Module 7-Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:200cd).zip

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Lets find!Who is she? She is a very famous lady. She is from America. She couldnt see or hear. But she could learn and work. She wrote a book”If you give me three days light”Helen KellerWhat could Helen do?What couldnt Helen do?Helen couldnt see.But she could read.Helen couldnt hear.But she could speak.Read The first paragraph(第(第一段)一段) ,and answer questions!Read and answer!When was Helen born?Where was she born?What couldnt she do?1.When was Helen born?She was born in 1880.2.Where was she born?She was born in the US.3.What couldnt she do?She couldnt see or hear.The first paragraph(第一段第一段) Helen keller was born in the US in 1880.She had an illness at nineteen months old.After that she couldnt see or hear.Helen Keller couldnt see or hear,what could she do ?How about Helen Keller?Read The second paragraph(第二段(第二段) by yourselves,and tell us !Helen keller couldnt see or hear !But she could learn to But she learnt to read ,write and speak.It was difficult,but Helen was clever and she tried hard.When I was a baby,I couldWhen I was a baby,I couldntrun walk talk eat cry play jump dance sing drink smile go to school make cakeHow about Helen Keller? But she learnt to read ,write and speak. It was difficult,but Helen was clever and she tried hard.Read The third paragraph(第三段(第三段) with your group,and fill in the blanks!Fill in the blanks! Helen round the world and her story.She also b books and blind people. travelledtoldwrotehelpedSo Read The fourth paragraph(第四段第四段) with your partneer,and tell us some information(信息)(信息)!So She was famous all over the world.She is a model for blind people ,and also for you and me.Listen and tick1.Helen Keller was born in_. 1818 1880 18902.She coulnt see,but she could_. hear read sing 3.She couldnt hear,but she could_. see dance speak4.She helped_. animals deaf people blind people5.She was a model for_. blind people you and me animals Helen keller海伦海伦.凯勒凯勒邰丽华邰丽华StephenWilliamHawking史蒂芬史蒂芬威廉威廉霍金霍金张海迪张海迪Ludwig van Beethoven路德维希路德维希凡凡贝多芬贝多芬 They are the handicapped people(残疾人)残疾人).But they are very clever and try hard. They are famous all over the world,and a model for you and me!Never give up!(永不放弃!)(永不放弃!)Homework:1、Read the text.2、Tell your parents about Helen Kellers story.Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear 教学设计教学设计一、教学目标1.语言知识目标(1)要求学生会读、认知词汇:role model, born ,became, spell ,herself, all over(2)要求学生能够理解并掌握句型 I could ,but I couldnt,以及在表达人能力方面的运用。2.技能目标 (1) 学生能够用 could 和 couldnt 来描述过去自己能做和不能做的事情。(2)通过学习可以根据图片或思维导图讲述海伦凯勒的事迹,进一步写一写自己心目中值得学习的人的事迹。3、情感目标:通过学习可以激发学生学习英语的兴趣,同时通过海伦凯勒故事的学习,让学生感受残疾人在现实生活中的不便之处,不歧视、理解、并帮助残疾人。并且希望她的精神能激励学生在遇到困难时不逃避,勇往直前。4、学习策略:通过思维导图帮助学生理解文本脉络,理清写作思路二、学情分析本课所面对的教学对象是 12-13 岁的小学六年级学生,他们喜欢对自己感兴趣的事物进行分析,思维较为活跃。他们的知识储备和思想情感快速增长,已具备英语阅读理解和分析问题的能力,但是对文本的逻辑关系思路不清。三、教学重难点重点:通过学习可以简单复述海伦凯勒的生平事迹。难点:运用思维导图写一写自己心目中值得学习的人的事迹。四、教学过程、Warm up教师出示自己小时候的照片让学生猜猜这个小女孩是谁,然后再引出句型:As a baby, I could talk. But I couldnt write.学生仿照例句说说自己小时候能做以及不能做的事情。(设计目的:学生有很强的好奇心,让学生猜一猜照片里的人是谁,不仅可以瞬间激发学生好胜的心理,也可以活跃了课堂气氛,同时也唤醒学生对于词汇 could, couldnt 的记忆。)、Pre-readingFree talk 过后,教师出示海伦凯勒小时候的照片,提问“Whos this lady? What could she do ? What couldnt she do?”,然后让学生观看文本 Part 1 视频说说海伦能做以及不能做的事情。(设计目的:通过播放海伦凯勒的视频,使学生初步了解海伦凯勒的情况,为整个教学过程打下基础,为课堂教学的发展提供良好的开端。)、While-reading1.Watch 、listen and answer学生观看文本 Part2 动画回答问题“Is Helen Keller a role model for us?”动画播放后学生回答:“Yes, she is. She is a role model for blind people ,and also for you and me.”在这个活动中教师教授词汇 role model。(设计目的:通过回答问题让学生掌握课文 general idea,并引出思维导图的中心词 role model。)2.Read the text and say “T”or “F”1)Helen was born in 1880 .( )2)She was born in England. ( )3)She lived to be seventy-eight. ( )学生阅读文本,并通过细节阅读判断对错的活动,使学生了解 Helen Keller 的基本信息,并在黑板上绘制思维导图。在这个活动中,教师教授词汇 born,并教授 or 字母组合的发音。然后让学生用 I was born in 年份 in 地点。造句,来说说自己何时何地出生。(设计目的:第二次阅读文本是为了掌握文本的细节问题海伦凯勒的基本信息。)3.Read the text again and fill in the blanks1)As a baby, Helen became _ and _.2)Her _Anne Sullivan taught her to spell. She _ _ in Helens hand.3)Later Helen learnt to _, _ and _.学生再次阅读文本,并通过细节阅读填空的活动,使学生进一步了解 Helen Keller 的变化。在这个活动当中,老师利用黑板绘制思维导图的第二个,第三个分支。在这个环节中教师教授了词汇 became,spell。 (设计目的:通过对海伦凯勒逆境中仍然坚持学习的精神的描述,使学生了解她的努力,为之后的情感升华进行铺垫。)4.Read and underline the answer What was her achievement?教师提问:“Helen couldnt see or hear. But she could read ,write and speak. And what did she do then? What was her achievement?”学生快速阅读文本,并画出 Helen 的成就,同时教师在黑板上绘制思维导图。在这个活动中教师教授词汇 herself, all over,并注意词汇的拓展,由 herself 引到 myself、himself、 yourself。(设计目的:通过对课文内容提出的问题,使学生对海伦的成就有所了解,同时也感受着海伦的努力,进一步让学生明白为何海伦是所有人模范。)5.Listen and repeat学生听音模仿课文,注重语音语调的培养。 (设计目的:小学生以听说为主,跟读课文不仅可以帮助学生进一步梳理文本,也可以纠正学生的发音。)6.Ask and answerT: “What do you think of Helen Keller?”引导学生描述海伦在自己心目中是什么样的形象。(设计目的:通过此活动学生在表达出对海伦的崇敬,并以海伦的精神激励自己的同时,情感得到了升华。)、Post-readingRetelling学生以小组为单位根据思维导图来复述海伦的生平事迹,并进行小组展示。(设计目的:通过复述课文,检查学生对文本的理解情况,使学生能够借助思维导图完成语言输出,解决本节课的重点。)2.Writing教师给出范文,学生仿造教师的范文,并根据思维导图写一写自己心中崇敬的人物,并展示给全班看。(设计目的:此活动为拓展活动,通过对海伦的生平事迹的学习,可以联系自己的情感生活,写写心目中值得学习的人。)、Summary1.让学生自己说一说今天学会了什么?2.总结今天哪组获得的 sticker 最多,为布置作业做好准备。、Homework1. Make a poster for Helen Keller.2.Finish the writing after class and make a mind map for your role model.
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