Module 2-Unit 2 It will rain in Beijing.-公开课ppt课件--(含公开课教案+视频+素材)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:01290).zip

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Module 2 Unit 2 It will rain in Beijing.Lets guess: Lets guess: W Whats the weather?hats the weather?燕子低飞,蚂蚁搬家。燕子低飞,蚂蚁搬家。星星明,来日晴。星星明,来日晴。冬起东风冬起东风, ,雪边天。雪边天。天上瓦片云,地上晒死人。天上瓦片云,地上晒死人。头发响,风一场。头发响,风一场。烟筒不出烟,一定是阴天。烟筒不出烟,一定是阴天。hot热 cold冷sunny晴朗伴我行snow snow雪花飘rain rain雨不停windy windy 天刮风 cloudy cloudy多云少见晴 weather weather是天气 Lets chantLets chantWhat will the weather be like What will the weather be like inin BeijingBeijing/ /HarbinHarbin/ /DalianDalian/ /XianXian/ /Guangzhou?Guangzhou? It will be will be rainy. It will bewill be snowy. 有雨的有雪的 will bewill be adjective adjectives s ( (形容词形容词) ) It willwill rain. 下雨 It willwill snow. 下雪will will verbs(动词) verbs (动词)adjectives (形容词)3.3.They will some tea. 2. 2.I will this evening. 1.1.Shanghai will be tomorrow. 4.4.Sam will be . happydrinkcloudypaly the violinLook and writeIt will snow.It will be hot.It will be cloudy.XiningXiningQingHaiLakeQingHaiLakeJianzhaYushuYushuTomorrowTomorrowAsk and answer.Ask and answer.L Lingingl ling ing willwill go on go on her her holiday. holiday. Can you ask her some questions? Can you ask her some questions? wherewhowhathowwhenwho Linglings planLinglings plan Tomorrow, Lingling will go to Hainan Island. She will go by trian. Her grandma will go with her.Lingling likes swimming and they will siwm in the sea. The weather will be hot. She is very happy.My plan for the weekendname:name:place:place:weather:weather:traffic(traffic(交通交通): ):activity(activity(活动活动): ):My name is.I will .My name is.I will .HomeworkMake a weather report by yourself.Module2 unit 2 It will rain inBeijing.教学设计 教学内容:外语教研英语(一起)六年级下册 Module2Unit2 It will rain in Beijing.教学目标:1.确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用 To learn the meaning and simple usages of some words and phrases2.学习使用本单元重点句型及表达。 To use the typical sentences to express3.鼓励学生大胆发言及表达。To encourage the students to express bravely4.培养学生对英语学科的兴To make the students interested in English learning.教学重点:在学习了单词的基础上,以单词为载体,进行主要句型的学习,根据具体情境,学会交流对话,侧重句型学习,交际意向和课外拓展为重点。-.It will rain in Beijing-.北京将要下雨教学难点:学生处于小学阶段,对一些事物的认知尚且模糊,对部分单词的感知和理解可能存在问题。对于六年级下学期学生的要求重点是会读会说,敢于模仿表达,其次能掌握一些基本单词的拼写和造句,在此基础上与人进行简单沟通。教学方法:多媒体形象展示,分散难点,游戏操练,给学生创设场景,模拟播报天气,以达到灵活运用的目的。教学准备:课件、照片素材、视频文件、单词卡片,教学道具教学过程师生活动设计意图1. GreetingsT:Good morning boys and girls!S:Good morning Miss Ma !T:What day is it today?S:Its Thursday!T:Whats the weather like today?S:Its.与学生热情的打招呼,营造积极轻松的学习氛围。Step1:Warming up2. Lead inT:Oh!Its .What a nice day!What are you going to do after school?S:Im going to.T:Oh!your plans are vey nice!Listen !This is my plan on Saturday.I will have a picnic on Saturday.But if it rains,I wont have a picnic.So I need to get the weather on Saturday.Will it be sunny?Will it rain? Ss:Yes,No,Maybe.T:How can I get the weather ? report.T:Yes!From the weather report,we can get Saturdays weather .Now watch the video and answer :What will the weather be like in Xinning on Saturday.自然的导入,引出本课将要学习的语句。1. watch the video 学生观看英文天气预报的视频。T:What will the weather be like in Xinning.Ss:It will be sunny.T:so I will have a picnic on Saturday.Im happy! Can you say some word s about weather?Ss:windy ,cloudy.分别出示单词卡:hot.sunny .通过视频的观看,一方面从感官上引起学生的兴趣,让学生对英文天气预报有所了解;另一方面为练习中学生扮演预报员做示范。2.Lets guessT:You know so many words about weather.Lets guess :whats the weather?(Show some Chinese sentences about weather )语文课程与英语课程的结合,复习有关天气的单词。Step2:PresentationLets chanthot 热 cold 冷sunny 晴朗伴我行snow snow 雪花飘rain rain 雨不停windy windy 天刮风 cloudy cloudy 多云少见晴 通过朗朗上口的歌谣,便于学生记忆。weather weather 是天气3.Learn the text(1)listen and answerT:Just now we got the weather about Xining.Now please listen and answer:What will the weather be like in BeijingHarbinDalianXianGuangzhou(根据学生的回答,将板书有意识的分为左右两边板书:It will be.It will.).(2) Read the text(3) Groupwork: Recite(根据板书引导学生背诵)(4) Tell:It will be .and It will.T:look at the blackboard and find the difference。SS(引导学生可以用中文)will be +形容词 will+动词原形T:Wonderfu! wacth the video(微课)T:Can you tell “It will be .and It will.”?Ss:Yes!训练学生的听力通过微课让学生更直接的区分 It will be .and It will.的用法Step3:practise Do practise on P12实战演练,反馈对微课内容的理解。Step4:Consolidation and Summary1.Lets play roles:T:Look at this map of Qinghai!Can you be a weather reporter? Ss( show)通过“little weather reporter”的扮演,让学生在真实的语用中体验英语乐趣。2.Read and answer(1)T:From the weather we can make plans.This is Linglings plan on her holiday.Can you ask some questions?(出示:where what how when 等特殊疑问词。)For example:What will she do?学生用所提供的的单词提问。Ss:Where will she go?.(2) 出示 Linglings planT:Read and answer拓展:一方面是通过反向思维,学生猜 tingting的计划,再根据自己的提问阅读解决问题,另一方面是为写自己的计划给范文。Step 5:HomeworkMake your plan for the weekend.BlackboardingModule2 unit 2 It will rain in Beijing. It will.It will be It will课后反思本课本着新课改的教学理念,从小学生学习英语的兴趣出发,充分发挥他们的主动性和积极性,让每个孩子都说出来,动起来。教学效果比较好。 本课的亮点有:1. 通过活动,使学生在活动中学习了单词,记单词,课堂气氛活跃。 2. 通过多媒体课件的使用,提高了课堂学习的实效性。3. 本课整体教学设计流畅连贯,教学实施过程顺利。不足之处: 1.本身的口语表达,个别词汇不够准确,今后应加强基本功的练习。 2.拓展环节设计简单,没有满足程度较好学生的需求。sunnysunnysunnysnowrain
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