1、外研一起六下 M3U1I took some photos.课外拓展 Monkeys on the car教学设计一、阅读前1、 Free talkT: It was sunny last Sunday. I went to the park withmy families. I saw beautiful flowers and manyanimals. I had a very funny day. What about you?Where did you go last Sunday?What did you do?What did you see? (通过跟学生即兴讨论,开启课堂)2、
2、lead-inT: Do you know some animals?(ppt 出动物图片, 让学生说说动物单词,头脑风暴,为本课新课做铺垫)T: Today were going to read a story.(ppt 出封面)look,this is the cover of the book.What can you see ? (请几名同学简单谈谈封面)(PPT:通过封面图片和文字获取故事的有效信息)T:Where did they go? (引出 Safari park, 并 ppt 出图适当解释 Safari park-野生动物园)T: So they went to Longw
3、ood Safari park. Look atthe title “Monkeys on the car” and the cover whatdo you want to know?Eg. 1、how many monkeys?1、What happened?2、Who are they?3、 Why they drove a car?4、 Whats in the park?二、阅读中1、T: Now lets listen to the story.(第一遍整体感知故事)2、分页讲解(通过本环节学习新词、让同学们认真观察图片,发现有趣的地方) (PPT:给学生阅读方法提示:根据图片和上
4、下文理解词义,并理解故事)3、整体跟读4、小组讨论:T: Were there any monkeys in the car?Ss: No.T: Why did dad say: “And monkeys in the car?”三、阅读后1、闯关检测: (利用一起作业网-闯关练习,一起作业网随机选择同学回答, 增加趣味性, 学生注意力高度集中)2、图片排序(再次对学生故事了解度进行检测)3、小结:解决黑板的问题(通过解决问题,再一次检测孩子对故事实际了解情况, 能否实际运用)4、制作阅读卡(小组展示) (利用一起作业网计时器,并给学生颁发学豆。 ) (PPT:阅读方法提示:带着收获与他人分享故事,养成良好积累课外知识的习惯。 )5、小作文:funny day (拓展练习,让学生利用过去式完成)