Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(编号:a1172).zip

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What is CheeseWhat is CheeseWhat is CheeseWhat is Cheese? Cheese is a solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk.奶酪(芝士、起司)是一种发酵的牛奶制品,与酸牛奶相似,含有可以保健的乳酸菌,近似固体,营养价丰富。Western people love it very much.Western people love it very much. 西方人非常喜欢奶酪。西方人非常喜欢奶酪。Mozzarella CheeseMozzarella CheeseMozzarella CheeseMozzarella Cheese马苏里拉芝士马苏里拉芝士马苏里拉芝士马苏里拉芝士Italian soft cheese, 意大利软芝士,usually used for Pizza, Salad, etc.常用于皮萨、色拉等,用途广泛。Cheddar CheeseCheddar CheeseCheddar CheeseCheddar Cheese车达干酪车达干酪车达干酪车达干酪 Produced in England 产于英国 Strong Milk taste 奶味比较重 Mainly for hamburger, S/W 主要用于汉堡包和三明治Gruyere CheeseGruyere CheeseGruyere CheeseGruyere Cheese咕噜也芝士咕噜也芝士咕噜也芝士咕噜也芝士 Produced in Switzerland 产于瑞士 Used for Fondue, French Onion Soup, etc. 常用于芝士火锅,法式洋葱汤等 Heavy cream flavor 有很重的忌廉味 Emmental CheeseEmmental CheeseEmmental CheeseEmmental Cheese大孔芝士大孔芝士大孔芝士大孔芝士 Produced in Switzerland 产于瑞士 Nuts flavor 果仁味道 During eating first is slight sweet and afterwards is strong hot taste 初入口是淡淡的甜味,随之而来的是强烈的辛辣味。Goat CheeseGoat CheeseGoat CheeseGoat Cheese羊奶酪羊奶酪羊奶酪羊奶酪 Originates from France 起源于法国 Very nourishing 营养丰富 Used for dessert, go with dry white wine 可作为餐后的甜品,可以配以干质白葡萄酒享用 Eating Methods Eating Methods Eating Methods Eating Methods 芝士的吃法芝士的吃法芝士的吃法芝士的吃法Hard cheese cut for cheese platter 硬芝士可切成块做拼盘Very Hard granted into cheese powder 非常硬的芝士可磨成粉做配料Medium hard cheese sliced with bread or pizza and other baked food 软的芝士可切成片与面包或披萨或 其他烤制的食品同吃Module 3 Unit 2Module 3 Unit 2Module 3 Unit 2Module 3 Unit 2She went into a shop.She went into a shop.外研社新标准英语(一起)四年级下册Where did you go yesterday? I went to the zoo yesterday.What did you see yesterday? I saw a sheep under a tree.Where did you go yesterday? I went to the park yesterday.What did you see yesterday? I saw some birds in the tree.To make To make an English storyan English story. .创编一个英语故事创编一个英语故事. . Who is she? When did it happen? Where did she go? Who is she? When did it happen? Where did she go?She is Tilly.She is Tilly.Last Last monthmonth. .She went She went intointo a shop. a shop. What did she do? What did she see?What did she do?She bought some She bought some cheesecheese and she ate the and she ate the cheesecheese. . What did she see?She saw a cat.She saw a cat.She was She was scaredscared and and ran awayran away. . Can you guess?Wild Wild Wild Wild FantasyFantasyFantasyFantasy 异想异想天开天开Pete went to a park, then he saw.Pete went to ., then . a candy shop a book shop a concert a factory Shanghai London . Lets make a storyLets make a storyWho: When:Where:Step 1Step 1Step 1Step 1What: Step 2Step 2Step 2Step 2Step 3Step 3Step 3Step 3Groupwork Enjoy the storiesEnjoy the storiesEnjoy the storiesEnjoy the storiesHomeworkHomework Listen, imitate and retell the text. Listen, imitate and retell the text. Share your new story to your friends.Share your new story to your friends.英语英语(新标准)(一年级起点)四年级下册(新标准)(一年级起点)四年级下册Module 3 Unit 2 She went into a shop.一、教材分析一、教材分析本课是 2011 课标版外研社版新标准英语一年级起点四年级下第三模块第二单元。本模块的话题功能使用英语一般过去时讲故事,在第一单元“狼来了”的故事中,基于学生四上过去式的学习,进一步学习和巩固动词过去式的用法;本单元故事情境为小老鼠 Tilly 去商店买奶酪,买完之后发现店主居然是一只大猫,通过学习深刻理解和恰当使用一般过去时讲述简单英文故事,促进学生语言能力与思维品质、文化品格、学习能力的发展,有助于学生英语核心素养的提升。二、学情分析二、学情分析四年级学生十岁左右,认知仍以具体形象思维为主,情感丰富,善于表演和模仿,能够积极主动参与有趣的课堂活动。知识能力方面,有了一定学习经验和基础,而且在四上重点学习过一般过去时,本课语言知识对于学生来说不难,重点和难点是学生能够恰当运用一般过去时讲述和表演简单的英文故事。三、教学目标三、教学目标1.语言技能语言技能 (1)听:)听:全体学生能够听懂 She went into a shop.(2)说)说: 全体学生能够能说 She went into a shop.(3)读)读: 全体学生能够认读:into, month, cheese, scared, run away(4)写:)写:全体学生能够拼写:month, into2.语言知识语言知识(1)功能:)功能:使用英语一般过去时讲故事(2)语法:)语法:全体学生能够运用She went into a shop.(3)词汇:)词汇:全体学生能够理解运用 into, month, cheese, scared, run away(4)语音:)语音:进一步强化已学发音3. 情感态度情感态度 学生能够积极参与课堂活动,大胆发言和表演。4. 学习策略学习策略 学生能够认真思考,积极主动参与小组活动,交流想法,合作学习。5. 文化意识文化意识简单了解西方传统食物 cheese 奶酪。四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点1. 重点:重点:month, She went into a shop, 使用英语一般过去式讲故事2. 难点:难点:使用英语一般过去式讲述和表演故事五、教学准备:五、教学准备:课件、CD-ROM、书、磁条六、教学过程六、教学过程(一)复习导入(一)复习导入 Revision and lead-in操作方式:操作方式:1. Greeting. 2. Say a chant: Where did you go yesterday?3. Free talk: What did you do yesterday?4. Lead-in: T: Do you want to know what did I do yesterday?I read a book. I bought it last month. And in the book theres a funny story. Do you want to know the story?【设计意图设计意图】儿歌活跃课堂气氛,自然引出 free talk,激活学生旧知一般过去时,同时引出课文故事。(二)任务呈现(二)任务呈现 Task presentation操作方式:操作方式:T:OK, lets learn the story about Tilly. And after learning lets try to tell another story.【设计意图设计意图】学生明确本课话题功能,和使用英语讲故事的任务。(三)课文学习(三)课文学习 Text learning(10 分钟)分钟)操作方式:操作方式:1. Watch and answer Who is the story about? Tilly When did it happen? Last month. (板书学习) Where is she? Shop【设计意图设计意图】视听结合,通过问题首先了解故事中的角色,时间和地点。2. Listen, repeat and answer What did she do? She bought some cheese and she ate the cheese. (learn cheese) What did she see? She saw a cat. T 追问 Then what happened? Tilly was scared and she ran away.【设计意图设计意图】通过问题帮助深入理解故事经过,完整学习故事,同时学习新词 cheese, scared, ran away 完成板书设计。3. Read, and then guess: What happened then?【设计意图设计意图】设计开放性问题,学生小组猜想故事接下来会发生什么,鼓励学生发散思维大胆表达,有助于学生思维能力和语言表达能力的训练。(四)训练巩固(四)训练巩固 Practice操作方式:操作方式:1. Retell the text. 【设计意图设计意图】学生进行课文复述练习,有两种方法,一种是根据课件图片,另一种是根据板书进行,做到能够根据图片或单词提示简单讲故事。2. Play a game: Wild Fantasy Eg. Pete went to a park, then he saw some birds Pete went into a shop, then . Pete went to., then . 【设计意图设计意图】首先课件提供一点信息,然后学生根据信息思考完成句子,发挥想象力,大胆猜想和表达,有效促进学生思维的逻辑性,灵活性和创新性的发展,为任务的语言输出做准备。 (5)任务完成任务完成 Task completion1. Look at the pictures and try to make new stories.Step 1: Discuss and make sure the elements: Who, When, Where,Step 2: Figure out: What happened?Step 3: Group work: try to tell a new story. Each one introduce one picture.2. Ss come the front and share their amazing stories. 【设计意图设计意图】学生清楚从 who, when, where, what 入手去创编故事,分三步进行,分解难点,循序渐进,给予学生大胆想象发挥的空间,自由表达的机会,共同完成一个新的故事,达成本课学生语言能力目标,学生语言能力和思维能力得到提升的同时,学生同时收获小小的成就感。(六)小结与布置作业(六)小结与布置作业 Summary and homework操作方式操作方式:Summary:Ss sum up the new words and how to make a story.【设计意图设计意图】教师引导学生归纳总结本课所学,深刻学习内容,有助于学生知识体系的建构。Homework:1. Listen, imitate and try to retell the text.2. Share your story to your friends.【设计意图设计意图】听音模仿作业重在语言知识和语言能力的巩固训练;分享自己创造的故事作业不仅有趣,更有助于学生思维与语言同步发展,在学生讲述的过程中还会生成更多的新知和想法,是一种非常有效的拓展活动。(七)板书设计(七)板书设计 M3U2 She went into a shop.Who : TillyWhen: Last monthWhere: ShopWhat: cheese scared ran away【设计意图设计意图】 一 为学生呈现本课五个新词;二 可以作为学生课文复述支架; 三 有助于学生理解故事情节,同时清楚故事要素,知道如何自己创编故事。
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