Module 3-Unit 1 I took some photos.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:a22ff).zip

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小学阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。本课在学习课文的基础上,复现四五年级中出现过的有关经历的课文,并结合学生的生活实际,搭建语言支架,让学生在小组内交流自己过去的一天,达到综合运用语言的目的。 参照课程标准,本课在听说读写方面应达到以下目标:听:能在图片、图像的帮助下听懂所学内容,能听懂老师提出的问题。说:能正确地使用动词过去时,能在老师的帮助和图片的提示下讲述所做过的活动。读:能读懂短文并抓住大意,能正确地朗读课文。写:能根据图片、例句的提示,对所进行过的活动写出简短的描述。 本套教材是外研社版新标准英语。这套教材以任务为主线,以对话、故事为载体,语言知识的学习和运用紧密结合。旨在引导学生运用所学的单词、句型结构来说话、做事。一至四年级的教材是语言知识的呈现阶段,五六年级的教材为语言知识的复习阶段。 本课是外研版新标准英语第十二册Module3 Unit1 的第一课时。本课的话题是描述过去的一次经历。本课共分为四个活动。Activity 1 即热身活动,是一首关于Sam上周日做了哪些事情的小歌谣,复现了一些动词的过去式。Activity 2 即主课文,是Daming写的给Lingling的一封信,讲述了自己和Simon及Simon的妈妈上周六去公园野餐的一次有趣经历。Activity 3是本课的三组重点句型:I had a very funny day. I took some photos. There was a big lake and there were lots of ducks. Activity 4 的Practise主要是让学生们通过交流,能用动词过去式描述自己过去的一天并写下来。Book12 Module3 Unit1 I took some photos.I had a very _ day. It _ that day.(天气)First, I _.I _.Then, I _.feeling: funny, happy, sad, interesting, boring, nice, busy, .weather: was sunny, was hot, was cold, was raining, was windy, was cloudy, snowed, .place: the park, the zoo, the restaurant, the cinema, the supermarket, stayed at home, went to Beijing, .activity: took photos, had a picnic, went shopping, saw, ate, drank, did my homework, cleaned my room, played computer games, .My Day新标准英语新标准英语 Book12What did he do last Sunday?cleaneddidplayedreaddidntdrewwentlistenedMaybe he _ last Sunday.Listen and chant.What did he do last Sunday?Listen and chant.They had a picnic.It is a/an _ day. * happy* special * boring* sad* bad* funny* interesting * unforgettable (难忘的).What do you think of that day? Watch and answer. What was the weather like last Saturday? A. It was sunny. B. It rained all day. C. It was changeable.(多变的)Choose. What was the weather like last Saturday? A. It was sunny. B. It rained all day. C. It was changeable.(多变的)Choose.Underline.Listen and order.Listen and order.Listen and order.wanted / broughtthere was / there weretookwent1234wanted / broughtthere was / there weretookwent1234ran quicklyleft56ran quicklyleftdidnt567went / hadThose naughty ducks went to our food and drinks. They had a picnic! 8went9We were _, and we were _ with the ducks. hungryangrywent9Listen and repeat.Activity Book P10.1. When did Daming have a funny day?2. Where did he go?3. Who did Daming go there with?4. What did they bring?5. What was there in the park?He went there with Simon and his mum. He had a funny day on Saturday. He went to a park. They brought sandwiches and drinks. There was a big lake in the park and there were lots of ducks. Activity Book P10.6. What was the weather like?7. Who ate the sandwiches?It rained. First it was sunny. Then it started to rain. It rained and rained and rained. Then the rain stopped. The ducks did. Learnt to skate stayed at home went to a theatrewentworetoldlaughedatewent1watched a showwas / stayedmadeatedrankplayedstopped2learntworewasfell overwas able to3It _ that day.(天气(天气) First, I _. I _.I had a very _ day.Then, I _.wentworetoldlaughedatewent1watched a showwas / stayedmadeatedrankplayedstopped2learntworewasfell overwas able to3It was sunny that day. First, I washed my clothes. I cleaned my room.I had a very busy day.Then, I cooked dinner.feeling: funny, happy, sad, interesting, boring, nice, busy, .weather: was sunny, was hot, was cold, was raining, was windy, was cloudy, snowed, .place: the park, the zoo, the restaurant, stayed at home, the cinema, the supermarket, went to Beijing activity: took photos, had a picnic, went shopping, saw, ate, drank, did my homework, cleaned my room, played computer games Lets say.It _ that day. (天气)(天气)First, I _. I _.I had a very _ day.Then, I _.Homework:1. Listen and imitate the text on page 14-15 for five times.2. Try to retell Damings letter according to the photos.3. Go on finishing “My Day”.NSE Book12 Module3 Unit1 I took some photos.教学设计教学目标:教学目标:1.知识目标:(1)学生能够听说读写单词:close, brought, ran, left 学生能够听说认读单词:funny, quickly, get wet 学生能够掌握重点句型: I had a very funny day. I took some photos. There was a big lake and there were lots of ducks.(2)学生能够理解课文的基本信息,正确朗读课文。(3)学生能够根据课文内容回答问题。2.能力目标:(1)能够运用“had, went, took, ate, .”等动词过去式描述Daming的funny day。(2)能够提炼分析文章的结构,总结如何写好过去经历的几大要素。 (3)能够根据图片、例句的提示,描述过去发生的事。3.情感目标: 通过了解Daming的funny day,引导学生热爱生活,记录生活,快乐每一天。教学重难点教学重难点:1.重点:学生能掌握新的单词、词组和重点句型,能准确熟练地朗读课文。2.难点:学生能用过去式描述自己一天的经历。教学准备:教学准备:PPT课件,单词卡,板贴,练习纸教学过程:教学过程:Step 1 Leading in 1. Free talk: What did you do yesterday?2. Activity1: What did Sam do last Sunday?(1) Look at the picture carefully and try to guess “What did Sam do last Sunday?”(2) Listen the chant and find the answers: cleaned, found, closed, went(3) Chant together.Step 2 Presentation1. Review Module2 Unit1(1) What did Daming, Simon and his mum do last week?( They had a picnic. )(2) What do you think of that day?( Its a / an _ day. )2. Watch activity 2 and answer: How did Daming feel about that day?Teach the key sentence “I had a very funny day on Saturday.”Bb: I had a very day on Saturday.3. Choose and underline. (1) Choose: What was the weather like last Saturday? A. It was sunny. B. It rained all day. C. It was changeable.(多变的)(2) Underline the sentences about weather.T: The weather was changeable, now could you try to underline the sentences about weather?( Then it started to rain. ) Bb:( It rained and rained and rained. ) Bb:( Then the rain stopped. ) Bb:funnyLet Ss answer: What was the weather like at first from Module2 Unit1? ( Its a beautiful day. )( It was sunny. )Bb:4. Listen and order the photos in groups.T: According to changeable weather, they did many different things. Ive got some photos, and youve got some photos in your groups, too. Some are yellow, and some are blue. Lets listen and order these photos in groups.(1) Listen Part1 ( Paragraph1 ) and order the yellow papers. Listen Part2 ( Paragraph2 - Paragraph4 ) and order the blue papers.(2) Let two students help teacher stick the photos on the blackboard in the right order.Bb:5. Paragraph 1(1) Describe the first four photos in groups according to the key words. One person one sentence. Then, show it out.(2) Read paragraph 1 with Daming together.(3) Describe the first four photos together.6. Paragraph 2T: There were some dark clouds. Then it started to rain. Did they take any umbrellas?Teach “ran quickly”Did they take their food? Why?Teach “get wet”Bb:7. Paragraph 3T: It rained and rained and rained. What did the ducks do?( Those naughty ducks went to our food and drinks. They had a picnic! )8. Paragraph 4T: Fortunately, then the rain stopped. They went home. But look at Daming. Is he happy? There are two key words about Damings feeling. What are they? Daming saidWe were _, and we were _ with the ducks. ( hungry, angry )get wetBb: ( hungry, angry )Step 3 Practice and Consolidation 1. Repeat the letter.2. Discuss Activity Book exercise 1 on P10. 3. Finish the blackboard.T: Look at Damings letter. At the beginning, we should write .Bb: Hi Lingling,T: At last, dont forget to sign name.Bb: Love, Daming4. Retell the letter according the blackboard.Hi Lingling,I had a very day on Saturday.Love,Daming5. Sum up the structure of Damings letter and think over “How to write an experience well?”funny( hungry, angry )T: Daming wrote a letter about his last Saturday. First, he use one sentence to sum up his day. That is “I had a very funny day on Saturday.” Then, according to changeable weather, for example, “Then it start ted to rain.” “It rained and rained and rained.” “Then the rain stopped.” Daming told us “Where did they go?” “When did they go?” “What did they do?” and so on. So, from Damings letter, could you try to sum up how can we write an experience well? You can answer me in Chinese. ( feeling, weather, when, where, what, . )6. Describe a day we learned before in groups.T: We learned many texts about experiences before. For example, a letter from Lingling, she went to a theatre. A story about Zara. Lucy learnt to skate. Now suppose you were the main character in the story, lets try to tell these stories in groups. One person one or two sentences. Try to use “first, then” and talk about your feeling about that day. 7. Talk and write “My Day”.(1) T makes an example.(2) Let Ss talk and write.Step 4 SummaryT: Today we have learned Damings letter. And we talked about stories about experiences we learned before. Then we sum up how can we write our experiences well. At last, we shared “My Day” with each other. Step 5 Homework1. Listen and imitate the text on page 14-15 for five times.2. Try to retell Damings letter according to the photos.3. Go on finishing “My Day”.Blackboard design:
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