Module 5-Unit 1 He is playing the suona, but the telephone rings.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:507ae).zip

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2017-20182017-2018 年下学期年下学期“民主民主多彩多彩”课堂教学竞赛暨师带徒课堂教学竞赛暨师带徒教师英语学科汇报课比赛教案教师英语学科汇报课比赛教案Module5 Unit1He is playing the suona,but the phone rings.课型:课型:读写课教材分析:教材分析:本模块的教学内容是描述正在做一件事情时另外一件事情同时发生的场景。第一单元的课文情景是 Daming 在他的生日聚会上为朋友吹唢呐,此时电话响了,他只好停下来。然后 Daming 再次吹起唢呐,但门铃响了,他又停了下来。这时来了不少朋友,Simon 的小狗也来了。Daming 第三次吹起唢呐时,小狗大声叫了起来,朋友们都听不到 Daming 的演奏。Simon 对小狗说:“别叫了!”小狗不再叫了,大家都笑了起来。教学目标:教学目标:1、知识目标:能运用 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings.2、能力目标:描述正在做一件事情时另外一件事情同时发生的场景。3、情感目标:了解中国传统乐器,在学习和交际中进一步注意中外文化异同。4、语言技能目标:全体学生能听懂:He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. He is playing the suona for the third time, but the dog starts to bark very loudly.全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。全体学生能按要求完成语句书写。教学重难点:教学重难点:进一步复习强化现在进行时的运用,教师应注意给英语学习有困难的学生更多的巩固机会,并帮助基础较好的学生进行拓展。同时复习和巩固 “but”在句子中表示的逻辑关系。教学具准备:教学具准备:单词卡、加分贴纸教学过程:教学过程:Step1:Step1: Warming-upWarming-upT:Hello everyone, Today we are going to learn Module5 unit1 He is playing the suona, but the phone talk(意图:以教师自身为例子,通过电脑“正在”接收的三封邮件引出且热身,让学生更快的从正在进行情景中找到正在进行时用法的语感。 )T:Look! Im getting an email from my friends, its a photo, can you tell me what are they doing in the photo?S:They are playing.T:Wow! Im getting an new email again, they are voice mails. Lets listen and guess, what are they doing?S:She/He is playing.T: Im getting an new email for the third time, its an introduction of suona. Lets see.Step2:Step2: Leading-inLeading-in(意图:通过设问青蛙在做什么,从而使用 having a party 为线索引出课文Damings birthday party,为课本中的 Activity 1 做准备。 )2.Look, listen and say.T: two dogs are talking about the frogs, please listen what are the frogs doing?S: they are singing and dancing , they are having a party.T: I think party is very interesting, look, Daming is having a birthday party too, but something happens. Lets see. (意图:引出“生日派对”话题,从而引入课文教学)Step3:Step3: Presentation/PracticePresentation/Practice1.Watch and listen. (意图:无字幕带着简单的问题初听课文)2.Read by yourselves and underline the sentences with“but” (意图:通过自读找出 but 的句子,引导学生初步关注 but 的用法,初步找出课文的 3 处重点。 )3.Read and check(意图:对找出的三处“but”进行检查和讲解同时教学新单词)4.Follow and read(意图:跟字幕朗读课文,加强对课文理解,同时检测新单词的发音) 5.Read together. (意图:全班完整阅读课文,让学生对全文有一个总的概况了解)6.Make sentences.(意图:加强课文总结性类句型的练习)7.Retell. (意图:使用图片排序复述课文,通过图片对课文加深了解)8.Granmmar(find and summarize)(意图:让学生自己重难点句子中对比,自行找出句子特点,教师再引导学生做出总结,从而了解“but”在句子中表示的逻辑关系,从而让学生明白本课语法知识重难点)9. Read and choose(意图:检测 8 中语法知识点的掌握)10.Practise(意图:提升检测难度,自行结合图片,根据前半句写出后半句。 )11. Imagine and talk(意图:让学生发挥想象,做口语练习,完整的口头表达前后句子,目的在于积累写作内容的素材,为下一步写作做好准备)12.Imagine and write(意图:让学生发挥想象,自行创设场景,做笔头书写练习,完整的书写前后句子)Step4:Step4: EmotionalEmotional educationeducationT: Look, we still have lots of instruments in China. You can find them in books or on the internet. Its very interesting and you will like it.(意图:展示中国的传统乐器,告知学生中国文化博大精深,作为中国人,需要更多去了解自己国家的文化。 )Step5:Step5: Homework.Homework.Imagine(想象) and write a little story about Tom And Jerry with your own words. (用自己的话去描写被杰瑞吵醒的汤姆后续的故事)板书设计板书设计: :Moudle5 Unit1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings.New words: third time bark loudlyHe is playing the suona, but the phone rings.正在进行时+but+一般现在时
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