Module 5-Unit 2 He’s drawing books and birds.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(编号:0285a).zip

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教学设计参照格式:教学设计参照格式:教学设计教材分析本课是外研社出版新标准一年级起点四年级下册第五模块第二单元:Hes drawing books and birds.教材分析:Hes drawing books and birds.本课以 Daming 为爸爸准备父亲节卡片为主线,学习用现在进行时描述父亲节这天为自己的父亲做了什么。本课在复习现在进行时的基础上,强化学生对进行时的运用。学生情况本阶段的学生已经学习英语四年多,英语学习习惯初步养成。学生已经学习了现在进行时,为本课的学习奠定了基础。本课学生将在已学现在分词的基础上,进一步复习、巩固和运用现在进行时,谈论在父亲节这天,都为自己的父亲准备了什么。课时教学目标1. 语言知识目标:(1) 在阅读课文、句型和运用中学习以下词汇:specialFathers Day message (2) 学习句型:Its a special day today. Daming is making a card for his father. Hes drawing books and birds. There are his fathers favourite things. (3) 语法:关于现在分词语句表达方式。2. 话题:介绍自己或者他人在父亲节这天正在为自己的父亲做什么。3. 语言技能目标:听:1)能够在图片的帮助下听懂课文内容 。2)能听懂课文中的提问、说;能复述课文,能正确运用现在进行时介绍在父亲节这天正在为自己的爸爸做什么。读:1)能够准确认读课文 。 2)能认读重点句型。4. 情感与态度目标:通过本课学习学生能够主动的听英语说英语,敢于开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励中树立孩子自信心,增强学生的语言表达能力。在小组合作中培养他们的团队合作意识。建立正确的人生观、价值观。培养学生爱父亲感恩父亲的意识。教学重点与难点教学重点:1. 重点词汇:surprise Fathers Day message2. 重点句型:Daming is making a card for his father.Hes drawing books and birds.These are his fathers favourite things.Hes writing a message to his father,too.3.复习现在进行时教学难点:用现在进行时描述自己或者他人在父亲节这天正在为自己的父亲做什么。教学方法1.目标-导学法, 2.直接-体验法 ,3.交际-习得法教学策略1.先行组织者策略, 2.语境-内化策略 3.任务-迁移策略教学活动教学过程(含时间设置)教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1: Warm up and lead in. (520”)1. Greeting: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today?2.T: First, lets play a funny game. Ill show you some pictures, please talk about what are they doing quickly. Ok? (Review Module 5 Uint 1.)Theyre having a party.Amy is playing the piano.Tom is singing.Sam is playing the violin.Theyre clapping.3. T: Look at the picture. Who are 2.不仅复习 Unit 1 的课文重点,而且轻松愉快的趣味游戏能够在开课伊始就调动学生的视觉、听觉、触觉等感觉器官。激发学生的学习兴趣。 they? Ss: They are Daming and his father. What does Daming want to do? Ss:He wants to give a present to his father .T: Great! Lets watch the cartoon and tell me Why?Ss: Its a special day today.T: Pay attention to “special”What does Daming say? Ss: Happy Fathers Day! T: Pay attention to “Fathers Day” 让学生总结Mothers Day 和 Fathers Day书写上面的共同点。T: Lets look at something about Fathers Day.4. Read after the text.4.通过模仿声音训练学生听说能力。Step 2: Task presentation (2)T: We know Daming gives a present for his father. Lets look at this present. Step 3: Text learning(1340”)1.T: ( show them learning tips one)Lets watch the cartoon and answer two questions.1) Whats Daming doing?2) Whats he drawing?S: Daming is making a card for his father.S: Hes drawing books and birds.T: Today well learn Module 5 Unit2 让学生带着问题看动画读课文,让学生的每一次学习都具有目的性,使学习循序渐进。Hes drawing books and birds.( write on the blackboard) 2. T: Boys ask and girls answer.3.T: ( show them learning tips two)Read by yourselves then answer more questions.1) Why?2) Whats he writing to his father?T: Please take out your paper. Read loudly and find the answers then write on the paper.Ok? Ss: Ok!S1:These are his fathers favourite things.( write on the blackboard)S2:Hes writing a message to his father.( pay attention to message)T: Can you read? ( passage)总结ssage 字母组合发音规律(write on the blackboard)4. T: This time, work in groups ask and answer with your partners.5. T:(show them learning tips three)跟读课文,关注文中动词 ing 形式以及写信格式。make draw write(让学生到黑板操练重点句型,以 PK竞赛形式激发学生斗志。 让学生带着问题读课文,并将答案填写在Learning paper 上,使学生更加了解课文,并训练了学生的书写。让学生自己总结ssage 字母组合发音,加深记忆。 让学生到白板前展示,直观展示加深记忆。 前写出动词 ing 形式及写信开头结尾格式)6. T: Lets fill in the blanks.7. T: Lets retell the textStep 4: Practice(9)1.T: Relax Time ( Do you like poem?)Ss: Yes! T: Today well learn a poem about Fathers Day. Can you read?S1: What are you doing on Fathers Day?S2:re you painting a picture on this special day?S3: There are lots of nice words for you to say.S4: Make your father happy on Fathers Day.2. Say the chant together.3. T: Look at the four pictures. Lets talk about what are they doing on Fathers Day? OK? Ss: Ok! T: Please take out your learning paper. Write the sentences on the paper.S1: Its Fathers Day. Amy is playing the flute for his father.S2: Sam is writing a message to his father.S3: Daming is cleaning the room 让学生在 learning paper 上写上答案,会说会写,培养书写能力。for his father.S4: Lingling is making a cake for his father.4. T : This time ,Lets do a survey :What are your partners doing on Fathers Day?S: Its Fathers Day. is vingfor his father.Step 5 Production(7)1.T: Lets make Fathers Day card.2. Show the card.(并让学生为作品打分)3.Watch a video about father.自己动手制作父亲节卡片,并让其他同学打分,评价Step 6 Summary(3)What have you learnt today教师赠言Love your father. Thanks for your father.家庭作业:1. 背诵课文 2. 完成父亲节卡片 3. 预习 Module 6 Unit 1板书设计: Module 5 Unit 2 Hes drawing books and birds. Whats Daming doing? Whats he drawing? Daming is making a card for his father. Hes drawing books and birds. Fathers Day These are his favourite things. read Dear教学反思:我认为本课在任务呈现部分由原本的我提问题改成学生根据文本小组探究合作提出问题会更好。这样学生不仅可以加强对文本的理解,培养了自主学习能力,也能培养学生的合作意识。制作卡片部分时间过长,使得展示部分时间不充足。在今后授课时需及时调整。1.本教学设计特色:以任务型教学为途径,先抛出一个简单问题,理解课文,再自读课文,回答更多问题。使学生的学习循序渐进,让学生的每一次聆听都具有目的性和层次感2. 让学生为自己的父亲制作父亲节卡片,表达对父亲的爱,通过手工制作培养学生动手操作能力。而且展示部分还加入同学评价机制。Whats she/he doing?What are they doing?Its a special day today.special 特别的;特殊的spellFathers DayMothers DayHappy ! 父亲节(Fathers Day),顾名思义是感恩父亲的节日。约始于二十世纪初,起源于美国,现已广泛流传于世界各地,节日日期因地域而存在差异。 最广泛的日期在每年6月的第三个星期日,世界上有52个国家和地区是在这一天过父亲节。节日里有各种的庆祝方式,大部分都与赠送礼物、家族聚餐或活动有关。在父亲节这天,人们选择特定的鲜花来表示对父亲的敬意。人们采纳了杜德夫人建议,佩戴红玫瑰向健在的父亲们表示爱戴,佩戴白玫瑰对故去的父亲表示悼念。后来在温哥华,人们选择了佩戴白丁香,宾夕法尼亚人用蒲公英向父亲表示致意。红色或白色玫瑰是公认的父亲节的节花。父亲节在全美国作为节日确定下来,比母亲节经过的时间要长一些。因为建立父亲节的想法很得人心,所以商人和制造商开始看到商机。他们不仅鼓励做儿女的给父亲寄贺卡,而且鼓动他们买领带、袜子之类的小礼品送给父亲,以表达对父亲的敬重。Read after the textLearning TipsWatch the cartoon,answer the questions.1.Whats Daming doing? 2.Whats he drawing?1.Whats Daming doing? Daming is making a card for his father.2.Whats he drawing?Hes drawing books and birds. Module 5 Unit 2 Hes drawing books and birds.Learning TipsRead by yourselves,answer more questions.1. Why?2.Whats he writing to his father?These are his fathers favourite things.Hes writing a message to his father.messagepassage1.Whats Daming doing? Daming is making a card for his father.2.Whats he drawing?Hes drawing books and birds.3. Why?4.Whats he writing to his father?These are his fathers favourite things.Hes writing a message to his father.Learning Tips跟读课文,关注文中动词ing形式及写信格式。makedrawwrite_Fill in the blankToday is _. Daming is _for his father.Hes _. These are his fathers _.Hes _ to his father,too.Can you _it?Dear_,Youre so _.Thank you _ everything.Love,_Fathers Daymaking a carddrawing books and birdsfavourite thingswriting a messagereadDadspecialforDamingFathers DaymakedrawLets retell!favouritewritereadDearRelax time!What are you doingon Fathers Day?Are you painting a picture on this special day?There are lots of nice wordsfor you to say.Make your father happyon Fathers Day.Its Fathers Day. Amy isDo a surveysingingdancingmakingplayingwritingdrawingcookingDo and sayMake Fathers Day card.Summary单词:句子:specialFathers DaymessageDaming is making a card for his father.Hes drawing books and birds.Hes writing a message to his father ,tooHomework1.背诵课文2.完成父亲节卡片3.预习Module6 Unit1Thank you!
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