Module 3-Unit 1 He shouted, “Wolf, wolf!”-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(编号:f015a).zip

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iswasarewererun ranlooklookedshoutshoutedwillwouldcome camedo didsaysaideatatelaughlaughedlearn learntis is was was are are were were look look looked looked shout shout shouted shoutedwill will would would do do did did come come came came say say said saideat eat ate ate laugh laugh laughed laughedlearn learn learnt learntOh,yeah!learntransheepvillagewouldntlook aftereveryonelaughwolfboredlieshoutonce upon a timelesson When did the story happen?Task1 Where did the story happen? 1 The boy looked after ( ) . A. dogs B. catsC. sheep错误错误正确正确错误错误2 The boy ran to ( ) . A. the factoryB. the schoolC. the village 错误错误错误错误正确正确CC3 The boy shouted,“( )!”A.tigers,tigersB.wolf,wolf C.lions,lionsB4 Everyone ran up the ( ).A.villageB.hill C.schoolB5 The people were ( ).A.happyB.bored C.angryC6.The people said,“ ( )!”A. Dont tell liesB.Dont swimC.Dont runA7 7 What was the boy What was the boys job?s job?( )( )B. He looked after sheep.正确错误A. He looked after wolves.8 What did people do at first? ( )A. They ran to the village.B. They killed the wolf. 9 Did the wolf come at last?( )A. No, it didnt.B. Yes, it came to the hill.BBOnce upon a time, there was a boy.He looked after sheep every day. The boy was bored.One day, the boy ran to the village. He shouted ,“wolf, wolf!”Everyone ran up the hill. There was no wolf.The boy laughed.He looked after the cow.He looked after ducks.They looked after the children.She looked after the old grandma.The man ran to the sea.The child ran to her mother.The next day, the boy ran to the village again. “Wolf, wolf!” he shouted.The people ran up the hill. There was no wolf. The people were angry.ran up ran down Then one day, a wolf came up the hill.The wolf ate all the sheep. The boy learnt a lesson and wouldnt tell lies again.The boy ran to the village. But the people didnt run up the hill.They said, “Dont tell lies!”What did the people say?What did the wolf eat?What did the boy learn? Read the story by yourselves, then judge T or F . 自读故事判断对错。自读故事判断对错。Task 4 火眼金睛我来辩Read and judge T or F1.The boy looked after cows.2.He was bored.3.He ran to the sea.4.He shouted, “Pigs, pigs.” 5.The people ran up the hill. FTFFT6.The boy ran to the village the next day.7.The people were happy.8.Then a wolf came up the hill.9.The people didnt run up the hill.10.They said, “Dont eat ice creams!”TFTTF Once upon a time, there _ a boy.He looked after sheep every day. The boy was bored.One day, the boy _ to the village. He _ ,“wolf, wolf!”Everyone ran up the hill. There was no wolf.The boy _4_. The next day, the boy ran to the village again.“Wolf, wolf!” he shouted.The people ran up the hill. There was no wolf. The people _ angry.Then one day, a wolf came up the hill.The boy ran to the village. But the people didnt _6_ up the hill.They _, “Dont tell lies!”The wolf _7_ all the sheep. The boy _ a lesson and wouldnt tell lies again.完形填空laughedwereateranlearntsaidrunshoutedwasLets retell the story. Tell the story according to the key words. Once upon a time, there _ a boy.He looked after sheep every day. The boy was bored.One day, the boy _ to the village. He _ ,“wolf, wolf!”Everyone ran up the hill. There was no wolf.The boy _4_. The next day, the boy ran to the village again.“Wolf, wolf!” he shouted.The people ran up the hill. There was no wolf. The people _ angry.Then one day, a wolf came up the hill.The boy ran to the village. But the people didnt _6_ up the hill.They _, “Dont tell lies!”The wolf _7_ all the sheep. The boy _ a lesson and wouldnt tell lies again.课外拓展:One day, Sam didnt _. He went to _. There was _ in the park. Sam was _. He jumped into _ and shouted, “_,_!” A man heard this. He ran to Sam and jumped into _, too. But Sam _. The man was all wet. And he was _. He said, “ _. Its not funny!” Sam said, “Sorry, I wont do this again.”learnt was laughed ate run shouted said ran were 导学导学目标目标知识目标知识目标:1、熟练运用生词词组,能快速识认对应的图片和单词。2、在情景剧活动中进行巩固强化词汇知识,能用学过的动词的过去式描述过去发生的事。技能目标技能目标:能结合本课所学,运用过去式进行课外拓展,做到学以致用。情感目标情感目标:教育学生诚实做人。提高学生诚实守信的意识,不撒谎,不骗人。开展讲故事比赛,激发学生的学习积极性,培养学生的学习兴趣。 重点重点在情景剧活动中进行巩固强化词汇知识,能用学过的动词的过去式描述过去发生的事难点难点能结合本课所学,运用过去式进行课外拓展,做到学以致用教学准备教学准备白板课件流流程程设设计计流流Step1. Warming up1.Sing and dance2.Say the past tense of the verbs.Then chant.3.Say the words we learnt.白板首页插入歌舞动画及超链接 PPT,使复习更生动,吸引学生积极参与Have you heard of the story“|The wolf is coming!”?Today well go on learning He shouted,“Wolf,wolf.”Step2 Presentation1.Watch the cartoon and think about a question:When did the story happen?2.Listen again and think about anther question:Where did the story happen?Then choose.插入动画及超链接 PPT,让学生通过动画了解故事并做 PPT 选择题。3.Read the story and understand the story in groups.4.Dissect the text.(1)Read Picture1-3Watch the video about “look after”Practise “looked after”and “ran to”.(2)Read Picture4-5程程设设计计Explain:ran up/ran down.(3)Read Picture6-8Ask and answer:What did the people say?What did the wolf eat?What did the boy learn?白板插入视频讲解 look after 及插入表格扩大图片功能,让学生对重点词组句型进行反复操练。增加兴趣5.Read the story fluently and emotionally.Step3: Practice and production1.Read the story by yourselves, then judge T or F .采用白板超链接 PPT 进行判断题抢答,使全体学生都动起来,积极参与思考,为小组加分。2.Act and guess.学生进行白班操作体验,全体学生进行单词动作演示,两组分别派代表进行猜单词,一名学生记分,这样多半节后用游戏的方式进行重点单词的复习,全班学生都积极参与。消除课堂疲惫感。3.Do a puzzle.孩子们很喜欢玩拼图,我设计每组一个拼图让孩子们进行白板拼图操作,其他孩子两人一组用拼图纸进行操作,比比谁快。两个拼图都是课文重点句子。4.Fill in the blanks.此环节我设计了摘桃子完形填空,两组分别一名学生进行摘桃子庆丰收活动,其他学生在题纸上进行书写。全班一起核对答案。5.Retell the story according to the pictures.利用板书思维导图和 PPT 图片进行复述课文,一目了然。Step 4 HomeworkTell the story according the key words. Give Ss a word:Dont tell lies for ever. 进行情感升华,培养学生学科核心素养。 板书板书设计设计教学教学反思反思
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