Module 8-Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads -公开课ppt课件--(含公开课教案+微课+素材)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:b28cd).zip

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英语(新标准)(一年级起点)英语(新标准)(一年级起点)六六年级年级下册下册What did Sam do last weekend?Sam looked for his bag.Where was his bag?It was under the bed.Answer the questions.Why was his bag under the bed?Because the cat took it away.Answer the questions.Listen and answer the questions.1.What did Sam see in the classroom?2.What did Sam ask?He saw some classmates.They had cups on their heads.He asked:Why do you have cups on your heads?Why are you laughing?Read the text and answer.1.Why do they have cups on their heads?2.Why are they laughing?3.What did they plan to do?Because Lingling made a mistake.Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps for the game.But Lingling brought some cups.They planned to play a baseball game.Its easy to make mistakes with English words.I make lots of mistakes with Chinese words,too.worldworkSam saidWhat did Sam say?Can you read these words? caps -cups want-went sheep-ship cheap-chip bed-bad by-buy basketball-baseball bought -brought wore-were house-horse mouth-mouse ride-readRead the text and answer.1.What were there in Sams bag?2.What did they do at last?There were baseball caps.They put the caps on .Then they went to the playground and played baseball together.Try to retell the text.came saw had asked whyto Daming _(tell) Sam the story. They _ (plan)to play a_game.Amy_(ask)Lingling to bring some_for the game.But Lingling_ (bring)some _. They all _ (laugh). Then they_(put) the _ on their heads and _ (laugh) more.toldplannedbaseballaskedcapsbroughtcupslaughedputcupslaughedSam smiled.He said “_.”“_,too.”Then he opened his bag and there were some _.Everyone shouted. They put the _ on . Then they_and_.Its easy to make mistakes with English wordsI make lots of mistakes with Chinese wordsbaseball capscapswent to the playgroundplayed baseball togetherRead and write.Then ask and answer.laugh/happy-Why are you laughing?-Because Im happy.cry/sadshout/angryeat/hungry一、判断下列每组三个单词划线部分读音是否相同。( )1.hat cat map ( )2.sheep cheap ship( )3.plan plane place ( )4.bye buy by( ) word world ( )6.more wore wereTestTest二、根据句意,选择词语用其适当形式填空。cup classmate baseball bring more mistake word1.American people like playing _.2.Tomorrow were going to have a picnic. Im going to buy some _.3.Its easy to make some _ with English _.4.Yesterday I went to a library.I met some _ there.5.Can you tell me _about the Great Wall?Homework(1-2全体作业,3-4为选做作业。)1)抄写本单元的词汇和目标语句。2)读熟本单元的课文。3)讲述课文的故事。4)向家人和同伴介绍自己在使用英语时容易犯的错误,以及这些错误可能导致的误会,以及避免这些错误的对策。11、教材分析教材分析本课是英语(新标准)(一年级起点)六年级下册第八模块的第一单元。是通过学习课文让学生学会用 Why do you have cups on your heads? Why are you laughing?对不理解的事情进行询问;并且能用过去式的语言对过去发生的事情进行描述。2、学情分析学情分析学生从小学一年级开始学习英语,进入六年级的他们已经有了一定的英语学习基础,大部分学生养成了良好的英语学习习惯,对英语学习有一定的学习兴趣,有自己的学习策略。六年级学生对询问原因使用 why 句型在四年级已经初步接触过:Why do you love Australia? Why do you love kangaroos and koalas? 并且会用 because 句型回答原因。因此本课要学习的对不理解的事情进行询问这个语言学习不是困难的。另外用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情,学生已经有四、五、六年级三年的学习经验了,也没有太大的问题,只是一般过去时动词的不规则变化需要准确记忆是学生的困扰。三、教学目三、教学目标标1.语语言技能言技能(1)听:全体学生能听懂:Why do you have cups on your heads?(2)说:全体学生能听说:Why do you have cups on your heads?(3)读:全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文(4)写:全体学生能写出 4-5 个语句询问和说明原因2.语语言知言知识识(1)功能:询问和说明原因(2)语法:全体学生能运用:Why do you have cups on your heads?(3)词汇:全体学生能理解 cup, classmate, baseball, brought ,more ,mistake ,make mistakes ,word全体学生能运用:brought, word2部分学生能运用:cup, classmate, baseball, more, mistake, make mistakes(4)进一步强化语音语调,初步达到语调达意3.情感情感态态度度在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作4.学学习习策略策略在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考5.文化意文化意识识在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化异同(因果关系和相关差异)四、四、课时课时目目标标讨论自己在使用英语时容易犯的错误,这些错误可能导致的误会,并提出纠正和避免这些错误的对策五、教学重、五、教学重、难难点点1.重点:在具体的情境中进一步强化复习一般过去时的运用,以及询问和说明原因2.难点:学生能否发现自己在学习英语时容易犯的错误并能积极改正错误,避免将错误延续下去六、教学六、教学资资源源PPT 教学课件、单词卡片、教学 CD-ROM,教学资源、检测题试卷、微课七、教学七、教学过过程程(一)(一)导导入入 Warm-up and lead in.( (3 分分钟钟) )1. Greetings.2. Do free talk.T: What did you do last weekend?Did you play basketball/football?Did you do your homework/read books?3Did you tidy your room/bag? T: What did Sam do? Lets watch the CD-ROM.S: Yes, I played football./No, I didnt play basketball./.S: Sam looked for his bag.T: Where was his bag?S: It was under the bed.T: Why was his bag under the bed?S: Because the cat took his bag away.Now look, listen and say. (Activity 1)(观看光盘)【设计设计意意图图】通过师生谈话了解学生上周末做了哪些事情,学生能够运用一般过去时描述上周末发生的事情。再观看活动一动画,了解 Sam 做了什么?引入今天的话题:询问原因并能够回答原因。让学生根据看到的内容用已学知识组织语言回答问题。、2、任任务务呈呈现现和和课课文学文学习习 Task presentation and text learning (20 分分钟钟) )1. 交代任务:同学们,我们从一年级到现在已经学习了六年英语了,但是我们在使用英语时仍然会犯各种小错误,对不对?这不,Lingling 也犯了小错误。我们快来看看她犯了什么错误,然后我们来总结一下在使用英语时容易犯的错误还有哪些,这样我们就可以尽量避免以后再犯这样的错误了。2. Watch the CO-ROM and answer the questions.(PPT 出示问题)(1) What did Sam see in the classroom? (学生回答问题学习单词 classmate, cup)(2) What did Sam ask? (学生回答问题时教师板书 Why do you have cups on your heads?)【设计设计意意图图】整体感知课文内容,学生在老师的引导下,边看课文动画边思考问题,促进学生对文本的理解。3. Read the second paragraph and answer the questions.(PPT 出示问题)(1) Why do they have cups on their heads? (学生回答问题学习单词 mistake,make 4mistakes)(2) Why are they laughing? (学生回答问题并学习单词 brought, more)(3) What did they plan to do? (学生回答问题并学习单词 baseball)学生根据课文回答问题,学习单词,教师把单词卡片粘在板书上。【设计设计意意图图】利用小组合作学习读课文第二段,从文中找到问题的答案,理解课文,并且在这个过程中学习新单词。同时强化动词过去式。4. Sam 从中总结了经验教训 What did he say?(板书:Its easy to make mistakes with English words.)学习单词:mistake, make mistakes, word (在板书上粘单词卡片)举例说说哪些英文单词同学们容易混淆的。 (PPT)小组内交流,然后再举例说说自己在学习英语时犯的错误,大家共勉。【设计设计意意图图】教师引导学生在英语学习过程中容易混淆的单词。同时让学生在小组内总结自己易错的英文单词,并能够及时纠正错误。5. Read the text and answer the questions.(PPT 出示问题)(1)What were there in Sams bag?(2)What did they do at last?【设计设计意意图图】阅读课文回答问题,了解了故事的结局。6. Listen and repeat the text. Then check them reading in roles.、3、练习练习巩固巩固 Practice( (5 分分钟钟) )Read the text and try to retell the text.(PPT)【设计设计意意图图】再次回到整篇课文,根据图片和提示词复述课文,既检测学生是否掌握课文内容,又给学生提供了一个运用新学语言的机会。(四)(四)语语言运用(言运用(5 分分钟钟) )Read and write. Then ask and answer. (Activity 4)(PPT)5【设计设计意意图图】逐图出现活动四的内容,帮助学习理解活动要求,然后组织全班学生以小组为单位运用本课学习语言功能:询问和回答原因来进行语言实践活动。课课堂堂检测检测 : Test ( (5 分分钟钟) )I.判断下列每组三个单词划线部分读音是否相同。( )1. hat cat map ( )2. sheep cheap ship( )3. plan plane place ( )4. bye buy by( )5. work word world ( )6. more wore wereII.根据句意,选择词语用其适当形式填空。cup classmate baseball bring more mistake word1. American people like playing _.2. Tomorrow were going to have a picnic. Im going to buy some _.3. Its easy to make some _ with English _.4. Yesterday I went to a library. I met some _ there.5. Can you tell me _about the Great Wall?(六)小(六)小结结与布置作与布置作业业 Summary and homework( (2 分分钟钟) )1. Summary(1)New words and important sentences. (2(学会使用 why 询问原因并且用 because 回答原因。(3)在学习英语的过程中要认真学习语音知识,读准单词,积极听录音模仿。2. Homework(1-2 全体作业,3-4 为选做作业。 )(1)抄写本单元的词汇和目标语句。(2)读熟本单元的课文。(3)讲述课文的故事。(4)向家人和同伴介绍自己在使用英语时容易犯的错误,以及这些错误可能导致的误会,以及避免这些错误的对策。6(七七) 板板书设计书设计Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads?cup Because.classmatebaseballbring-brought Its easy to make mistakes with English words.more make mistakes word
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