Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:d02b7).doc

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Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:d02b7).doc_第1页
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Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:d02b7).doc_第2页
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Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:d02b7).doc_第3页
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Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:d02b7).doc_第4页
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Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:d02b7).doc_第5页
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1、第 1 页 共 9 页Module 3 Unit 2She went into a shop.第 2 页 共 9 页教学重教学重点、难点点、难点分析分析教学重点:教学重点:感知并理解过去时态,正确运用过去时态。教学难点:教学难点:学生能根据板书内容,从四大要素 When, Where, Who, What 出发,讲述故事。教教学学评评价价设设计计评价内容:评价内容:1)学生对文本情景词汇和核心词汇的掌握方面。2)学生对文本的朗读语气模仿方面。3)学生学习的积极性、主动性、参与性。4)小组的合作意识,互帮互助意识。5)学生的想象力,发散思维方面。评价方法:评价方法:全班按座位分为四个大组,四人为


3、赞赏的自豪和奋发向上的冲动。板板书书设设计计Module 3 Unit 2 She went into a shop.第 3 页 共 9 页教学过程设计(方法、手段)教学过程设计(方法、手段)步骤一:新授前准备步骤一:新授前准备 Pre-teachingPre-teaching1.1. 师生问候师生问候-Greeting.-Greeting.T: Lets begin our class. Good morning, boys and girls. Are you happy today?S: Yes!T: Im happy today, too.Step2. Warming up2.2. 儿

4、歌热身儿歌热身WeWe hadhad a a lovelylovely day!day!T: Lets sing a happy song: We had a lovely day! Show me your hands please.T: Thank you, sit down please. I like your song very much! Now we know: Daming and Sam went tothe Great Wall yesterday. They did a lot of interesting things there. How about you? Wha

5、t did youdo yesterday?3.3.自由谈话自由谈话WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo yesterday?yesterday?T: What did you do yesterday? (板书动词过去式)S1: Ied yesterday.S2:S3:T: Wow, you did so many interesting things, too.设计意图设计意图:通过歌曲热身,唤起学生对过去时态的旧知,并通过描述自己昨天做的事操练句型:I _ed yesterday. 为学习课文内容和后续小组活动做准备。步骤二:教学过程步骤二:教学过程 While-tea

6、chingWhile-teaching1.1. 开题开题CAICAI showsshows thethe titletitle ofof thisthis lesson.lesson.T: Now look here, today we are going to learn_S: Module3, Unit2.T: Yes, we will learn Module 3, Unit2 today.2.2. 儿歌导入儿歌导入CAICAI showsshows somesome And look at our old friends, the_S: She

7、ep.T: Do you know:第 4 页 共 9 页Where did he go yesterday?What did he do?Lets enjoy a chant and find the answer.3.3. 听音回答听音回答CAICAI playsplays thethe flash.flash.T: Now who knows the answer? Where did he go yesterday? (板书动词过去式)S: He went to _T: Yes, very good. And what did he do?S1: He bought some appl

8、es.S2: He ate two apples, and then he went to school.T: Wow, what a wonderful day!Now lets learn the chant.4.4. 学习儿歌学习儿歌LetLets s learnlearn thethe chant.chant.5.5. 自主诵唱自主诵唱LetLets s chantchant byby ourselves.ourselves.T: This time, lets chant by ourselves.G1 and G2, you go first.This time, lets exc

9、hange. G3 and G4, you go first.Wow, you did a very good job, lets clap for ourselves.设计意图:设计意图:通过学习新儿歌,激发学生兴趣,并对动词过去式进行进一步感知。6.6. 故事角色介绍故事角色介绍LetLets s meetmeet newnew friend:friend: Tilly.Tilly.T: You know, today is a happy day. So here comes a new friend to our class. Lets welcome to ournew friend

10、! (T shows a mouse toy)Tilly: Hello, boys and girls. My mane is Tilly. Im a mouse. Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too.Tilly: Look at me. Am I cute?S: Yes!Tilly: Wow, thank you very much. You are all good children. So look here, I have some surprisefor you. Do you like surprise?S: Yes!Tilly: D

11、o you want to get my surprise?S: Yes!第 5 页 共 9 页Tilly:OK! IfyoucananswerMissJiangsquestions,youcanclimbupthestairsandgetmysurprise.Are you ready?S:Yes!Tilly: Very good! Look, I put the surprise here. And today I have a story for you, too. Do youlike story?S: Yes!Tilly: Do you want to listen to my st

12、ory?S: Yes!设计意图设计意图:用手偶玩具介绍故事角色,激发孩子们的学习兴趣,同时陈述评价机制,让所有的学生积极参加课堂活动,并培养他们的思考和表达能力。7.7. 听音回答听音回答LetLets s listenlisten andand findfind thethe answer.answer.T: OK! Lets listen to Tillys story and find:When did the story happen?Where did Tilly go in the story?Who can you see in the story?I give you five

13、 seconds, please remember the questions.Now who knows the answer: When did the story happen?S: Last month.T: Yes. Read after me: last month, month month. Look at the calendar, this month is_S: April.T: Good. So last month is _S: March.T: Yes! And question 2: Where did she go in the story?S: She went

14、 into a shop.T: Very good. Read after me: went into, went into.Lets say together: Last month, Tilly_S: Last month, Tilly went into a shop.T: Look at the shop, there are so many_ in the shop.S: Cheese.T: Yes. So its a cheese shop. Read after me: cheese, cheese.第 6 页 共 9 页And the last question: Who ca

15、n you see in the story? Of course, we can see Tilly. And _S: A mouse.S: A cat.T:Yes, you have a good memory.设计意图:设计意图:听故事,总结故事中的三个要素:When, Where, Who。 黑板上呈现思维导图,帮助孩子理解课文。8 8听音跟读听音跟读LetLets s repeatrepeat andand findfind thethe answer.answer.T: Now we know when, where and who about the story. But do

16、you know: What happened to Tilly inthe shop? Please take out your books and turn to page 17. This time, lets repeat and find:What happened to Tilly in the shop?One, two, go!10. Lets say.T: Now look here, who can say:Tilly _S1: Tilly bought some cheese.S2: And she ate the cheese.S3: Then Tilly saw a

17、cat.S4: So she ran away.T: Wow, you are so good. But why did Tilly run away?S: Because she saw a cat and she was very scared.T: Yes, you are right. Please read after me: scared, scared.Who can act it for us? You please.S: Scared.T: Very good.T: And what did the cat do?S: The cat shouted:” Come to my

18、 shop again!”T: Now, you are the cats, lets shout together: Come to_S: Come to my shop again!T: Wow, you are all good cats.第 7 页 共 9 页设计意图设计意图:听音跟读,进一步理解故事内容并整理第四个要素:What。板书呈现思维导图帮助孩子理解文本内容。同时纠正孩子发音错误,为朗读故事做准备。注重提醒孩子恰当模仿故事情节中各个角色情绪变化,培养孩子英语表演能力。步骤三:教学巩固步骤三:教学巩固 Post-teachingPost-teaching1.1. 自读课文自读课

19、文LetLets s readread thethe storystory together.together.T: This time, lets read the story together. Look at your books, Tilly is a mouse, one, two, go!2:2: 小组活动小组活动WhatWhat diddid theythey talktalk about?about?T: Wow, you read so well! Look here, when Tilly in the shop, what did she talk with the mo

20、use?And at last, what did Tilly and the cat talk about? Please discuss in groups, go!设计意图:设计意图:创设情境,让孩子们进入对应情景中,并思考各个角色的对话内容,再构文本。3.3. 故事表演故事表演LetLets s actact thethe story.story.T: This time, I want to read the story for you, but I need your help.Who can act Tilly? And who wants to be the mouse? Ho

21、w about the cat?Now please listen to our story carefully!Is our story good?S: Yes!T: So please clap for us! Thank you very much.设计意图:设计意图:老师示范读故事,三个学生示范角色表演,帮助孩子理解表演故事的方法,并引导孩子真正模仿角色,进入角色,培养孩子的英语表演能力。注重引导孩子互评,自评。4. 小组表演小组表演ActAct thethe storystory byby groups.groups.T: Please act the story like this

22、:One read the story, one act Tilly, one is the mouse and one is the cat. Pay attention to help eachother. Please act as animals and you can add something you like. Go!Which group wants to read and act the story for us? OK, this group please.第 8 页 共 9 页5.5. 创编故事创编故事LetLets s makemake a a newnew story

23、.story.T: Today, all of you did a very good job and you all get Tillys surprise. Are you happy?S: Yes!T:Imveryhappy,too.BecauseTillygivesmeasurprise,too!Now,letmeopenitandseewhatsin it. Look, Tilly gives me some beautiful pictures. Let me see, wow, its a new story. Look,when did the story happen?S:

24、Last Friday.T: Yes. And where did the story happen?S; In the school.T: Right. Who was in the story?S: Sam.T: Wonderful! And what did Sam do?S:T: Why did he cry? Maybe he ran after the bus and he fell over, so he cried and cried. Look here,who can continue the story? At last, he _S: At last, Sam went

25、 to the hospital and saw the doctor. What a bad day!T: Wow, we make a new story together. Ill tell the story for you, please listen to me carefully:Last Friday, Sam went to school. He ran after the bus but he fell over. So he cried and cried.At last he went to the hospital and saw the doctor. What a

26、 bad day! Do you like my story?S: Yes!T: Please clap for me. Thank you! Now please open your surprise, lets see what your surpriseis. Look, there are some small envelops in it, please pass it to the back and each group can getone. Please open it; Tilly gives you so many beautiful pictures. Can you m

27、ake a new story withthese pictures?S: Yes.T: Very good!But before that, I want to help you. Please look here, lets read together.This is a words bank for you. You can use these words to make your story in your groups.第 9 页 共 9 页From when, where, who and what. Understand?S: Yes!T: OK! Go!Which group

28、wants to show your story for us?T: Wow, your stories are wonderful! So today we learn how to tell a story. We should tell a storyfrom_S: When, where, who and what.T: Yes, very good. And we know:Every day is new.Stories happen every day.We should enjoy our life!Lets say together.S: Every day is new.S

29、tories happen every day.We should enjoy our life!T: OK, class is over today. Now look at your homework, please write down it.OK, one two, class over.S: Stand up.T: Good bye, children.S: Good bye, Alice.设计意图设计意图:在轻松愉快的气氛中掌握词汇,并培养学生的表演能力。检测学生对知识的掌握情况,进一步的学习探讨,把知识同实际生活联系起来,关注身边的一切,并且培养他们的合作意识。步骤四:家庭作业步骤四:家庭作业 HomeworkHomework1. Read P17-2 three times.2. Tell a new story to your parents.设计意图设计意图:使课堂活动延伸到课后,提高学生的口语能力。帮助孩子学会如何运用正确的时态讲述英文故事。


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