Review Module-Unit 1-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:702da).doc

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Review Module-Unit 1-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:702da).doc_第1页
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Review Module-Unit 1-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:702da).doc_第2页
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1、新标准英语(一年级起点)第十二册新标准英语(一年级起点)第十二册Review Module 一般过去时态复习一般过去时态复习一、教学目标1、知识目标:能进一步巩固一般过去时时态,复习动词的过去式,过去的时间词,一般过去时态的句型结构。2、能力目标:能够综合运用所学的一般过去时态的句型,读懂一般过去时态的文章,描述过去的事情并写下来。2、情感态度:提高学生的语言综合运用能力,培养学生的独立探索的优良品格和团结合作的竞赛。二、教学重点:能够综合运用所学的过去时态的句子,描述过去的事情。三、教学难点:能够总结过去所学的一般过去时态的知识点并完成思维导图。四教学准备PPT 课件、词条、一起作业网、希沃

2、系统、练习、A4 白纸、奖章五、教学过程Step 1 Warming up:1.Greetings. T: Class begins! Good afternoon boys and girls. How are you? Welcome to my English class.2.展示前置作业。T: 同学们,昨天老师给你们布置了一个前置作业,是阅读一起作业网的一个故事绘本并完成练习,Yes?(PPT 展示绘本封面和答题卡)T:Do you remember the name of the story?3.展示练习数据。T:I want to show you the data of your

3、 pre-work.Step 2 讲解前置作业。1.Exercise1. T: Look, this is text of the story. I want to circle the past tense in the story. 圈出过去式。 Who canhelp me?T:Look at exercise1. Who wants to try?took-takesaid-saysaw-seejumped- jumppulled-pull2.Exercise 2. T:Look at exercise 2. Do you know how to judge the sentence

4、T or F? Can you share yourreading skills? 教师根据练习题举例说明做阅读题的技巧。T:Sometimes,we can find the answer from one sentence according to the key words directly.But sometimes, we cant find the answer from one sentence, we have to find several sentences according to thekey words.And sometimes, we should read th

5、rough the whole text and try to understand the writer.Step 3 Revision:1.出示课题,复习课本中的一般过去时态。T:This story is written by the simple past tense. Do you knowsimple past tense? Yes, so today,we are going to review the simple past tense. Where can you find it in yourEnglish book?T: Can you give me some sent

6、ence?2.一般过去时态的思维导图。T: Look at the blackboard,I put this card in the center. What should be here ?Ss:动词过去式,过去时间词,句式。T:Okay,this is the thinking map, lets finish it together. Here are some rules for you.(PPT 呈现活动要求,使用倒计时器)展示思维导图。T:Times up, this part, which group wants to try?拍照上传图片,学生分组展示.PPT 出示思维导图,

7、师生一起复习总结。T:Look,here is my thinking map. Lets finish it together.Step 4Exercises1.布置过关练习。T: Can you understand this thinking map? Ss: Yes! T: Really? Let me check by some practice.Look,pass the four steps, you will be great! Okay?2. Step1, 找出动词过去式。T:Look! Here is step 1. (擦掉蒙层)Here is a funny game f

8、or you. You should usefinger and point to the past tense. Clear? Let me choose two students. Who are the lucky dogs? 使用一起作业网智慧课堂选人,奖励学豆。3. Step2, 用过去式造句。 T: Its time for step2.Look, it is a competition. Lets see which group can make moresentences within 1 minute. Okay?4. Step3,单项选择题。T: Whats step3?

9、Let me see. 请学生作答。5. Step4,小作文 Last Weekend. T:The last one(擦掉蒙层) 以 last weekend 为题完成小作文。 How to writethis article? We can think it over from many questions.(PPT 出示思维导图)T:Please take out your paper , you can write according to this thinking map.学生展示作文,希沃上传照片。Step5 Conclusion and homework.Homework: Copy the article to a text.板书板书一般过去时态the simple past tense动词过去式过去时间词句式


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