Module 7-Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:9005b).doc

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Module 7-Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:9005b).doc_第1页
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Module 7-Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:9005b).doc_第2页
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Module 7-Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:9005b).doc_第3页
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Module 7-Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:9005b).doc_第4页
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Module 7-Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:9005b).doc_第5页
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1、Module 7Unit 2She couldnt see or hear.一、课题:新标准英语(一年级起点)六年级第十二册Module 7Unit 2She couldnt see or hear.二、学习目标:1、知识目标:(1) 能听、 说、 读、 写单词: could 、 couldnt、 illness、 famous、model(2)能听、说、读、运用词组:Be born in、all over the word .(3)能听、说、读、运用句子:A. she couldnt see or hear.B. she could learn to read、write and speak

2、.2、能力目标:(1)掌握 could 和 couldnt 的用法(2)学会表述他人会做什么?,不会做什么?3、情感目标:(1)关注学生学习过程中的情感体验,通过相互合作、自主探讨,培养学生自信、乐观的个性和积极的学习态度。(2)不管做什么事情,都能永不放弃!三、学习难点:1、新授单词的发音。2、could 和 couldnt 的用法2、谈论他人可以做什么,不可以做什么。四、设计理念:1、面向全体学生。2、依托课文情境进行教学。3、充分进行文化渗透。4、培养学生的自主学习能力。5、 由易到难进行活动设计, 让学生在愉快的氛围中从不同程度上得到提升,从而培养学生的综合语言运用能力,增强自信心。五

3、、学情分析:所教的学生是从一年级开始学习英语的六年级学生,他们对英语学习有一定的兴趣,学生的英语口语能力和语言组织能力比较强,已经有了一定的英语思维能力,本节课的主要任务是让学生如何运用已具备的技能、已知和新知的语言知识在真实或接近真实的语言环境中运用英语。六、学习过程:Step 1. Warmer:1、Greeting each other.2、Enjoy and try to sing the song “Good morning” .Step 2. Preparation1、Lead to the title.T:Play a game(find the words)amnucbchbs

4、heodeeclovufgadkpwlhirojqxdjklrirynmnoehszseefgtatpqr(设计意图:通过游戏的方式,呈现课题.)2、Learn to the first paragraph.(1)lead to :T:Show the pictures about Helen keller.(PPT).T:listen to the tape(two times)(2)Read and answer questions.(Group work)1、whoisshe?2、whereisshefrom?3、whenwassheborn?4、whydidshecantseeorhe

5、ar?(3)Read the passage together.3、Learn to the second paragraph.(1)lead to :T:Show the PPT and ask questions!what couldshedo ?HowaboutHelenKeller?(2)Read the passage,and find the answer.(出示板书)(3)Practice :Use the could and couldnt make sentences.When I was baby,IcouldWhen I was baby,Icouldnt(4)Read

6、the passage together.4、Learn to the third paragraph.(1)Lead to:T:Helen can do many things,read the third paragraph,and fill in theblanks!(白板教学,学生操作)Helenround the world andher story.Shealsobooks andblind people.(2)Teach some words.traveltravelled、telltold、writewrote、helphelped(3)Read the passage aft

7、er teacher.(4)Read together.5、Learn to the fourth paragraph.(1)Ask question,read the passage and answer.What has she got?(2)Show the PPT,and teach the words ”famous”model”“all over the world”(3)Read the passage together.(4)Listen to the tape,and read the passage together.(5)Retell the passage.Step 3

8、.Practise(write the story Stephen William Hawking史蒂芬威廉霍金 )He was born in.He couldnt.He could.He is famous.He is a model for.Step 4.Summary(Show the PPT)T:Told children:”Never give up!”Step 5.Homework.1、Readthetext.2、TellyourparentsaboutHelenKellersstory.板书设计:Module 7 unit 2She couldnt see or hear.Helen Kellercouldnt see or hear.was born in the US.readcould learn towritespeakwas famous all over the model for you and me.Module 7 ,Unit2She couldnt see or hear.教学设计


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