Module 8-Unit 2 It’s in the north of China.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:00404).doc

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Module 8-Unit 2 It’s in the north of China.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:00404).doc_第1页
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Module 8-Unit 2 It’s in the north of China.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:00404).doc_第2页
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Module 8-Unit 2 It’s in the north of China.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:00404).doc_第3页
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Module 8-Unit 2 It’s in the north of China.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:00404).doc_第4页
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1、Book8 Module8 Unit2 Its in the north of China.教案教案教学目标: a. 语言知识目标: 理解掌握单词: map 语句: Its in the northof China. Its in the south of China. 了解语句:Beijing is the capital.Suzhou is an old city. Lhasa is a beautiful city. Guangzhou is a big city.b. 语言技能目标:能够根据地图描述方位。c. 情感态度目标:激发学生中国城市的喜爱。教学重点:Its in the nor

2、th of China. Its in the south of China.教学难点:对方位词的正确使用。教学过程:I.Preparation:GreetingSing a song. (I went to the north.)Show a picture of Running Man.T: Do you like this program? Lets do it in our class. Running Children!(出示一些地点的小图标 如医院 公园 学校等 告诉学生这些图标将作为本节课的评价方式 )Running Children Task1:Find Simon and a

3、nswer his questions.T: To find this boy we have to know the place he lives. Where does helive?S: He lives in the east of the US.T: Lets fly to the US (PPT). There he is! Here are his questions: WheresNew York/ Washington D.C / LosAngeles?S: New York is in the east of the US.Washington D.C is in the

4、east of the US.LosAngeles is in the west of the US.T: Good job, children. Task1, done.II.Presentation:T: Last class we learnt the cities of the US. Today we are going to talkabout cities of China. Lets learn M8U2 Its in the north of China.Show a picture of a capT: whats this?S: Its a cap.Show the wo

5、rd map and ask the Ss to read it by themselves.(男生读、女生读、小组读等)Show another pictureT: Wheres the cap?S: The cap is on the map.Show a map of the UST: whats this?S: Its a map of the US.Show a map of ChinaS: Its a map of the ChinaT: Look at this map, there are four cities on the map. Later we will talkab

6、out the direction of them, before that lets review the worlds ofdirection.Play the CD-rom of part 1Ss look listen and pointShow some pictures and ask the Ss to look point and sayShow the map again and ask the Ss to talk about the positionSs: Its in the north of China. Its in the south of ChinaShow s

7、ome pictures of the four cities and ask the Ss to describe them.Ss: Beijing is the capital. Suzhou is an old city. Lhasa is a beautiful city.Guangzhou is a big city.Play the CD-rom and ask the Ss to listen and read.Ss read the text by themselves.III. PracticeShow a map of China.Ss ask and answer in

8、pairs: Wheres? Its in theof China.Running Children Task2:Show a riddle(Its in the north of China. Its a beautiful city. Its cold inwinter. Its the capital of Jilin.) and ask the Ss to guess the city.S:Changchun.One of the Ss describe a city the others guess.IV. ProductionTask 3:Group1:1 号同学读一段短文号同学读

9、一段短文 2、3、4、5、6 号同学根据短文教室号同学根据短文教室中找到相应物品中找到相应物品Group2: 小组成员打开自己相应编号的信封, 信封中为地点图签的同学拿着图签走到教室前面地图前, 用英语向小组内其他成员询问图签位置,其他成员根据自己信封内地图回答相应图标位置。拿图标的同学根据回答将图标粘在地图相应位置。Group3: 读读一篇英语短文, 短文中有六处空白, 组员根据黑板上的地图在自己相应的编号上填空。Task 4:每个小组拿到本节课中赢得的地点图签,构建自己的城市:每个小组拿到本节课中赢得的地点图签,构建自己的城市,并向其他同学介绍。并向其他同学介绍。V.Homework1. Copy the word.2. Listen and read the text.3. Find some information about your favorite city.


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