Module 1-Unit 1 Don’t touch the machines, please!-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:214a3).doc

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Module 1-Unit 1 Don’t touch the machines, please!-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:214a3).doc_第1页
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Module 1-Unit 1 Don’t touch the machines, please!-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:214a3).doc_第2页
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Module 1-Unit 1 Don’t touch the machines, please!-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:214a3).doc_第3页
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Module 1-Unit 1 Don’t touch the machines, please!-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:214a3).doc_第4页
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Module 1-Unit 1 Don’t touch the machines, please!-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:214a3).doc_第5页
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1、1外研社新标准小学英语一年级起点外研社新标准小学英语一年级起点四四年级年级下下ModuleModule1 1 Unit1Unit1 DontDont touchtouch thethe machines,machines, pleaseplease!教学设计教学设计一、教材分析一、教材分析本套教材编写的总思路:以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生运用语言完成有实际目的的语言任务。 即编写体系为: 话题+功能+结构+任务。二、学情分析二、学情分析四年级的学生,已经具备了一定的语言表达能力,但是从思考的方式上来说,仍然以直观形象思维为主,所以在教学设计过程中的每一个环节,都是有

2、足够的直观物体为依托,利用现代的信息技术,将电子白板,平板电脑的作用最大限度的发挥,让他们在任务话题线索中学习新知,探索答案,主动探索,自主合作。这样做,除了更好的体现电子白板的交互功能以外,也让学生有更多的机会参与到课堂中来。本单元的话题与学生生活贴近,能够引起学生学习兴趣。对话中运用否定祈使句谈论工厂中的规则。 语言结构对学生来说难度不大,但是词汇量较多。 这需要学生通过语境进行理解。三、教学目标三、教学目标(一)语言知识目标:1.全体学生能理解:machines, welcome, crisp, sir, potato, put,wait,each;2.全体学生能运用:welcome,

3、potato,put,wait3.部分学生能运用:machine, crisp, sir, each;(二)语言技能目标:1.全体学生能听懂:Dont touch the machines,please!2.全体学生能说:Dont touch the machines,please!3.全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。(三)情感态度:懂得遵守规则,知道不同的场合应该遵守什么规则。(四)学习策略: 在词语与语境之间建立联想,建立实物与单词之间的关系。(五)文化意识: 在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化异同,关注不同场合的规则。(六)功能:全体学生能运用已学语言谈论规则。四、重点难点四、重

4、点难点2重点掌握 welcome,potato,put 单词的用法,Dont touch the machines,please!句型。难点:会表达不同语境下的规则。五、教学环境与设备五、教学环境与设备采用交互式电子白板教学设备和平板电脑,开展多种形式的实践活动,提高学生学习英语的兴趣和能力。六、教学工具及资源六、教学工具及资源1.自制板书2.PPT 教学课件3.Flash 教学资源4.运用鸿合交互式电子白板及相应资源5.外研通点读笔6.学生平板电脑7.问卷星8.微课七、教学过程七、教学过程第一课时第一课时Step1.PreparationStep1.Preparation1.1.Greeti

5、ngsGreetingsT:Hello,boys and girls.S:Hello,Miss Pei.2.Say2.Say andand dodo thethe actionsactions(chant)(chant): :T: first,lets chantSs: walk walk walk walk to the parkSwim swim swim swim in the seaPlay play play play the pianoTalk talk talk talk to you(资源:教师 PPT 播放 chant,学生边做动作边说。)【设计意图】利用 chant 的形式

6、进行热身,复习肯定祈使句,方便引出此课的重点。3T: Excellent!3.3.PointPoint andand say.say.T:This time, lets look and say.Ss: Get up earlyDrink a lot of waterDo some exerciseGo to bed early(资源:教师利用白板拖拽,聚光灯,出一些关于健康行为的图片,)【设计意图】利用指读的形式进行热身,孩子抢答,调动学生的积极性。4.4.looklook andand answeranswerT:Daming is sleeping. Look! What is the

7、baby sheep doing?Ss: the baby sheep is sleeping.T: What dont we do? Now, lets listen.(资源:PPT 插入课文 part1 教学资源的 Flash 控件)【设计意图】通过提问题的方式,让学生带着问题有目的的听,培养孩子英语听的能力。T: Boys and girls, who can answer my question ,what dont we do?S1: Dont sing here.T: Good.S2: Dont dance here.T: very Good.S3: Dont talk here.

8、T: wonderfulS4: Dont play here.T: Good answer!T: And what else dont we do?S5: Dont shout.T: perfect.S6:Dont watch TV.4T: Very good!4.4. ListenListen andand repeat.repeat.资源:PPT 插入课文 part1 教学资源的 Flash 控件。T:This time. Lets listen and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation.【设计意图】通过听音重复的方式,来纠正孩子的语音

9、语调。StepStep 2 2PresentationPresentation1.1. TaskTask presentationpresentationT:Today well learn Module1 Unit1 Dont touch the machines, please. Together!S:Dont touch the machines, please!T: Well learn how to talk about rules in English in different places .T:Now, look at this word, machine.S: machine

10、T: Machine.look! Whats this?S:machine.T: What are they?S: machines.T: Look, who can say it? You pleaseS1: Dont touch the machines, please!S2: Dont touch the machines, please!S3: Dont touch the machines, please!T: Together!S: Dont touch the machines, please!T:This time, lets chant! Dont dont dont, on

11、e two, begin!S: Dont, dont, dont, Dont touch the machines!Dont, dont, dont,Dont touch the machines!T: Youre so great!T: Look! Daming and his classmates are visiting a place, where are they? Doyou want to know?S: Yes!5T: This time, lets watch and answer, where are they?T: Who can answer my question?

12、Where are they? Yes, you.S: They are in a factory.T: Good! Now, lets listen!T:Yes, they are in a factory!T: Together!S: Welcome to our factory, children!T:Look at this word, welcome.T: wel wel co k co k come come. Now, lets write!S:Welcome!T:Look at this picture, who can say it?S1: Welcome to our sc

13、hool.S2: Welcome to the Great Wall.S3: Welcome to Dalian.T: Together!S: Welcome to our factory, children!T: Youre so wonderful!T: This time, lets listen and number the pictures , You can do it on yourcomputer, now begin!T: Stop here! Who can write your answer on the white board.Yes, you please.T: Wh

14、o is right? You are so great!Boys and girls, pay attention to here andhere, first, this machine puts the crisps in the bags and then the worker sharethe bags to the students, clear?S: Yes!T: Look, what are they, they areS: Machines.T: This time, lets read and answer, what do these machines do? Open

15、yourbook ,Turn to page 2.T: Ok, what do these machines do?S1: This machines make crisps.6S2: This machines make crisps.T: Together!Ss:This machines make crisps.T: crisp!S: crisp!T: Look, whats this?S: crisp.T: Its delicious. Who can say it? I will share it with you.S1: crisp. Thank you, teacher!S2:

16、crisp. Thank you, teacher!S3:crisp. Thank you, teacher!T: after class, you can each have a bag of crisps.T: boys and girls, think about one question, what vegetable makes crisps?Ss: potato!T: Potato! Now, lets write!(机械操练: 个人展示,小组展示,全班齐读,看读片认读。)资源:PPT 展示一个及多个机器的图片。【设计意图】学生通过直观的方式来感知单词,加深词与意之间的联系。T:N

17、ow, look, in the factoryS:Dont touch the machines!T: Very good!资源:PPT 展示工厂内多种机器,带有禁止的标志。【设计意图】学生通过直观的方式来理解不要触摸机器的意义。2 2. . WatchWatch andand answeranswerT:Look! Daming and his classmates are visiting somewhere, where are they?Now, lets listen.资源:播放 flash 控件,学生听。【设计意图】通过听音,找到问题答案,培养孩子养成良好的英语听力习惯,有针对性

18、的听。3.3. AnswerAnswer7T: Where are they?.S1: In a factory.S2: In a factory.T: Now, lets check!资源:播放答案音频。孩子听音。【设计意图】学生整体听音之后回答问题,通过听音自己核对答案,培养孩子的学习兴趣,又体现先学后教的教学思想。T:T:Congratulations! Youre right.look, how to read?S: WELT:How about this part?S; COMET:Now, lets check.S:Welcome.T: Look.S1:Welcome to our

19、 school.S2:Welcome to our class.S3: Welcome to our factory.资源:幻灯片飞入学校,班级,工厂的图片,学生看图片回答。【设计意图】通过感官图片,通过语境练习短语搭配,有利于学生感知思维的培养。3.3.ListenListen andand numbernumberT: This time, lets listen and number.T:Who can come here and tell me your answer.S:Picture1,2,3,4.T:Great! Boys and girls, pay attention to

20、here and here, each student canhave a bag of crisp, and this machine puts the crisps in the bags.资源:白板拖拽图片,学生用平板电脑听。【设计意图】通过自己听,反复听,达到个体学生因材施教,关注个体差异,提高学生听的能力。84 4. .ReadRead andand answeranswerT:What do these machines do? Lets read and answerT:Who can answer? You please.S: These machines make crisp

21、s.T: Good answer!Look, crisp, c-ri-spS: Crisp!(多种方式练习 crisp)T: What vegetable makes crispS: Potato!T: Excellent!Here look! Po-ta-toS: Potato!T: Look, lets count, one potato. How about this?S: One, two, three potatoes.资源:PPT 展示土豆和西红柿的图片。【设计意图】通过学生自己感官物体的数量,理解名词单复数的不同形式。T: Good class! Whats this?S: To

22、mato!T: And this?S: Tomatoes!T: Now,look,what does this machine do?S: This machine washes the potatoes.T: What does this machine do? Lets listen.S: This machine cuts the potatoes.T: Excellent! What does this machine do?S: This machine puts the crisps in the bags.T: Now, look, I put the card in the b

23、ags.lets see more picturesS: Put the pen in the pencil-boxS: Put the book in the schoolbagS: Put the crisp in the bagT: Good job!9资源:通过展示,个人回答,小组回答,集体回答的方式,以及 chant 的方式来练习。【设计意图】通过自己听,反复听,达到个体学生因材施教,关注个体差异,提高学生听的能力。T: Ok, look, can the children touch the machines?S: No, they cant.T: What does the wo

24、rker say?S: Dont touch the machines, please!(通过多种方式练习本课功能句)T: Why cant we touch the machines?S: because they are dangerous.T: Very good! Here look, dan-ge-rousS:Dangerous.T:Now, look, who can make a sentence?S: Dont play football in the street, its dangerous.S: Dont swim here, its dangerous.S: Dont

25、play with the fire, its dangerous.T: boys and girls, dont touch the machines, they are dangerous.T:Lets do more exercise on your computer资源:学生在平板电脑上操作问卷星,教师收集答案并且核对讲解。【设计意图】通过自己操作,更为直观的显示答案。5.5.ListenListen andand repeat.repeat.(1 1)listenlisten andand repeatrepeatT: This time, lets listen and repea

26、 attention to yourpronunciation资源:外研通点读笔。【设计意图】用点读笔让学生跟读,纠正学生的发音。(2) listen by yourself资源:学生自己在平板电脑上跟读。通过 flash 资源。10【设计意图】学生通过自己听,发现自己的不足,对于有问题的地方反复跟读,达到因材施教。(3)Act out the dialogue(4)Retell the text资源:学生在平板电脑利用白板功能完成填空。【设计意图】学生通过自己做题,朗读,复述课文。(5)Match资源:学生自己在平板电脑上将图片与祈使句连线。【设计意图】运用白板的连线功能,解决本节

27、课的知识点,强化图片与意义之间的关系。为小组讨论做铺垫。StepStep 3 3 aboutabout rulesrules ININ differentdifferent placesplaces inin EnglishEnglishT:We need rules in many places. Now, lets talk about rules in groups.What do we do? What dont we do?资源:教师通过展示不同的场景,每两个组选择一个场景来说规则。互相补充。【设计意图】通过小组互助的方式来对

28、本节课所学的知识进行深化,达到了学生自主探究,相互合作的结果。通过汇报的形式,来展示学生的运用语言的能力。StepStep 4 4 productionproductionT: OK,lets do more exercise on your computer.资源:白板书写功能。【设计意图】利用白板书写功能将本节课学习的重点再一次呈现。IV.IV. SummarySummary andand homeworkhomework1.一起作业网2.完成微信朗读作业。3.谈论规则。11教学反思:教学反思:本模块的第一单元主要是通过课文的形式展示了祈使句的功能及如何恰当地使用祈使句. 通过学生结合自己

29、的生活经验和已学的英语知识为不同的公共场所制作标识或提示牌。U1 的句型比较多,也比较拗口,若单纯地一句句话、一副副图讲解不仅枯燥并且效率低。所以们从关键词 machine 和 crisps开始推敲介绍,factory 里有各种各样的 machines. Machines12都分别能做什么:这样,其它的句子如:Dont touch the machine, please. They aredangerous. 等就依次引出来了。其中,老师在介绍时注意从机器数量上让孩子们注意这几句话主语单复数的区别。另外,把中间的祈使句用显眼的颜色板书出来,朗读的语气及手势上体会祈使句的意义,加深其对这一句型的认识及印象。通过本课的学习,培养学生在实际语境中的综合语言运用能力。通过语言知识的学习,培养学生对于知识的迁移能力和发散思维的能力培养学生能够对不文明或不安全的行为进行劝阻或提醒,以及在危险的地方培养学生的自我保护的意识。在学习课文的时候,首先给学生出示一些问题,让学生带着问题去听录音,并找出问题答案。在找出问题答案之后,对学生进行安全教育,即在有可能存在危险的地方要注意采取防护措施。然后打开书跟读一遍,注意强调模仿。在读到 dont 的时候,可让学生起立,令其加深印象。出示几张图片,让学生小组讨论,说出一些建议,并动手写下来,为下一节课制定班规进行铺垫。


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