Module 2-Unit 1 When are we going to eat -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:a0425).zip

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My travel plan for summer holiday Name: Place: Time: Transportation: Partner: Activity: My travel planThe summer holiday is coming._What are they going to do? today tomorrow What are you going to ? When ?Pair work: 复习复习bebe goinggoing toto结构结构,并制定暑并制定暑假旅假旅行行计划。计划。Task:What are they going to do today? What are they going to do today? They are going to have a picnic in the park.1.When are they going to eat? 3.What will the weather be like according to Daming? Why?2.What time is it now? 1.When are they going to eat? At half past twelve. When are we going to swim? _ _? Were going to eat at seven oclock. When_? _.1.When are they going to eat? At half past twelve.2.What time is it now? Its only half past eleven.Its going to rain soon.3.What will the weather be like according to Daming? Why?Because there are some dark clouds in the sky.aboutmouthroundcloudListen ,repeat then answerDaming is right.Who is right?Will they have a good time? Why? No, they wont.Because the ducks are eating their sandwiches. Daming: Look at the ducks! What are they doing?Simon: Theyre eating our sandwiches. It looks like youre going to stay hungry,Simon. Stay hungry, stay foolish. 求知若渴,虚心若愚求知若渴,虚心若愚My travel plan for summer holidayName: SunshinePlace:Time: Transport(交通):Partner(同伴):Activity(活动): The UKAugust 1stBy planeMy son Im going to visit Big Ben. Im going to eat traditional English dish. be going toThe summer holiday is coming. Im going to the UK with my son. We re going there by plane on August 1st . Were going to visit Big Ben. And were going to eat some English traditional food. I think we will have lots of fun. 1.Improve your writing.2.Read and act the text.义务教育教科书义务教育教科书新标准英语新标准英语一年级起点一年级起点Book12Book12 Module2Module2 Unit1Unit1 WhenWhen areare wewe goinggoing toto eat?eat?教学目标:教学目标:1.1. 学生通过比学过的单词学生通过比学过的单词 aboutabout,mouthmouth,roundround 和新词和新词 cloudcloud 来总结字母组合来总结字母组合 ouou 的发音规律的发音规律2.2. 学生通过一句俗语学生通过一句俗语 staystay hungry,hungry, staystay foolishfoolish 来理解来理解 staystay 的含义的含义3.3. 学生通过看图并进行问答来巩固学生通过看图并进行问答来巩固 bebe goinggoing toto 的特殊疑问句并能够回答。的特殊疑问句并能够回答。4.4. 学生通过制作学生通过制作 traveltravel planplan 来综合运用来综合运用 bebe goinggoing toto 结构。结构。5.5. 在掌握正确语音的基础上流利朗读课文并进行表演。在掌握正确语音的基础上流利朗读课文并进行表演。教学重点:教学重点:语词:later to go dark cloud dry stay语句:When are we going to eat? At half past twelve.教学难点:教学难点: BeBe goinggoing toto 结构的综合运用结构的综合运用教学准备:教学准备:CD-ROM、卡片、多媒体课件、投影仪教学过程教学过程课题课题:B12 Module2 Unit 1课型 新授第 1 课时I I、PreparationPreparationIIII、PresentationPresentationNewNew teachingteaching:1.GreetingsGreetings between teacher and students.2.(CD-ROM)SingSing thethe songsong of M2-what are we going to do? 3.3. pairpair workworkA:A: accordingaccording toto thethe chant(askchant(ask somesome questions)questions)WhatWhat areare theythey goinggoing toto do?do?WhenWhen areare theythey goinggoing toto thethe park?park?B:B: pairpair workwork (what(what when)when)PartPart 1:1:T: what time is it?T: Lets watch: what is Simon going to do?T: But its half past eleven. What do want to say to Simon?B:listenB:listen andand repeatrepeat Sing Go to the park at half past three Restaurant at seven oclockAsk and answer11:30He is going to get up and have breakfast.You are going to have lunch. Task:Task: 我们今天复习 Be going to 结构,并制定暑假旅行计划 。T:Look , who can you see?Can you guess what they going to do today?Maybe. Lets watch: what are they going to do today?ListenListen 1:1:T:T: what are they going to do today?ListenListen 2 2T: when are they going to eat? What time is it now? What will the weather be like according to Daming? why? 第一个问题之后:练习:练习:1.1. when are we going to swim? _(PPT 给框架)2. _ Were going to eat at seven oclock. 3.When _? _. 第三个问题: About mouth round cloud 3.3. listenlisten andand repeatrepeatT: Daming thinks its going to rain soon? Does Simons mum think so? Who is right? Lets listen, repeat then answer:Have a picnic climb the mountainHave a picnicAt half past 12.11:30 one hour to goIts going to rain.There are some dark clouds in the sky.Pair workNo IIIIII、PracticePracticeIVIV、ProductionProduction Who is right? Will they have a good time? Why?T: Daming is right. Its raining now. where should they run? Teach: dry=not wet Read in an angry way: look at the ducks! What are they doing? They are eating our sandwiches. Teach: stay stay hungry, stay foolish.- 保持Read in rolesLets read together! Act out!1.1. WriteWrite thenthen askask andand answeranswer (sb-4sb-4)This time lets say it together.2.2. MakeMake traveltravel planplanA:theA:the summersummer holidayholiday isis ing. ImIm goinggoing toto SoSo I I mademade a a traveltravel planplan yesterday.yesterday. DoDo youyou wantwant toto knowknow aboutabout it?it? WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto askask me?me? Where when who how what (问的时候把这几个字母粘黑板上) B: make your travel plan in 3 minutes.3.3. askask andand answeranswer aboutabout thethe traveltravel plan.plan.Daming is right.No.because the ducks are eating their sandwiches.ReadWriteAskWritePair workV V、SummarySummary 1.Write1.Write a a passagepassage accordingaccording toto youryour traveltravel plan.plan.2Show2Show youyou writingwriting SumSum up:up: what did you learn today? Homework:Homework: listen and imitate the text (three times) Talk about your familys trip with parentsWrite down
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