Module 4-Unit 2 I was very nervous.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(编号:b02e5).zip

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Say the past tense of verbsis,am- are- do- go- see- tell- sing- dance-play- clap- wasweredidwentsawtoldplayedclappedsangdancedWhat did he play yesterday?He played the erhu.What did they play last month?They played basketball .What did she do last year?She told the story.What did he do last week?He painted a picture.Talk about your feelings1.We went to a school trip . We were .2.It was raining .3.I hurt my finger .I was .4.I cleaned my room .I was .5.I saw a snake .I was . happyboredsad tired scaredWhat did Amy play?When did Amy play?How did Amy feel before the concert?How did Amy feel in the end?She played the piano.She played last year.She was very nervous before the concert.In the end ,she was happy and proud .What did you do last year?We told stories.What did you do last week?Talk about yourself:I was before I told the story. In the end ,everyone clapped. I was .And I was very . Where did Daming go?When did he go there?How did he go there?What did he do at the airport?He went to Hong Kong.He went there last year.He went there by plane.He painted a picture.Choose.( ) 1. did you go to the mountain ? Last summer .A.When B. What C.Where D.Who( ) 2. did they go last Wednesday ?They went to the bookstore .A.When B. What C.Where D.Who( ) 3. did she go there ?By plane.A.When B.How C.Where D. What( ) 4. What Mike do last weekend ?A.does B. did D.dont( ) When did you play in a concert ? .A. Last week . B . Guitar .ACBBAAnimal ConcertThe animals had a concert last week.The lion played the piano .The cat played the . The elephant played the .The dog played the . The tiger played the .The bird .The duck .Homework:1.Listen and read page 23,24,25.2. Write one of your experiences and your feelings.Thank you!- 1 -教材分析教材分析本节课授课的题目是(外研版小学英语 四年级下册 Module4 Unite2 I was very nervous.),课型是新授课。本课的情境是 Amy 在谈她去年参加一次音乐会经历和感受。本课的语言功能谈谈自己过去的一次经历和感受。语用目标是全体学生能运用已学语言谈论过去的经历和感受。学情分析学情分析本节课的教学对象是四年级的学生。四年级学生的英语学习正处在一个承上启下的关键阶段。大部分孩子对英语学习的兴趣比较浓厚,良好的学习习惯也逐渐形成,上课认真听讲,积极发言,基础知识较扎实,书写相对规范,能够运用所学知识进行简单的交际,但部分学生的基础知识还有待加强,运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力较弱,自主学习能力和动力不足,用英语思维的能力不强。设计理念设计理念“语言是人类特有的标志。它不仅是人们交际的工具,也是思维的工具。语言与思维是相辅相成的。人的思维越深刻,其语言表达越明确。由此看来,小学英语教学既要有外在的交际性言语活动,又要有内在的思维性言语活动。只有两者融合统一,才能优化小学英语教学 ,从而提高英语教学的质量。”所以本节课的设计主要通过挖掘文本,利用对话教学引发学生对文本的思考。并基于学生的语言能力和心理状态,要求学生以课文的材料为基础,加上个人的知识,经验,发挥自己的创造性和想象力,灵活运用功能语句谈论自己的一次经历以及感受,将自己所学知识内化为自己语言运用能力。锻炼了学生的思维品质,达到了让学生运用文本中所学的语言于真实的语境中的目的。做到正确的语言输出的。同时也使学生养成良好的学习与思维习惯,形成良好的学习策略。- 2 -教学目标教学目标培养学生的思维品质是提升学生英语学科核心素养的一项重要内容,也是当今小学英语课堂教学的新趋势。所以本节课的设计主要通过挖掘文本,利用提问引发学生对文本的思考,在对话教学中培养学生思维能力,从而达到培养学生语言运用能力的目的。每一位学生对“nervous”这一感受在现实生活中都会有所体验,本节课从“nervous”这一话题入手,在课堂上捕捉 nervous 这一氛围让学生去感受,并充分调动学生的思维谈论这一话题,让学生从生活经验中体验、实践。语言学习的过程是学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践和自主学习能力的过程。因此在教学过程中我努力做到让学生在真实的语境中锻炼英语思维,从词、句、段的拓展都来自于真实的生活体验。通过让学生全面、深层次理解文本,最后运用文本中所学的语言于真实的语境中,达到语言输出的目的。以灵活新颖的教学形式调动学生的积极性,使学生主动参与英语知识的学习、探索与交际活动,注重培养学生语言表达能力和思维发展能力。所以我根据本节课的特点,制定了以下教学目标。1. 语言知识目标A. 要求全部学生能理解:nervous, end, proud 要求部学生能运用:nervous, end, proud B. 全部学生能运用:I was very nervous.C. 进一步强化已学语音2. 语言技能目标A. 要求全部学生能听懂:I was very nervous.B. 要求全部学生能说:I was very nervous.C. 要求部学生能认读:nervous, end, proudD. 全体学生能写出 1-2 个与本模块主题相关的语句。3. 运用全体学生能运用已学语言谈论过去的经历及感受。- 3 -教学重点教学重点1. 词汇:nervous, end, proud2. 全部学生能运用:I was very nervous.教学难点教学难点1. 全体学生能运用已学语言谈论过去的经历及感受。2. 在对话教学中培养学生思维能力,从而达到培养学生语言运用能力的目的。教学方法教学方法本课在教学上主要体现以下几个方面1. A song,引起学生兴趣;2. 观看视频,激发学生兴趣;3. 创设情境,促进学生兴趣;4. 积极评价,保护学生兴趣;5. 深入引导,拓展学生思维。本课从学生的真实感受入手,整个教学体现全员参与,体现生活实践,在活动中开始,在文本中思考,在运用中培养思维品质,充分发挥学生的自主性、创造性。在整堂英语课堂教学中依据儿童认知发展规律最大限度的激活学生的思维。教学手段教学手段本节课的设计主要通过挖掘文本,利用提问引发学生对文本的思考,在对话教学中培养学生思维能力,从而达到培养学生语言运用能力的目的。语言与思维是相辅相成的,两者融合统一,在本堂课的教学中既要有外在的交际性言语活动,又要有内在的思维性言语活动。以达到优化小学英语课堂 ,从而提高英语教学的质量。课前准备课前准备课本、PPT、教学文本视频、stickers- 4 -教学过程教学过程Step1.Step1. Warm-upWarm-up andand ReviewReview1. GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Zheng.T: How are you today?Ss: Im fine. thank you! How are you?T: Im fine, too.T: Whats the weather like?Ss: Its cloudy.(设计意图:走近个别学生与之问候,拉近距离,为本节课的开展做好情感、心理铺垫。)2. ReviewReview some past tense of the verbs is, am- are- do- go- see- tell- sing- dance- play- clap-Review some past tense of the sentencesWhat did he play yesterday? He played the erhu. What did they play last month? They played basketball. What did she play last year? She told the story.What did he play last week? He painted a picture.(设计意图:复习回顾,为下面的学习做好铺垫。)3. Sing the song: I saw the musician (设计意图:师生 边做动作边唱,迎合不同学习类型学生的需要,进一步调整学生的情绪,活跃课堂气氛,并激发学生已有的与本课相关的知识、技能,为本课的学习做好语言、知识上的铺垫。)- 5 -Step2.Step2. PresentationPresentationT: Boys and girls, look, so many beautiful teachers come to our class, Are you nervous? Ss: Yes, Im a bit nervous. / No, Im not nervous.T: Dont be nervous! (设计意图: 从 nervous 这一话题入手,在课堂上捕捉 nervous 这一氛围让学生去感受,并充分调动学生的思维谈论这一话题,让学生在真实的语境中锻炼英语思维.)T: You arent nervous now .But the sheep are nervous .Why?1. Now, Please watch the video.2. Imitate the video.3. Make the dubbing. (设计意图:让学生观看视频,并模仿跟读,利用这一语篇载体,让学生在具体的情景中感悟语言,并从中体会如何表达自己的感受。)The sheep are nervous. Was Amy nervous in the concert last year?1. Watch the video about Amy.2. Listen and find the new words (When you listen to the new words “end, proud”. Stand up, please.)3. Teach the new words.Say the sentence about “end” in the text.end end In the end, everyone clapped. e pronounce /e/: send rest lesson vegetable restaurant welcome message specialSay the sentence about “proud” in the text.proud proud I was very proud.Our Class6 is a very good class. Im in Class6, Im proud.ou pronounce /au/: mouse blouse shout loud about south house cloud (设计意图:充分的感知新知和必要的操练相结合,策略性的处理功能句的- 6 -教学重难点,内化所学知识。落实教学目标。)Proud and nervous are feelings. Now, lets talk about some feelings. a. We went to a school trip. We were happy .b. It was raining. I was bored .c. I hurt my finger. I was sad .d. I cleaned my room. I was tired .e. I saw a snake. I was scared.These are your feelings. Lets see Amys feelings.5. Read after the video.6. Ask some questions about Amy.What did Amy play?When did Amy play?How did Amy feel before the concert?How did Amy feel in the end?Step3:Step3: PractisePractise (设计意图: 以“教材为本”,通过让学生全面、深层次理解文本,为后面运用文本中所学的语言于真实的语境中埋下伏笔,以达到先语言输入再到语言输出的目的。) Look at some photos. Talk about this pictures.Who are they? What did you do? When did you do? Were you nervous then?Talk about yourself:I was before I told the story.In the end, everyone clapped.I was . And I was very .(设计意图: 将本课学习的知识与学生某一次真实的生活体验相结合,为学生创设出真实的语境,让学生们调动自己的思维,发挥学生的自主性,让他们在所学语言材料的帮助下说出自己的真实感受,为下一步让学生全面放开自己- 7 -的思维做好准备。)Step4:Step4: ExtensionExtension Talk about one of your other experiences and your feelings.(小组合作讨论 2 分钟)(设计意图: 依据儿童认知发展规律最大限度的激活学生的思维,让外在的交际性言语活动与内在的思维性言语活动相结合,最终达到培养学生语言运用能力的目的。)Just now we talked about Amy, and asked so many questions about Amy.Now, I want to ask another old friend. Whos he? I ask you with whoCan you ask with where whenhowwhat(呈现 PPT,谈论关于大明的问题。进一步做一些特殊疑问句的练习。)Look at the picture of activity5 and ask some questions with where when how whatTalk about animal concert.(设计意图: 落实教学目标,以激活学生思维为目的,让学生放飞思维大胆提出问题。)HomeworkHomework1. Listen and read page 23, 24, 252. Write about one of your experiences and your feelings.(设计意图: 将本课学习的知识通过作业的形式延伸至课堂外。)板书设计板书设计Module4 Unite2 I was very nervous. - 8 -教学反思教学反思英语新课标中鲜明地指出:教师在设计导学任务时应坚持以学生已有的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,要有利于学生的英语学习,有利于发展他们的语言技能和实际利用语言的能力,使他们的思维能力、想象力和创造力等英语综合素养得以有效的发展。所以,在我的这堂课上, 从 nervous 这一话题入手,在课堂上捕捉 nervous 这一氛围让学生去感受,并充分调动学生的思维,谈论这一话题,让学生在真实的语境中锻炼英语思维。 在课文教学中,我在让学生对文本充分熟悉和理解后,让学生学会思考,学会想象,要求学生以课文的材料为基础,加上个人的知识,经验,发挥自己的创造性和想象力,灵活运用功能语句谈论自己的一次经历以及感受,将自己所学知识内化为自己语言运用能力。锻炼了学生的思维品质,达到了让学生运用文本中所学的语言于真实的语境中的目的。做到正确的语言输出的。
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