Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-公开课ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--外研版四年级下册英语(一起)-(编号:625fe).zip

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仔细看,快速朗读或做动作,如果方框圈中的是词,就快速说词。若圈中“手”,就鼓掌。若圈中“脚”,就跺脚。saw ate wasfell offgo boughtwereshouted went hadranDo you know a cartoon about a mouse and a cat?(卡通)Tom and Jerry Tilly was a 1.Where did she go? A. factory B. shop2. When did she go? A. Yesterday B. Last month再听并选择。 1.Where did she go? A. factory B. shop2. When did she go? A. Yesterday B. Last monthShe went into a shop.再听并选择。intoLast month, she went into a shop.2. When did she go?A. Yesterday B. Last monthmonththislastmonkeymoney1. What did she buy? A. cake. B. cheese.2. What did she eat? A. cake. B. cheese.3. Then what did she see? A. a cat. B. a sheep.阅读并选择。1. What did she buy?A. cake B. cheeseShe bought some cheese.sepleasetheseChineseShe bought some cheese.And she ate the cheese.2. What did she eat?A. cake B. cheeseShe ate the cheese.3. What did she see?A. cat B. sheepShe saw a cat.Then Tilly saw a cat in the shop.She was scared and ran away.Did she run away?A. Yes B. NoShe ran away. The cat shouted “Come to my shop again”.What did the cat do?Listen and imitate.Listen and imitate.Read together in groups.Try to retell. 试着复述Tilly wasYesterday, sheShe boughtShe ateThen Tilly sawShe wasCreate a picture story book about Tilly in group of 4.4 4人一小组完成一本人一小组完成一本Tilly的故事绘本。的故事绘本。The Story of TillyAnd she climbed the trees and ate an apple.Tilly was very happy. Then she fell over.She saw a lion. A picture story of TillyOne day, Tilly went into a zoo. Pictures(图片)by _ Story (故事) by _Story (故事) by _Miss SuMiss SuAnd she _and _.Tilly was _. Then she _.She _.A picture story of TillyOne day, Tilly _. Pictures(图片)by _ Story (故事) by _Homework1.Make a story picture book in your group. (根据小组讨论的故事情节,合作完成绘本)2. Retell the story of Tilly to your parents. (向爸爸妈妈复述Tilly的故事)Module3 Unit2 She went into a shop. 一、教材分析 本课为四年级下册第三模块第二单元,主题是用过去时说故事。本单元以老鼠 Tilly 的故事为主,说的是老鼠 Tilly 上个月去奶酪商店遇到了她最怕的猫,最后慌忙而逃的故事。在了解 Tilly 的故事的同时,让学生效仿 Tilly 昨天发生的事,运用过去式动词描述一件事,并初步尝试进行故事的编写。本课主要语言功能是描述过去发生的事。对于用一般过去式谈论过去发生的事情,学生在四年级上册已经有所接触,本课进一步巩固学生已学的一般过去式形式,在上学期了解了过去式结构形式、用过去式动词谈论事情的基础上,本课需要学生调动已有的过去式知识,尝试着去描述发生在过去的一个故事,对学生的口头表达能力和语言运用能力上的要求都有所提高。 二、教学目标 1、知识、技能目标:1)能听懂、认读、会说并理解的单词:into, cheese, scared, ran away 能听懂、认读、会说并运用的单词:month. 2)能认读并用如下语句描述过去发生的事:She went into a shop. She bought some cheese and ate the cheese. Then Tilly saw a cat in the shop. She was scared and ran away.2、运用能力目标:能运用简单的过去式动词描述一个简短的故事。3、情感态度目标:通过让学生描述故事,激发学生用英语讲故事和阅读英语故事的兴趣。 三、学情分析 学生在四年级上册已经接触了谈论过去式的话题,并学习了一些常见的过去式动词。知道过去式动词类型有规则和不规则形式,能用已学的过去式动词进行简短的对话,谈论、交流自己或他人过去发生事情。本班学生初步形成了运用英语与人交流的能力,也具有一定的听、说、读、写的基础。四年级上册的过去式学习后,学生基本上能在老师的提问或提示下进行过去式的交谈,能在过去式动词的提示下描述过去的某一件事。但对于动词原型与动词过去式的转换上还略显生疏,在谈论的语句里会暴露此问题。 四、重点难点 教学重点: 学生能用已学的过去式动词,有条理地描述过去发生的事情 教学难点: 1、学生能用已学的动词过去式描述过去发生的事; 2、学生能有条理地编写一个简短的英语故事 五、任务设计 本课的任务是四人小组一起编故事,完成一本手工绘本。 六、教学过程 Step1. Pre-story activities1. GreetingT: Good morning, everyone.2. Game: Say the past tense quicklyT: Sit down, please. Lets play a game. You say the past tense of the words to help the cat catch the mouse. 3. 评价 T: Wow, wonderful. Children, we have 2 teams. G1 and G2 are the cat team. G3 and G4 are the mouse team. Try to get more cheese and be the winner.4. Say a chant1)课件出示图片,生先,观图回答教师的问题T: Who are they?T: All right, lets listen the chant.2)回答问题,并学习过去式 went/bought/eat/(教师板书关键词:where, when, what?) Q1: Where did the sheep go? 板书 wentQ2: When did he go?Q3: What did he buy? 板书 bought Q4:What did he eat? 板书 eatQ5: Then where did he go?3)T: Lets say the chant together. Step2. While-story activities1. Listen and answer: who is the mouse?T: Children, today well learn Module3 Unit2. Its a story of a mouse. Who is she? Please, listen and answer.2. Listen and answer.1) T: What happened to her? Please listen and choose the answer. Q: Where did she go? A. shop B. Factory Q2:When did she go?A. yesterday B. last month2) 教学单词:into、month 教学 into 集体小组个人 借助课件帮助学生理解其意,并板书。 教学 month. month-monkey-money 集体-男女生-个人 Fingers ready. mon-th 板书单词 T: We have 12 month in a year. This month is October. So September is last month. 带读 last month3. Read and choose,然后学习 run away, scaredT: Last month, Tilly went into a shop. What happened next? Read story and choose answer.What did she buy?A. cake B. cheese教学单词:cheese T: Great, cheese (全班-小组读个人读)please-these-Chinese 板书What did she eat?B. cake B. cheeseWhat did she see?A. a cat B. a sheep4. Listen and imitate5. Retell the story.Step4. After-story activities.1. A game: play the dice and say what Tilly did?T: Tillys story was so exciting. What other did she do last month? Lets play the dice game in your group.S:T: Who wants to show?2. Make a new picture story book of Tilly.Tillys story was so exciting. Lets make a new picture story book of Tilly. At first, do you want to see my picture story ? Please discuss in group of four. Then write it down.Word bankWhere did she go?What did she see?What did she do?Feeling (感受)Ending (结尾)schoolfactoryshopteachers and childrenworker and machinefood: cheese, sweets, crisps, potatoesClothes: dress, T-shirt, jacket, went to schoolplayed ball gamespainted a pictureate some cheesebought a dresshappysadboredangryscaredhad a good timehad a stomach ache fell overbumped the headcut the fingerran awayparkzoovillage hospitalsweatertrees, flowers, lakeAnimals: pig, elephant, wolf, sheep, cat, duckdoctor and nurseclimbed the treecleaned the roomwashed the trouserswatched TV New story: 1234Tilly MouseOne day, Tilly went into a _. She _. She _. Then she_.Tilly was _.She _. Pictures by _ Story by _Step5. Assignments1. Retell the story of Tilly to your parents;2. Draw pictures for the new story.Step6. Blackboard designingM3 U2 She went into a shop. Cat MouseWhen?Where?TiilyWhat didbuy? (bought)eat? (ate)see? (saw)
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