Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:e09aa).doc

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Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:e09aa).doc_第1页
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Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:e09aa).doc_第2页
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1、教学流程教学流程1.Warm-upa. Greetingb. Chant: I say go, I say went.利用板书中的单词卡片, 复习课文中出现的动词过去式(went, bought, ate, saw, was, ran, shouted, listened)c. 由 chant 最后一个单词 listen 导入歌曲 Hickory, Dickory, Dock,引出单词 mouseand cat.(板书图片)d. 由猜一猜图片“Is it a mouse? What are they?(sheep) ”引出 17 页课文活动 1的学习。Listen and answer : W

2、here did the sheep go yesterday? And what did thesheep do yesterday?e. Listen, answer and chant.2. Pre-taskThere is a little mouse, too. What happened? This class, well learn M3, U2, Shewent into a shop. 学习用英语谈论过去的活动。3.While-taska. Open P17, activity 2. Look at the pictures. Answer: Whats the mouses

3、 name? Tilly.(板书) Where did she go?(shop) What did she buy?(cheese) Answer and learn:cheese. (简单介绍奶酪,利用奶酪图片分组进行课堂评价) Do you like cheese?Lets have a match together.b. Listen and answer: When did she go into the shop?(学习 into, month,利用图片比较 mouth。) What did she see? (a cat, 学习 scared / ran away) What d

4、id the catshout? (情感教育,老鼠去大猫开的食杂店买奶酪,一切皆有可能。)c. Listen, repeat and translate the key sentences and the past form of the words.d. Listen and repeat.(鼓励模仿)e. Read by self.f. Call Ss to read it out.4. Post-taska. Pair work:观察 18 页活动 3 图片,为图片标号,以女孩的身份,用 I替她介绍过去的活动; 然后在利用 She进行人称转换,介绍她的过去活动。b. Listen and

5、 tick or cross. 利用听力练习,介绍 Sam 昨天的活动。c. Pair work: What did you do last week? Ask and answer, then write. 回答问题。 运用过去式介绍周末活动。5.Sum-upa.让学生们总结所学的内容,然后利用板书复述课文。b.公布评价的比赛结果,看哪组吃到了奶酪。6.Homework必做:a. Listen and read the text.b. Read and write the key words and sentences.选做:a. 调查家人上周活动板书:板书:Module 3Unit 2 She went into a shop.超等蒙古族乡学校:祝世平


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