Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:51a83).doc

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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:51a83).doc_第1页
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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:51a83).doc_第2页
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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:51a83).doc_第3页
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1、英语 (新标准) (小学)4 年级下册 Module8 Unit 1教学设计教学内容英语 (新标准) (小学)4 年级下册 Module8 Unit 1教学对象4 年级学生教学项目教材内容小学新标准英语第八册 Module8 Unit 1词语east ,west,north,south,where , country, America,cousin,maybe,Canada,Los Angeles,New York结构 is in the of . He(She) lives in the of 教学目标语言知识词 汇 : east ,west,north,south,where , coun

2、try,America, cousin,maybe,Canada,Los Angeles,NewYork句 子 : Sentences :He lives in the east of America .LosAngeles is in the west of America .New York is in the east ofAmerica.语言技能描述某一地点或某人居住的具体位置。语言运用He lives in the east of America .Los Angeles is in the west ofAmerica .New York is in the east ofAmer

3、ica.文化意识简单了解中国、美国各大主要城市在国家领土内的地理位置。情感态度培养学生热爱祖国,热爱家乡的思想感情,学习策略学生感知、实践、合作完成任务。教学重点听说读写掌握east ,west,north,south,where , country, America,cousin,maybe,Canada,Los Angeles,New York Sentences :He livesin the east of America .Los Angeles is in the west of America .New York is inthe east ofAmerica.教学难点描述某一地

4、点或某人居住的具体位置。运用任务设计新工人村教学方法任务型教学法、情境教学法、听说法、交际法教学媒体PPT、图片、白板、奖品二、课堂教学过程预 设时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教 学 目的121.Warm-up:Sing a songFree talk.PPT 出 示 美国国旗2.Newpresentation(west,eastDo you like singing? Lets sing asong.Do you remember Simon?Helives in the east ofAmerica. Doyou want to visitAmerica ?Youneed acompass.

5、 well learndirections today.Look! this is north /south /east/west.This is the directions of the学生唱歌Ss learn to say:north/south通过唱歌,既 营 造 出轻 松 学 习英 语 的 氛围, 又复习有 关 国 家的单词。让 学 生 感受 生 活 中的方位, 区25277north,south)teach the wordswith differentwaysLearn to saythekeysentences.播 放 美 国 风光Read the text3. Practic

6、e.PointandintroducePair work: askand answerpaper,how about the directions inour life.Lookaround ourclassroom,where is south/north/east /west?T ask S2: Look !Im in the north/southWhere are you ?Where is the blackboard/computer /flower/picture/volleyball ?.This is a map ofAmerica.NewYork is in the eas

7、t ofAmerica.LosAgeles is in thewest ofAmerica.Damings cousin-Simon lives inAmerica.Where does he live inAmerica ?Lets listen to the tapeand find answer.(放录音),板书(PPT 出示问题)Where is New York ?Where is LosAngeles ?(放录音),板书奖励小图片Nowlets visitAmerica.Now lets listen and repeat.Lets read row by row.Do you w

8、ant to visit theUS?Lets see and choose yourfavourite city then tell us where itis .Ive got some friends.Where dothey live in China ?Look at themap and make dialogue withyour partner.(PPT)奖励小图片T:Lets visit New York./east /west.S1answerquestion:thisisnorth/south/east/west.Ssanswer:Iminthenorth/south/e

9、ast/west.Ss answer:Its intheeast/west/north /south .Ssanswer:Simon lives intheeastofAmerica .书写,接力说。Ss liten to thetapeandfindthe answer.Ssanswer:NewYork is in theeast ofAmerica.Los Angeles isin the west ofAmerica.Pairwork S1&S2学生观看, 感受美国风土人情Ss listen to thetape and repeat.S1:Where isNew York ?S2:Ne

10、w Yorkis in the eastof the US.S1:Where isLosAngeles ?S2:LosAngeles is inthe west ofthe US.分 平 面 图的方位 和实 际 生 活中的方位。通 过 去 美国 旅 游 学习 本 课 新语言。用 问 题 引出 本 课 的重点语句,让 学 生 操练。让 学 生 感性 的 认 识美国。让 学 生 带着 任 务 去听。学 生 感 受异域文化培 养 听 说能力通过竞赛激 发 学 生的 学 习 兴趣, 让学生主 动 操 练重点语句对 本 课 的重 点 语 句的 综 合 运用。1044. Production.Summar

11、y&homework:Lets visit LosAngeles.You re so clever. Now lets talkabout some famous stars.Nowlets finish our task, talkabout these pictures in group.Each pupil say a sentence atleast. The group say thesentences more is the winner.Show your work please! 奖励粘贴。Can you write your work ?Lets do exercises .

12、随堂批改随堂检测New Gongrencun 设计方案:1._isinthe_ofGongrencun .2._is_ofGongrencun.分层作业:A.写 2 个你喜欢的美国城市的方位。B.根据本课对话改写成小短文。C. 写一写关于美国城市介绍得小短文,4-5 句。例如:This country is the US.The people in the US speakEnglish. The capital of theUS is Washington DC.I wantto go to the US one day.小组合作, 一人一句介绍图片信息, 一句的一分, 得分多的小组获胜:小组内准备小组上前展示评选获胜组Writethesentencesonnotebook.完成检测题检 验 学 生是否会写,也 是 设 计活 动 的 延伸。


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