Module 1-Unit 1 Don’t touch the machines, please!-公开课ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--外研版四年级下册英语(一起)-(编号:e0184).zip

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课题Modules 1, Unit 1 Dont touch the machines, please!编号四(下)002收获体会前前 测测1. Open your book, read and fill in blanks. 打开书,阅读课文并填空。A. B.What does this machine do? What does this machine do?It the potatoes. It the potatoes. C. What does this machine do?It the crisps in their bags.中中 测测2. True or False. 根据课文内容判断,正确写 T,错误写 F 并改正。( ) 1. Where are the students? They are at school.( ) 2. These machines make potatoes.( ) 3. The machines are dangerous.( ) 4. Dont wear glasses.( ) 5. All the students can have 2 bags of crisps.3. Read the text in groups 细读课文 (四人小组活动) 请同学们在小组内和小伙伴一起朗读课文,老师给你们提供 5 种朗读方式:组长带读、开火车轮流读、分角色朗读、重点句型帮帮读和齐读,请选择 2-3种你们喜欢的方式进行操练。后后 测测4. 智慧屋:找找规律 (同桌交互)1) Open the door, please.Close the window, please.2) Dont open the door, please.Dont close the window, please.读一读,你们发现了什么规律吗?请和你的同桌一起探讨。并仿照上面的例句说/写句子。比一比,谁说的/写的又多又好。Unit 1Unit 1Dont touch Dont touch the machines,the machines,please!please!K01Read this book, please. Play the violin, please.Dont cook now!Dont ride the bike.Clean the room, please.Dont play football.K02163254What do you like to eat?hamburgerhamburger appleapplebananabananaK03crispsK04potatoesK05This is a factory.K06Before we go to the factory, we should:K07Wash your hands!K08Wear the glasses!K09Dont touch the machines!K10machinemachines sK11dangerousdangerousDont touch anything!K12Dont touch the machines.Dont touch anything.Wear these glasses.Wash your hands. K13Wash your hands.K14Wear these glasses.Dont touch the machines.Dont touch anything.A. Talk loudly in the factory. ( ) B. Smoke in the factory. ( )C. Write in the factory. ( ) D. Wear a hat in the factory. ( )Good or Bad? Tick or . 判断正误误。K15A. Talk loudly in the factory!Dont talk loudly in the factory!K16A. Dont talk loudly in the factory. B. Dont smoke in the factory. C. Dont write in the factory. K17学习目标学习目标1.掌握新单词:potato, glasses, machine, dangerous, crisps.2.掌握重点句型:Dont touch the machines. / Dont touch anything. Wash your hands. / Wear these glasses.3.综合运用重点句型。分解目标分解目标&实施目标实施目标T方法策略方法策略改进改进&反思反思一、初步了解祈使句提升学生学习兴趣;培养学生听力;培养学生口头表达能力;培养学生自主学习能力; 二、掌握重点单词和句型正确朗读单词,了解名词复数形式; 培养学生观察理解能力; 培养学生思维能力;正确朗读句型;培养学生合作学习能力;520(25)Step 1 Warm-up 1.集体活动:Robot game 教师说指令语,学生做出对应动作:Stand up, sit down, jump, dont sit down, dont stop, touch your;()2.自主学习:完成流程性检测单Ex1,师生互查,模仿表演; (K02)()(听+做+看+听+说) (动静动)Step 2. Presentation1.导入新单词:口语表达你喜欢的食物,引入单词:potato-potatoes, crisp-crisps;(K03-K05)()2.创设情境:去工厂参观。带读句型:This is a factory. 板书一(K06)()3.导入图片:洗手,戴保护眼镜,禁止触摸。学生观察并学习句型。()板书二:Wash your hands.Wear these glasses.Dont touch the machines.Dont touch anything. (K07)4.朗读新单词:glass-glasses, machine-machines dangerous(K08-K12)()5.带读 4 个重点句型。 ()6.找出动词:wash, wear, touch.用这些动词造句。 ()7.自主学习:学生完成流程性检 三、综合运用句型培养学生阅读和理解句子的能力;提高学生的综合运11用能力。15(40)测单 Ex2,教师呈现答案;(K13)()8.小组合作:朗读重点句型。(K14)()(听+说+看+想+说+看+做+说) (动静动静动)Step 3 Practice1.自主学习:学生完成流程性检测单 Ex3,师生交互对答案;(K15)()2.思考:如何说出反句。教师示范将一个错误的行为用 Dont 句型说出来;(K16)()3.同桌交互活动:用 Dont 句型口头修改其他错误的行为,师生交互对答案;(K17)()4.小组活动:说出更多的祈使句。展示,师生互查。 ()11(想+做+说) (静动)板板书书设设计计Module1 Unit 1一、 This is a factory.二、 Wash your hands.Wear these glasses.Dont touch the machines.Dont touch anything.
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