Module 2-Unit 1 It’s cheap.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(编号:0040f).zip

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Module 2 Unit 1¥0.2This pencil¥8000expensiveThis camera is.¥500¥¥8888¥2888Listen, point and say.Presentation Hello, Grandma!Hello, Amy!Dad bought a computer for me yesterday.(单击图片可播放动画)Listen, point and say.Presentation Good! Is it expensive?No, its cheap, but its beautiful.Listen, point and say.Presentation What color is it?Its pink. Have you got a computer?Listen, point and say.Presentation Yes, I bought one last year.Yes, it is.Is it big?Listen, point and say.Presentation Well, its not beautiful, but its helpful. I can send emails to you.Is it beautiful?Listen, point and say.Presentation Now, I can send emails to you, too.Listen read and choose1.Who is Amy phoning to?A .Her mother B.Her grandma2.What did Amys dad buy for her? B.Bag3.What color is Amys computer?A.Red B.Pink4.When did grandma buy a computer?A.Last year B.Last weekGroupworkAmy has got a computer.Is it expensive?Is it cheap?Is it beautiful?Is it pink?Grandma bought a computer last year.Is it big?Is it beautiful?Is it helpful?GroupworkAmy has got a computer.Is it expensive?Is it cheap?Is it beautiful?Is it pink?No,it isnt.Yes,it is.Yes,it is.Yes,it is.I bought one last year.Is it big?Is it beautiful?Is it helpful?Yes ,it is.No,it isnt.Yes,it is.why?Because she can send emails to Amy.Amys computer is.Grandmas computer is.1.Listen and repeat the text 3 times.2.Describe your favorite toys with your friends.教学目标1. 知识目标:1)学会单词: cheap expensive send email 2)学会并运用句型:Is it expensive? No, its cheap. 2.技能目标:学会运用一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。3.情感态度:1)在日常交流中积极尝试使用英语。 2)让学生学会比较价格高低,养成勤俭节约的好习惯。 3)学会感恩,多回去看望爷爷奶奶或打电话问候。教学重点及难点1. 让学生在实际语境中运用一般疑问句。2. 对一般疑问句作肯定及否定回答。教具准备多媒体课件、单词卡片以及各种与教学内容相关的实物。教学方法情境教学法,任务教学法,小组合作探究法。教学过程 Activity one: The teacher shows a doll,and ask the children to describe it. 在学生对形容词有了直观感知和回顾之后引领学生复习颜色,对下面的学习做好铺垫。 T:What color is it?(Point to the doll) Ss:It is yellow. T:Yes,its black and yellow. (渗透 This. is.句型,为新授做准备) T:Now lets find out the colors in the classroom. Ss:Black.(Point to the board) T:Yes,this board is black. Ss:Red.(Point to the flower) T:Yes,this flower is red. Ss:.Activity two联系上一个环节,老师拿出一本书问”What color is it ?” Ss:Orange T:Yes.This book is orange.I bought it last year.Its 1 yuan.So its very cheap.(板书 cheap,渗透语音和拼写) This book is only 1 yuan.So this book is very cheap.然后教师出示图片(紫色的长铅笔,标价 0.2 元) T:Is it cheap? Ss:Yes,this pencil is cheap.教师引导学生说出铅笔的其他特征。 S1:This pencil is long. S2:This pencil is new. S3:this pencil is .教师教授 expensive 的含义 T:What about this one? 出示照相机的图片,但无标价。 S1:this camera is black.S2:This camera is.教师出示标价,8000 元T:Its 8000 yuan.Is it cheap?Ss:No,it isnt.T:It isnt cheap,its expensive.(板书 expensive,领读、操练)Activity threeT:Look,I have two bags.Who can tell me what it looks like?Ss:This bag is.Activity four出示两台电脑,形状颜色不同,价格分别为 2000 元和 8000 元。学生小组交流,说说自己更喜欢哪一台电脑,并说明理由。句型参照黑板:I like this one.This computer is .Its.Activity fiveT:Amys dad bought a computer for her,lets listen and answer the questions.带着问题听录音,找出答案。1. Who is Amy phoning to?2. What did Amys dad buy for her ?3. What color is Amys computer?4. When did grandma buy a computer?Then check the answers.Group Amy has got a computer.Is it expensive?Is it cheap?Is it beautiful?Is it pink?Grandma bought one last year.Is it big?Is it beautiful?Is it helpful?Then students answer the qustions.Qs:Why is the computer helpful?A:Because it can send an e-mail.打开书,听并跟读,注意模仿。Activity six:教师拿出一个玩具,用进行描述。让学生拿出自己的玩具,在小组内描述。由学生对本课所学内容进行梳理和汇总,让他们自主在小结时思考和整理本课的所学。达标反馈一、根据原文填空1 Dad _ a computer for me yesterday.2 Is it _? No, its _, but its beautiful.3 Is it beautiful? No, its _beautiful, but its _二、用给出的形容词按照课文的形式写出一般疑问句,并做出回答。expensive cheap big small beautiful _理解运用(课后作业)1.熟读课文,或背诵课文。 (必做)2.试着自己设计本课的思维导图,与同伴交流。 (小组合作) 3.用学过的形容词描述自己的物品。板书设计M1U1 Its cheap. cheap beautiful pink big not beautiful helpful 教学反思Grandmas ComputerAmys Computer
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