Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:3016b).doc

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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:3016b).doc_第1页
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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:3016b).doc_第2页
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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:3016b).doc_第3页
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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:3016b).doc_第4页
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Module 8-Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.-教案、教学设计-公开课-外研版四年级下册英语(一起)(配套课件编号:3016b).doc_第5页
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1、课题课题Module 8 Unit 1He lives in the east of the US.教学内教学内容容. Main points : east , west, north, south, whereHe lives in the east ofAmerica .LosAngeles is in the west ofAmerica .Wheres Qingdao ?Its in the east of China .b. Difficult points: LosAngeles , country , lives inHe lives in the east ofAmerica

2、. (the 在 east 前的发音)教学目教学目标标. Knowledge target:Words: east , west, north, south, where , country,America, cousin, maybe,Canada, Los Angeles, New YorkSentences : He lives in the east ofAmerica .LosAngeles is in the west ofAmerica .Wheres Qingdao ?Its in the east of China .This country isAmerican .教学重教

3、学重点点教学难教学难点点Does he live in (LosAngeles, New York ) ?I want to go to American one day .Maybe you can visit your cousin .b.Ability target : 学生能够运用 is in the of .He(She) lives in the of . 等句型描述某一地点或某人居住的具体位置。文化意文化意识识简单了解中国、美国各大主要城市在国家领土内的地理位置。培养学生热爱祖国,热爱家乡的思想感情,并初步建立与其他英美国家建立良好邦交关系,待人友善的意识。教学准教学准备备Ata

4、pe recorder ,a map ofAmerica , a map of China , a globe,a compass , some pictures and photos教教学学过过程程Step 1 Warm upBrain storm(头脑风暴):Which country do you know?T: Today there is a competition between twogroups.http:/ this is a globe. Who can find China from this globe?Ss: .T: Good!This is China. China

5、 is a country. “country” whatsmeaning?Ss: .T: Which country do you know?Group1: China is a country, country, country.Group2: Canada is a country, country, country Step 2 Presentation and practiceT: My names .I live in Qingdao. Where do you live?S1: I live in Qingdao, too.T: Where does you father liv

6、e?S2:He lives in Qingdao.(板书 He lives in .)T: Where is Qingdao?Ss: Its in China.T: China is our country, look, which country is it?(T 出示美国地图)Ss: .T: What do you know aboutAmerica? ( T draws a map ofAmerica on the blackboard)Ss:迪士尼、洛杉矶、纽约 .T:Yes, Los Angeles and New York. Where is LosAngeles?Its in t

7、he west ofAmerica. Where is New York? Its in the east ofAmerica.(T teaches the words and stick the word cards on theblackboard)(利用黑板上画的美国地图向学生发问:Where is Los批批注注Angeles?Where is New York?并渗透 Its in the ofAmerica.句型。 本环节利用学生对美国的了解和感官来渗透新的知识点,为后面方位词的学习奠定基础。 )T: Maybe I want to go to New York one day,I

8、 think I need acompass.http:/ this is a compass, whats the meaning of “w” “e” “n” “s”?Ss:西东北南T: west east north south (teach the words with different ways)Practice the new words: I say, you do; I do, you say; I say theletters, you say the words.T: Where is LosAngeles?Ss: Its in the west ofAmerica.T:

9、 Where is New York?Ss: Its in the east ofAmerica.( 本环节利用指南针上的“e s w n” 四个字母来帮学生形象直观的理解“东南西北”四个方位词,并在单词的操练中运用“上下左右”拍手分别来表示“北南西东”四个方位,还利用说开头一个字母来让学生辨别是哪个方位词,通过多种操练使学生掌握四个方位词,并利用黑板上的美国地图,通过问: Where is LosAngeles/New York?将句型 Its in the ofAmerica.直观地展示给学生,并帮助学生理解抽象的地理位置。值得注意的是:Its inthe east ofAmerica.一

10、句中“the”的发音老师可用一个提示性的手势来帮助学生记忆。)T: Maybe I want to go to America one day, because my cousinXiaoyonglives there, which city does he live? I will give you a hint, youcan guess.(T 出示 Disney land HollywoodBig Bear Lake 的图片)Ss: LosAngelesT: Where does my cousinlive?Ss: He lives in LosAngeles.T: So he live

11、s in the west ofAmerica.My cousin Simon has got three good friends, lets play aguessing gameWhere do they live? (LinglingTomAmy)Ss: HeShe lives in theofAmerica.T: Ok, lets chant together!Where doesAmy live?Where doesAmy live?North, north; South, south; West, west; East, east.She lives in the north.(

12、此环节通过小组竞猜 my cousin 的三个朋友住在美国的什么位置来操练句型 HeShe lives in theofAmerica.问题设计不但有信息差而且通过小组竞赛奖励的方式能够激发学生的学习热情和想说的欲望,帮助学生掌握重点句型。并且运用 TPR 活动借助脍炙人口的 chant 帮助学生更好地掌握四个方位词。)T: My cousin has got another friend, hes Simon .Please listento the tape, and find “Where does he live?”Ss: He lives in the east ofAmerica.

13、T: Second time, listen and repeat, you should imitate thepronunciation, then find “east, west”.T: This time, listen to me, then judge:1.My cousin lives in America.2.LosAngeles is in the east ofAmerica.3.New York is in the west ofAmerica.4.Daming wants to go to America one day.Step 3 Consolidation an

14、d extensionT:I have got another map. Look, is it in America?Ss: No, its in China.(T 出示中国地图)T Points to some places and ask: where is ? (板书)http:/ Its in theof China. (板书)T: Work in groups, ask and answer: Where is? Its in the.ofChina.T: Leta play an interesting game: Lets image: Maybe youcome from a

15、 place of China, you can say a piece of dialect in thisplace, we can guess: where do you live?For example:扎西德勒.Where does Miss li live?Ss: Miss li lives in Sitsang./Miss li lives in the west of China.(课前让学生了解并学一句中国的地方方言,通过一个学生说地方方言,让其他学生说出他或她住在什么地方,此活动不仅可以给学生一个展示自己的平台,并通过学生之间的相互交流了解中国的语言文化和一些地方方言,在趣

16、味活动中将难点句型掌握。)Let some Ss to sum up words and sentences they have learnt .T: 今天我们学习了如何询问和描述一个地方的位置或一个人居住的位置。 (Let Ss to read the main knowledge together.)1. Listen to the tape, listen and repeat 3 times .2. Copy the main word and sentences 2 times , then try toremember them. .3. Introduce your relative to your best friend (Include He(She)lives in of . )板书设板书设计计Module 8 Unit 1New York is in the east.Where is ?Its in the ofAmerica.He lives in the教学反思.参考资料


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