the

16、 US.1.People in the US speak_ . 新授 Speak. ea pronounced /i:/ p p p notpronounced /p/ /p/ /p/ pronounced /b/ /b/ /b/ speakT: Group group 1, Group group 2, Group group 3,Group group 4,altogether造句 (PPT 呈现带空的句子让学生造句)People in the US speak English.People in China speak_.People in Japan speak_.T: People

17、in the US speak English.2.T: Which city is the capital of the US? Do you remember?Ss: Washington D.C.3.T:And Simon,拿出Simon的照片where does Simon live? 拿着照片在地图上寻找, 边寻找边问 T: Does he live in LosAngeles? Does he live inWashington D.C.? Does he live in New York? Yes, Maybe he lives inNew York. Read by yours

18、elf, and choose, clear? Go!(选择题三道)T: Have you finished?Ss: Yes.T: Who can answer question 1?Ss: People in the US speak English.T: Say it together.(全班一起说)Ss: People in the US speak English.T: What about 2? Who knows?Ss: Washington D.C. is the capital of the US.T:And Simon? 拿出Simon的照片where does Simon

19、live? 拿着照片在地图上寻找. Who knows?Ss: Simon lives in New York.T: (提问三个学生,把 Simon 的照片贴到纽约上.Where is New York ?Ss: New York is in the east.提示全班学生说出板书课题 He lives in the east of the US.)Step3:Summary: T: Look at the map, PPT 呈现This country is the US. People speak English in the US. New York is inthe east of t

20、he US. Washington D.C. is the capital of the US. And its inthe east of the US. Los Angeles is in the west of the US. I want to go tothe US one day.T: You can see this map. Ill give you one minute. You can practice byyourself. Try to say something about the US.(PPT 呈现带空的, 给孩子时间练)T: Who wants to say?题

21、问几个同学汇报。Step4: Production(知识拓展):1、文化渗透T: The US is so beautiful, and so mystery. Do you want to know moreabout it?(看视频,老师口述介绍 The US is the second largest country inthe world. It does a great job in many aspects. They are known as thefamous Americanpresidents. ThisistheStatueofliberty. AndBuckingham

22、 Palace. The flag has got 3 colors. Obama is the president.This is Holly Wood. There are lots of famous movies and Disney cartoonshere. Koby plays for LA Larkers in NBA. The scenery in the US is reallybeautiful. If you want to visit there. Dont miss these places. Hawaii isvery nice. Presidential Hil

23、l Four is very famous. There is really a lot toknow about the US. I hope you everybody will go to the US one day. )Step5:T: The US is big, beautiful and famous. Simon is in the US now. Ive gota postcard from Simon to Daming. Look, What does it say? (PPT 呈现Simon 明信片的内容)Who can read it?(叫一个口语好的男孩读出来)B

24、oy1: Dear Daming,I m Simon. Im from China. I like New York best. It is in the eastof the US. People in New York speak English. New York is a beautifulcity. This is my favorite city. Welcome to New York. Whats your favoritecity?T: Whats your favorite city? There are lots of beautiful cities in China.

25、Lets see the photos. Choose anyone, talking in groups and find it on yourmap, OK? Talking in groups and write, can you write it to Simon? clear?Go! (九个图片编号,小组合作,介绍中国城市的方位)小组讨论,不用汇报,直接写。谁写完了,就站起来读。Step6.SummaryToday, we have learnt something about the US. The US is really a big,beautiful, and mystery

26、 country, so do China and the other countries in theworld. I hope you everybody will travel all over the world one day.Homework:1. Listen and read the text for five times.2. Describe the locations of your home to your parents.T: Class is over. You did a great job today. Say goodbye to all the teachers.I also want to say thank you to the leaders and collegues in Qunli primaryschool. Thanks for providing such a beautiful stage for us. Today is a dayto remember. Thank you. Goodbye!


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