Module 4-Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs!-公开课ppt课件--(含公开课教案+素材)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:10c80).zip

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The apples are falling down the stairs.教学反思本节课的内容为六年级英语第十二册第四模块第二单元,在备课的过程中,我对教材进行了一定的加工,根据学生的实际生活,扩展了教材的内容。除了教授课文中的重点单词、句型以外,还让学生自主创设情境,操练所学过的语言文化知识。但是我对课堂的整体设计不够严密,整个课堂并未出现我所期待的亮点。现将我对这节课的整体思路阐述如下:一、创设情境,学习新知。通过对课标的学习和理解,以及对学生和本课教材的分析,我在The apples are falling down the stairs.一课的教学时注意做到:创设丰富的课堂教学情境,通过任务型交际活动培养学生综合运用语言的能力。在本课教学中,我创设了较为生活化的交际环境,例:书掉地上,找气球等,让学生根据实际的情况让学生结合语境大胆尝试,用英语进行交际对话,让学生根据情况,作适当的回答,把完成任务的主动权交给了学生。交际用语就自然地融入到交际环境中,并在期间渗透情感教育,即使别人因有事要做不能帮助你,也要同样表示感谢,做懂礼貌的好学生。学生通过交际活动,能够促使学生获取、处理和使用信息,用英语与他人交流、发展用英语解决实际问题的能力。二、自主学习,发挥学生的表演才能,在真实的情景中灵活的运用英语。英语作为一门语言,应体现它的交际功能,我一贯认为学生会应用英语是关键。在拓展环节,让学生自己创编、设计需要他人帮助的情境,给学生自由发挥的空间,通过小组合作,让他们充分的发挥想象,运用所学的内容自编自演谈话场景。这样学生可以活学活用英语,同时也培养了学生的表演才能。有的学生极有想象力和创造力,能够有一些新点子自创情境,而且往往不局限于本节的内容。此外,本课存在着许多的不足。如:教师和学生间的交流还不够深入;课堂语言叙述较为平淡,波澜不惊,没有高潮;整堂课的时间分配欠合理,没能全面统筹,科学分配;课堂上学生听得不够充分,没能充分让学生读课文。如果让我重新上这节课,我会加强单词和句型的训练,加 强提问的艺术性,点面结合,让好、中、差的学生都有机会回答,让差的学生回答简单的问题,让他们也感受成功的快乐。今后我会在在教材拓展方面多下功夫,多收集素材,多多训练学生敢说,爱说的表达能力。总而言之,我要努力提高自己在英语语言方面的水平,全面锻炼自己多方面的应变能力,做到授课时不慌不乱,沉着稳重 Module 4 Unit 2 TheThe applesapples areare fallingfalling downdown thethe stairs.stairs. Teaching contents: Module fourfour TheThe applesapples areare fallingfalling downdown thethe stairs.stairs. Important points: Review the new sentences.Difficult points:Be able to say: Can I help you? Yes, I can. These bags are heavy.Preparation: tape recorder, computer, some picturesTime:40 minutesTeaching course:1. Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls.Nice to see you again.How are you?2. CAI show:Play a game What can you see in the picture?If the students can say ,let them stand up and say loudly.3. Review the passage about P20 Look at the screen ,show some questions .Let them answer “T” or “F”4. Watch TV,and try to answer:What is happening?5. Listen again and fill in the blanks.6. Listen ,point and read after the tape.7. Repeat the passage. 8. Listen the tape and answer:Who can help the woman? Match and write.9. Make some sentences with “ Can I help you?” Ex. Can I help you? These bags are heavy. I cant walk well. Im very old.10. Learn to sing a song: Who can help me?Homework: Draw some pictures and make a dialogue about the picture.Writing on the blackboard: Module fourfour TheThe applesapples areare fallingfalling downdown thethe stairs.stairs. Everything is falling. The eggs are broken. What a mess! The apples are falling down the stairs. The cola is falling. carryfly awayfall downholdlaterheavy(稍后(稍后)(重的(重的)carryfall downholdlaterheavyfly awaycarryfall downholdlaterheavyfly awaycarryfall downholdlaterheavyfly awaycarryfall downholdlaterheavyfly awayT or F 1.Mum is at the supermarket.2. Daming is going to have a Chinese birthday.3. Mum doesnt need help.4. Daming helps mum.5. Daming can hold the oranges and the balloons.6. The balloons are in the sky.This bag is _. I cant _ it. Who can help me?heavycarryI will help you.Sorry, I cant.Im running.Whats happening ?The apples are falling down the stairs.The eggs are falling.The cola is falling , too.(楼梯(楼梯)Who can help me with my bags? Theyre heavy as you can see. Who can help me on the bus? Its hard because Im old. Who can help me up the stairs? I dont want to fall. Can I help you? Thank you./Thank you to you all. carryfly awayfall downholdlaterheavy(稍后(稍后)(重的(重的)carryfall downholdlaterheavyfly awaycarryfall downholdlaterheavyfly awaycarryfall downholdlaterheavyfly awaycarryfall downholdlaterheavyfly awayT or F 1.Mum is at the supermarket.2. Daming is going to have a Chinese birthday.3. Mum doesnt need help.4. Daming helps mum.5. Daming can hold the oranges and the balloons.6. The balloons are in the sky.This bag is _. I cant _ it. Who can help me?heavycarryI will help you.Sorry, I cant.Im running.Whats happening ?The apples are falling down the stairs.The eggs are falling.The cola is falling , too.(楼梯(楼梯)Who can help me with my bags? Theyre heavy as you can see. Who can help me on the bus? Its hard because Im old. Who can help me up the stairs? I dont want to fall. Can I help you? Thank you./Thank you to you all.
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