Reading for Pleasure-Kong Rong and Pears-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:6008a).doc

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Reading for Pleasure-Kong Rong and Pears-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:6008a).doc_第1页
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Reading for Pleasure-Kong Rong and Pears-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:6008a).doc_第2页
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Reading for Pleasure-Kong Rong and Pears-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:6008a).doc_第3页
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1、学科英语课题Kong Rong and pears.学科课程标准对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能通过图片的帮助理解故事情节,能根据关键词讲述英语故事。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教,乐于了解中西方传统文化。教学目标(三维目标及学科核心素养融合 )知识目标:全体学生能认读单词 person全体学生了解 family 的意思能力目标:全体学生会使用句型部分学生会用句型讲述故事情节。情感、态度:通过故事的学习,懂得与人分享,了解谦虚、孝顺等中华传统美德。学习目标(重在学习方式呈现)通过教师的讲解和图片的帮助学会新单词。通过教师的示范,讲述故事情节。通过小组合

2、作完成故事的学习。教学重难点学会单词:person,了解单词 family 的两种意思会运用讲述故事情节教具学具ppt师生活动教师活动 (启发、讨论、参与 )学生活动( 自主、合作、探究、 )教学流程Pre-task巩固复习 引入主题Greeting:Good morning, everyone.How are you?Whats the weather like?Do you like sunny day?Brain storm:Show a picture. What can yousee in the picture?Guess:Whats in the bag?Sho

3、w a picture of two pears.Ask: Which pear do you like?Greeting:Good morning, teacher.Im fine, thank you!Its sunny.Yes, I do.I can see .PearsI like the big pear.While-task问题引领逐层推进1.Today, we are going to learna story about pears. Can youguess the name?2.Listentothestoryandanswer my question: Which pea

4、rdid Kong Rong eat?3.HowaboutKongRongsfamily? Which pear did theyeat?First,letsseehisfamily. Teach “family”Ask “Who are they?”Guess the storys name.(Kong Rong and pears.)Listen and answer the question.“He ate the very small pear.”Seepictureandanswerthequestion:They are grandma and grandpa.Post-task整

5、体感知 语用输出Readpage76topage79thencircle the answer.Match the pictures.4.Group work: Talk with yourpartner “How did Kong Ronggive the pears to each person?”Teach“give-gave,eachperson”5.WereKongRongsfamilyReadthestoryandcircleanswers.Talk in groups.Write the answers on the card andthen say the answers.Sa

6、y “Kong Rong gave the very bigpears to grandma and grandpa.”I will say “ Thank you, Konghappy at last?IfyouwereKongRongsfamily, what would you say?7.Talk and write:What do you think of Kong Rong?8.Can you think out a way todivide the pears equally?9.Your ways are good. After thestory learning, I kno

7、w you allwant to be a person like KongRong. I have some pictures foryou. Please look and say do youlikethepersoninthepicture?Rong.” “ You are a good boy!”Kong Rong is filial, modest, helovedsharingthingswithothers.Cut them into pieces.Make pear juice.I like this picture. Because.I dont like this pic

8、ture.Because.Assignment复线话题 拓展延伸1.China has a long history.Wehavemanytraditionalvirtues.Now lets see some of them.2.ChairmanXitoldus:Weshould be an ideal .person.What kind of person do you wantto be?I want to be .3.See a video and write finishtask3 on the card.Seethevideoandwritetheanswer on the card.板书设计KongKong RongRong andand pears.pears.教学微反思目标的达成、教学重难点的突破、有效方法的选择、课堂生成的处理、学科评价的落实 (教师可根据课堂教学实际情况做选择性反思)本课是孔融让梨的故事,教学目标是通过故事的学习,了解中华传统美德。通过本课的学习,学生们学会了用英语讲述故事,也懂得了与人分享和孝顺的道理。


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