Module 1-Unit 2 What do you want to eat -公开课ppt课件--(含教案)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:e0125).zip

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What do you want to eat?Read and guess.Its in China.Its ten thousand li long.Its more than two thousand years old.Its one of the greatest wonders of the world.Its the Great Wall.Read and guess.Its in England.You can see lots of stones.The stones are in a circle.Some stones are on top of others. Its the Stonehenge.Read and guess.Its in London.Its 135 meters in height .It looks like a big wheel. It was founded for celebrating the New Thousand Year. Its the London Eye.Stonehenge is a monument located in the English county of Wiltshire. This ancient monument of huge stones standing on the vast Salisbury plains in England has captured our imaginations for centuries. It was a huge job to transport these stones from Wales, because originally there were about 80 of them here at Stonehenge weighing up to four tons each. No one knows why people built this. Which building do you want to visit?I want to visitthe Big Ben.the London Eye.the Great Wall.the Ming tombs.the White House.the Buckingham Palace.the Summer Palace.the Stonehenge. Its the UN building.Look and guess. What is it?Look carefully and describe the UN building.the UN= the United Nations联合国组织联合国组织The UN Knowledge Quiz1. The UN was set up in _. A. 1947 B. 1938 C. 1945(C)2. The Symbol of the UN is _.A. B. C. The UN Knowledge Quiz(A)The UN Knowledge Quiz3. Is Chinese one of the official languages (官方语言)? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.(A)The UN Knowledge Quiz4. The first assembly(大会)of the United Nations was held in _. A. New York B. Beijing C. London(C)Lets visit the UN building with Simon and Daming.1.1. DamingDaming wantswants toto visitvisit thethe UNUN building.building.T T2.2. TheThe UNUN buildingbuilding isis inin London.London. F F3.3. ChinaChina isntisnt inin thethe UN.UN. F F4.4. ManyMany countriescountries areare inin thethe UN.UN. T T5.5. TheThe UNUN buildingbuilding isis bigbig butbut short.short.F F6.6. ThereThere areare lotslots ofof talltall buildingsbuildings inin China.China. T T7.7. DamingDaming wantswants toto gogo insideinside thethe UNUN building.building.T TRead quickly and find the answers to these questions. 1. Where is the UN building?Its in New York.2. Is China one of the first countries in the UN?Yes, it is.3.What does the UN want to do?China is one of the first countries in the UN.Many countries are in the UN.DamingDaming wantswants toto visitvisit _._. ItsIts inin _._. ItsIts veryvery _._. ItIt wantswants toto _ inin thethe _ areare inin ChinaChina isis _ inin thethe UN.UN. Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue.TheThe UNUN buildingbuilding isis _._. ItsIts veryvery _._. WeveWeve gotgot lotslots ofof _._. inin China.China. DamingDaming wantswants toto _ thethe UNUN building.building.Lets travel. Lets take a trip.Do you want to go to ?D you want to visit ?BeijingLondonNew York ParisThe Great WallThe Big BenThe UN buildingEiffel TowerThe Ming TombsThe London EyeStatue of LibertyTriumphal Arch The Summer PlaceThe Tower BridgeEmpire State Building Picasso Museum 1. Where is the UN?Its in New York.2. Is China one of the first countries in the UN?Yes, it is.3.What does the UN want to do?The UN wants to make peace in the world.Read quickly and find the answers to these questions. Pay attention to the pronunciation of these letters.peach meat teacher peaceThe September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C., area on September 11, 2001. One World Trade Center at dawn, Saturday, Sept. 10, 2011 in New York. Ceremonies will be held at the site Sunday for the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the United States.Today, we tell the story of the 9-11 attacks through some of the words spoken that morning ten years ago. On September eleventh, two thousand one, nineteen al-Qaida members hijacked four passenger planes in the eastern United States. They crashed two of them into the World Trade Center in New York City, destroying the Twin Towers.A third plane hit the Pentagon, the Defense Department headquarters outside Washington. The fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.I wish our world will world peace!world A.the earth B. the country C. the cityGuess the meaning of “world” according to the context.(A)The UN is in expectation of peace. Please make our own anti-war slogans for the UN.One world, one dream.We love peace forever.Lets be friends, not enemies.Peace,not war!Give us our home ! The war, get out! War ,what is it good for? absolutely nothing!We want to live in a friendly world.Our Slogans. the Sydney Opera house the White house1.Its in America.2.Its painted white.3. Its got lots of rooms.4. American presidents and their families live in it.5. Its in Australia.6. Its a performing arts centre.7. It looks like shells.8. Its a modern expressionist design. 9. It really is a TV and radio tower that services the Shanghai area 10. It is the tallest tower in Asia.11. It is the symbol o the rapid development of Pudong in recent years.Read and match the sentences with the buildings.Lets appreciate some famous landmark buildings (标志性建筑标志性建筑).They are in Shanghai.Lets appreciate some famous landmark buildings (标志性建筑标志性建筑).They are in London.Lets appreciate some famous landmark buildings (标志标志性建筑性建筑).They are in Paris.1.Act out the dialogue or retell the text.2.Talk about your favourite building in groups.3. Design a landmark building (标志性标志性建筑建筑) for Changsha City. And then talk about your design in groups.Choose one of the tasks to finish in groups.These drills may help you.Do you want to visit ?Do you like this building?It is tall/ big/ beautiful/ etc.We want toWe have gotHomework. Choose one of them to finish. 1.Write a short passage about the UN building.2.Write a short passage about your favourite building that you visited before.3.Write a shout passage about your design of landmark building in Changsha City. Thank you!1What do you want to eat?教学教学内容内容1. Teaching materials 教材中的文章教材中的文章Simon: Do you want to visit the UN building?Daming: What that?Simon: Its a very important building in New York. The UN wants to make peace in the world. Many countries are in the UN.Daming: Is China in the UN?Simon: Yes. China is one of the first countries in the UN.Daming: Wow! Its beautiful. Its very big and very tall.Simon: Havent you got buildings like this in China?Daming: Yes, we have! Weve got lots of very tall and big buildings in China!Simon: Really! Do you want to go inside the UN building?Daming: Yes, please. 2. 设计学案:设计学案:1)根据提示猜世界著名建筑物;2)欣赏联合国大厦外观并进行描述 3)听力策略训练,听对话判断句子正误;4)迅速阅读,回答问题 4)出示不完整的课文内容,读课文后填空;5)创设主题,让学生运用所学词汇和句型分层次编对话;培养学生实际运用语言的能力,6)将所编对话改编成短文,训练他们写作的能力。教学目标知识目标知识目标:1.Vocabulary 词汇:peace, world2.Sentences 句型:掌握句型:“Do you want to visit the UN building?” “The UN wants to make peace in the world.”能力目标:能力目标:1、能描述联合国建筑物的外观;2.能表演所学对话或复述课文;3、能与他人交流谈论所喜欢的建筑物外观及功能作用;4、能自己设计城市标志性建筑并与他人交流描述。情感目标:情感目标:让学生了解联合国,培养学生维护世界和平,反对战争的情感,培养学生热爱我们的城市、国家。课时安排共三课时,此设计为第一课时Teaching & Learning procedures(The first period)Step 1:Leading in1. Look and say the names of some famous buildings.T: Look at the screen. Tell me the names of the buildings设计说明:设计说明:出示一些学生已学过的著名建筑物的图片,让学生说出名字。2设计意图:设计意图:既让学生复习巩固一下建筑物名称,又活跃课堂气氛,放松学生情绪。2. A guessing game.Have the students read the riddles and guess what buildings they are. 设计说明:设计说明:课件出示四个建筑物谜语,让学生阅读并猜测设计意图:设计意图:通过猜测建筑物的谜语,将学生的思维迅速地引向教学目标,使学生的思维与想象在适当的范围内展开,自然而然形成教学所需的相关语境。激发学生学习新知识的兴趣。Step2 Presentation 1. Free talkT: So many marvelous buildings. Which building do you want to visit?设计说明:设计说明:先进行师生问答,后学生自由回答让学生两人一组用英语简单交流想参观的建筑物。设计意图:设计意图:让学生回忆与对话主题相关的经验,既培养了学生运用语言的能力,引发学生的能动思维,又复习了以前学过本课又出现了的句型。 )2. Introduce the UN and the UN building1)Look and guess.T: Do you know this building? Guess! What is it?设计说明:设计说明:出示联合国大厦图片,让学生感知并学习 the UN building。设计意图:设计意图:从学生了解熟知的建筑物引出联合国大厦。2) Introduce some information of the UN to the students.Tell the students, “The UN is the abbreviation of the United Nations. The UN was set up in 1945. English is one of the official languages in the UN.”设计意图:设计意图:让学生简单了解联合国。3)Show the students some pictures of the UN building. Ask them to look carefully and describe the building.设计说明:设计说明:出示图片,展示各个角度的联合国大厦,让学生运用以前所学知识对其进行描述。设计意图:设计意图:让学生运用以前所学句型进行描述,对前面句型词语进行巩固,而这些句型词语在本课中又会出现,学生可以及早感知并能在真实的语境中加以操练。4) A game.Show a model plane to the students. Ask Individual student, “Do you want to visit the UN building?” If he says “Yes”, tell him to hold the plane and ask other students.设计说明:设计说明:让学生拿着模型飞机去询问小伙伴是否愿意去参观联合国大厦,如果得到肯定的回答,就让他们搭在一起乘坐飞机继续去询问其他小伙伴。3设计意图:设计意图:学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习,整个课堂气氛都会活跃起来,本课重点句型也让学生在情趣盎然的游戏中得以练习。5) Tell the students, “Daming and Simon are going to visit the UN building. Lets visit it with them.” 设计意图:设计意图:自然引入到课文的学习。Step3 Practice1、Play the recording of the dialogue. Get the students to listen and circle T or F.设计说明:设计说明:让学生听录音,完成判断句子正误的练习。设计意图:设计意图:让学生整体感知语篇,并培养学生的听力水平。2. Get the students to read the dialogue silently and answer the questions.设计说明:设计说明:让学生默读对话,并回答问题设计意图:设计意图:让学生带着问题来仔细阅读课文,学生在阅读的过程中理解语篇的意义,了解信息,丰富知识,积累和学习英语语言,培养英语语感, 发展思维能力,同时回答问题的过程中运用所学的语言。3、Learn the new word “peace”. 1) Show some words with the letters “ea” pronounced “i:”. Have them to read. Then practice reading the word “peace”. 设计说明:设计说明:出示学生已学过的一些带有字母组合“ea”发/i:/的单词,让学生发现读音规律,自己总结出 peace 的发音。设计意图:设计意图:让学生自己感受并总结出发音规律,顺利实现音形结合。2)Free talk.T: Lets appreciate the picture together. What do you think of “peace”? Show me your ideas. One sentence or several words will be OK.设计说明:设计说明:让学生静静的欣赏一张关于“和平”的图片,然后发表自己对于“peace”这个词语的理解与看法。设计意图:设计意图:发散思维是从一个信息源向多方面寻求思维结果的活动。这种思维注重学生的灵活性和知识的迁移,求得与众不同的结果,它在形式与内容上都有“活”的性质,此环节让学生从不同角度以全方位的思想来进行思考,训练其思维的灵活性,调动学生的学习积极性,培养学生敏捷、灵活、开阔、独特的思维和创造能力。另外此环节用于培养学生爱护和平,反对战争的思想感情,学生由于亲身的参与,有感情的投入与思维的活动,其心理素质会得到更多的训练与提高。4. learn the new word “world”1) The same way to learn the pronunciation of the word “world”.2) Have the students guess the meaning of “world”according to the context.4设计说明:设计说明:让学生根据上下文猜测词语“world”的意义。在学生猜词有困难时,给出几个选项帮助学生进一步缩小范围。设计意图:设计意图:学生尝试根据上下文猜测词义,长此训练,就能消除学生在阅读中对新词的畏惧感。并坚持训练学生用英语解释英语,培养学生养成用英语思维的习惯。5. Have the students to listen and repeat. Boys and girls take turns to stand up and read after the recording.设计说明:设计说明:男女生轮流起立跟读句子。设计意图:设计意图:听音跟读是训练学生语音语调必不可少的环节,但这项活动经常会使学生觉得单调枯燥,让学生轮流起立跟读会让他们觉得更有意思而积极参与其中。6. Have the students to fill in the blanks according to the text.设计说明:设计说明:将对话改编成短文,留出关键词语让学生填空。设计意图:设计意图:这项任务能很好地训练学生综合运用语言能力,这种方式不仅增加了他们的阅读资源, 也进一步巩固复习本单元的重要句型及词语,并且为学生后面写短文的任务完成打下基础。Step4 Extension 1. T: Lets appreciate some famous landmark buildings in different cities.设计说明:设计说明:出示几个大城市的标志性建筑,让学生说说它们位于哪个城市。设计意图:设计意图:为拓展任务的完成做准备。 2. Have the students to choose one of the tasks to finish in groups.1) Act out the dialogue or retell the text.2) Talk about your favourite building in groups.3) Design a landmark building (标志性建筑) for Changsha City. And then talk about your design in groups设计说明:设计说明:给学生提供三项任务进行选择, 学生分组自主选择一项任务完成。1、表演课文;2、分组谈论自己最喜欢的建筑物;3、为长沙设计一座标志性建筑并进行描述。设计意图:设计意图:为不同层次的学生设计不同层次的拓展任务,让学生自主选择,争取让每位学生都能积极参与进来。拓展任务贴近社会实际和学生生活,活化课文,进行开放性延伸,增强课堂交际活动的真实感和实用性,使学生进一步体会英语作为交际工具的实用价值,获得用英语解决实际问题的成功体验。创设这些情景也能更好的培养学生的观察力、想象力和创造力。Step5 Homework T: Choose one of them to finish. 1) Write a short passage about the UN building.52) Write a short passage about your favourite building that you visited before.3) Write a shout passage about your design of landmark building in Changsha City. 设计说明:设计说明:让学生根据课堂上创编表演的对话进行修改完善,再写成短文。设计意图:设计意图:高年级的学生应加强写作训练,课堂教学的最后一个环节已经让学生自主编排表演了对话,再根据课本内容安排一次小练笔,针对性强、时效性高,学生可以自如的运用新语句表达自己想表达的思想,体验成功。学生课后还可以仔细思考,将自己独到的视觉、细致的观察都反映出来,提高写作水平。
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